MVE Cryosystem美国液氮罐 真空质保三年————The MVE CryoSystem Series combines the benefits of low nitrogen consumption with mid-range vial capacity to meet the diverse needs of today’s professionals worldwide.
MVE Cryosystem美国液氮罐 真空质保三年中文参数表:
| Cr yoSystem 750 |
Z大储存容量 |
| 罐体数目 | 6 |
| 1.2 & 2.0ml 冻存管数(100/盒) | - |
| 1.2 & 2.0ml 冻存管数(25/盒) | 750 |
| 每架盒子数 | 5 |
性能 |
| 液氮容量(升) | 47.4 |
| 静态挥发量(升/DAY) | 0.39 |
| 工作容量(升) | 47 |
| 正常持续工作时间(天) | 76 |
尺寸 |
| 口径 英寸(毫米) | 5.0(127) |
| 总高度 英寸(毫米) | 26.50(673) |
| 外径 英寸(毫米) | 20(508) |
| 空罐重 英磅(公斤) | 42(19.0) |
| 满罐重 英磅(公斤) | 126(57) |
| CryoSystem 750 |
Maximum Storage Capacity | |
Number of Canister | 6 |
Number of 1.2 & 2.0 ml vials 100/box | - |
Number of 1.2 & 2.0 ml vials 25/box | 750 |
Boxes per Rack | 5 |
Performance | |
LN2 Capacity L | 47.4 |
Static Evaporation Rate* L/day | 0.39 |
Working Volume L | 47 |
Normal Working Duration**, Full Day | 76 |
Unit Dimensio | |
Neck Opening in. (mm) | 5.0 (127) |
Overall Height in. (mm) | 26.50 (673) |
Outer Diameter in. (mm) | 20 (508) |
Weight Empty lb. (kg) | 42 (19.0) |
Weight Full lb. (kg) | 126 (57) |