Hall effect Measurement System 霍尔效应测量系统( ezHEMS )
Hall Effect Measurement System offers an innovative solution on Van der Pauw and Hall Bar measurements. Its unique design allows users to measure the samples between 80K to 500K with ultimate resolution and accuracy. All magnet moves and temperature changes can be done automatically without changing any components.
ezHEMS™ enables data logging and plotting of wide range material properties; I-V curves, resistance, resistivity, sheet resistance, magnetoresistance, carrier concentration, Hall mobility, Hall coefficient as a function of temperature.
霍尔效应测量系统为van der波夫和hallbar测量提供了一个创新的解决方案。它独特的设计允许用户测量在80k到500k之间的终分辨率和准确性。所有磁体移动和温度变化可以自动完成,不改变任何组件。ezHEMS支持数据记录和绘制宽范围材料属性;I -v曲线、电阻、电阻率、片电阻、磁阻、载流子浓度、霍尔迁移率、霍尔系数作为温度的函数。
Hall effect Measurement System 霍尔效应测量系统( ezHEMS )
. Resistivity Measurement Range:10-5 to 109 Ω-cm (sample dependent)
. Mobility: 0.1 to 107 cm2 / Volt-sec (sample and field dependent)
迁移率:0.1至107cm2 / Volt-sec(取决于样品和磁场)
. Concentration: 107 to 1021 per cm3 (sample dependent)
. Current Source: ±2 nA to ±20 mA, ±12V compliance
电流源:±2 nA至±20mA,符合±12V
. Minimum Hall voltage measurable: 0.1 µV
. Supports Van der Pauw as well as Hall bar shaped samples
支持Van der Pauw以及Hall Bar样品
. Magnetic Field: φ70mm, minimum 0.6 Tesla (±5%) permanent magnet, 1Tesla (±5%) magnet is optional
. 77-500K & 300-773K temperature range with ±0.2 K resolution.
温度范围为77-500K和300-773K及±0.2 K分辨率
. Pt-100 resistance thermometer Pt-100电阻温度计
. Heater and PID temperature controller 加热器和PID温度控制器
. Entire temperature range in a single system 每个系统中均有全面的温度调节范围
. Computer control through USB interface 电脑通过USB接口进行控制
. Samples sizes from 5x5 mm to 20 mm x 20 mm & with thickness ≤6 mm
样品尺寸从5x5 mm到20 mm x 20 mm以及厚度≤6mm
. Automated movement of magnets controlled by ezHEMS Control Software Fully automated measurement sequences
. The ezHEMS Measurement System Software ezHEMS测量系统软件
. Software Capabilities: Enables data logging and plotting of different measured quantities; I-V curve, resistance, resistivity, sheet resistance, magneto resistance, carrier conc., Hall mobility, Hall coefficient etc. as a function of sample temperature (Full functionality of the software depends on the purchased options.)
软件功能:启用不同测量数据的数据记录和绘图; I-V曲线,电阻,电阻率,薄层电阻,磁阻,载流子浓度,霍尔迁移率,霍尔系数等作为样品温度的函数(软件的全部功能取决于购买的选项)。
.Provides the measured data in tabular form 以表格形式提供测量数据
. LabVIEW™ drivers LabVIEW™驱动程序