所属分类: Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) Toxins 失忆性贝类毒素中毒(ASP)
产品编号:CRM-DA-g 加拿大NRC标准品
产品名称:软骨藻酸(domoic acid,DA)测定标准溶液
产品具体信息:CRM-DA-g is a certified calibration solution for domoic acid (DA), the toxin responsible for Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). Each ampoule contains ~0.5 mL of solution with 332 µM DA in acetonitrile/water (1:19, v/v) at a concentration suitable for calibration of liquid chromatography experiments and for spiking shellfish control samples for recovery experiments.
Status: Available