The IonPac AS14 is designed for fast analysis of the common inorganic anions in diverse sample matrices. • Common inorganic anions are resolved in 13 minutes using an isocratic carbonate/bicarbonate eluent. • Sodium tetraborate gradient optimizes difficult separations. • The AS14 column meets or exceeds US EPA Method 300.0 (A) performance requirements. The AS14 supports the separation of inorganic anions, including fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate using a carbonate/bicarbonate eluent coupled with suppressed conductivity detection. With the AS14, inorganic anions can be determined easily in drinking water, wastewater, foods and beverages, scrubber solutions, and other diverse sample matrices. For simplified operation, use the AS14 Eluent Concentrate and the Combined Seven Anion Standard. Use the Anion Self-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS 300) with the AS14 column for low-noise operation. Note: See also the IonPac AS22, the latest column recommended for fast analysis of inorganic anions