自动苯胺点测试仪AAP-AP-5 automates the aniline point test of petroleum products. As found in other Tanaka petroleum testers, ease of use and high reliability have been further sought when designing this latest version of the automated aniline point tester. Model AAP-5 is capable of covering a wide range of samples including transparent samples as well as dark/opaque samples. AAP-5自动苯胺点测试仪是“田中科学机器制作株式会社”多年石油产品自动测试仪专业生产的丰富经验积累,用高新技术开发出来的新产品,操作简单,测定GX,结果可靠。相比于同类产品,AAP-5有着更宽泛的测试范围,同时适用于测试透明和不透明(深色/黑色)的样品。 DARK/OPAQUE SAMPLES: The use of special infrared detector gives the instrument it’s ability to see through dark/opaque samples such as residual fuels with up to 8.0 on the ASTM Color Scale. 测试范围广:专用的红外线光电检测,无论是透明或是不透明试样(ASTM色小于8.0),都可测试。USER-FRIENDLY MEASURING CELL: The measuring cell can be easily removed and placed on an analytical balance for weighing viscous samples that are solid at ambient temperature. Water jacketed measuring cells are also available as an option for sub-ambient temperature. 为便于称量常温固态试样,测定容器分为固定的上部和可脱卸的下部两部分组成,可将下部容器卸下采样和称量,十分方便。样品杯上的环绕水浴设计,可外接加热/制冷源,保持样品的温度特性。EASY OPERATION: Just sample the specimen and aniline, enter the expected aniline point,and press the START key; all the rest of the test procedures such as heating, cooling and aniline point detection are performed automatically. The operator has an option to report the result after either single determination or multiple determinations. 操作简单:只要加样和设定预期苯胺点后,按下“START”键,仪器就能自动进行样品加热,样品冷却,测试苯胺点,连续多次重复试验等一系列动作。试验人员只需要直接读出终试验结果就可以了。 EASIER AND SAFER ANILINE HANDLING: For years, handling of the toxic aniline has been considered a hazardous operation. A bottle top dispenser can be connected to the measuring cell for directly delivering aniline without a manual pipetting operation. Upon completing a test, discharge the aniline mixture from the bottom of the measuring cell, pour a cleaning agent, turn on the stirrer, and discharge the cleaning agent. The measuring cell can be cleaned without disassembling it, which makes the cleaning easier and safer. 仪器配合自动进样器(用户自配)配合使用。用自动进样器来处理苯胺,可避免直接处理有毒的化学品苯胺对人体造成伤害。测试完成,可以直接用放液阀直接排出废液,另行处理。而排出废液后的样品杯清洗也很方便,并不需要取下样品杯手工清洗。配合洗液和仪器本身的加热功能,即便是重油等不易清洗的试样也能方便有效地清洗干净。DATA HANDLING: The unit is equipped to store up to 20 successive test results and export to an optional printer or to a LIMS through an RS232 port. 记录储存后20次试验结果,可外接打印机输出或通过RS232与自动联用分析系统连接,联网操作。COMPACT DESIGN: Like the popular Tanaka flash point testers, AAP-5 consists of a test head unit and a separate control unit. The test head unit is small enough to be remotely operated inside of a fume hood. 同“田中科学机器制作株式会社”的闪点测试系列仪器一样,AAP-5可分为“测定部”和“控制部”2个部分,可以上下叠置,占用面积很少,也便于搬动。 TANAKA Automated Aniline Point Tester, model AAP-5SPECIFICATIONS: CONFORMING STANDARDS: (适用标准)ISO 2977, ASTM D611, GB/T 262 etc.SAMPLES: Transparent or opaque/dark (<8.0 on ASTM color scale) 测试范围广。同时适用于透明和不透明(深色/黑色)的样品。(要求ASTM色小于8.0)MEASURING RANGE: (测量范围)Ambient to 170℃ (338℉) For sub-ambient, use the optional water jacketed measuring cell and a cryostat. 室温-170℃ (338℉),也可配合专用的“低温测试杯”和外接冷源进行低温苯胺点的测量TEMPERATURE SENSOR: (温度传感器)PT-100 in stainless steel sheath 带不绣钢护套的PT-100铂电阻ANILINE POINT DETECTOR: (苯胺点检测)Photo-electric cell, with special detection circuitry MEASURING CELL: Modified U-Tube type. Vacuum jacketed glass cell with TFE stopcock at the bottom for drainage. 配合特制的分离式“U”字样品杯(真空护套,带排样阀)取样、称量、检测兼用,光电检测。DISPLAY: (显示)Vacuum fluorescent display(VFD) 荧光显示屏(VFD)HEATER: (加热)Immersion heater in stainless steel sheath: 20W 浸没式不绣钢加热器,20WSEQUENSE CONTROL: 程序控制By an on-board microcomputer 内置微处理器TEST MODE: Single or repeated determinations (2 kinds, average is reported to nearest 0.05℃)DATA OUTPUT: (数据输出)RS-232C 1 channel (for PC or Optional Printer) RS-232C 接口,1,可连接电脑或打印机SAFETY MECHANISM: (安全保护)Automatically shuts off and the problem is reported by buzzer and display, in case: 在下列情况下,仪器自动停止试验,连续报警并显示出错信息:(a) EAP+10℃ or at 170℃ is reached, 超过预期苯胺点10℃时,或到170℃还没测出苯胺点时,(b) Temperature sensor is found defective, 温度传感器失效时(c) Light projector or receiver is found defective光电检测组件失效时(d) Control computer runs away (no display) 微处理器出错(无显示)DIMENSION & WEIGHT: (体积/重量)控制部Control unit: 230W x 455D x 105H (mm), 7.0kg 测试部Test unit: 230W x 350D x 580H (mm), 8.0kgINSTALLATION SITE: 环境要求Ambient temperature: 0 to 40℃ RH: Less than 90%(no condensation) 室温0~40℃/ 湿度90%以下(无凝结)POWER SUPPLY: (电源要求)AC100/120V or 220/240V 50/60Hz (set at the factory)出厂设定,定购前要说明0.1kW(max.) Z大功率0.1kWORDERING INFORMATION: STANDARD ACCESSORIES: (标准附件)
1 Power Connecting Cable, 0.6m电源连接线 | 1pc |
2 Signal Connecting Cable, 0.6m数据连接线 | 1pc |
3 AC Power Cord, 3.0m (<125V) or 2.5m (>200V) 电源线 | 1pc |
4 Measuring Cell Stand 标准样品杯组件(上下一组) | 1pc |
5 Hexagonal Wrench (6角扳手,拆卸工具) | 1pc |
6 Spare Glass Tube Fuse (3A) 保险丝 | 1pc |
7 Instruction Manual 使用说明书 | 1pc |
OPIONAL ACCESSORIES: (选购件1)Water Jacketed Measuring Cell, Lower低温测试样品杯,低温测试专用Power Connecting Cable, 3m加长电源连接线Signal Connecting Cable, 3m 加长数据连接线Built-in Clock Board (for time/date verification) 时钟板(提供日期/时间)Printer, BS2-80TS 打印机 (推荐配合时钟板使用,可直接打印日期/时间)(we recommend that optional Built-in Clock Board be purchased with this Printer)SUGGESTED SPARES FOR 2 YEARS: (选购件2,2年维护)
1. Flexible Shaft 搅拌软轴 | 2pcs |
2. Measuring Cell, Upper, 2-Inlet Type样品杯组件(上部,2口型) | 1pc |
3. Measuring Cell. Lower样品杯组件(下部) | 1pc |
4. Temperature Sensor 温度传感器 | 1pc |
5. Heater Assembly 加热器组件 | 1pc |
6. Glass Tube Fuse 3A 保险丝 | 1pc |
TFE tubing connected to measuring cell for direct connection to bottle-top dispenser for a safer aniline handling. TFE tubing and fitting not provided with AAP-5. 我们推荐选用(2口型的样品杯上部组件)和自动进样器(用户自配)配合使用。用自动进样器来处理苯胺,可避免直接处理有毒的化学品苯胺对人体造成伤害。(2口型的样品杯上部组件)和四氟乙烯(TFE)连接套件在选购件中都有提供。AAP-5自动苯胺点试验仪产品介绍: 本试验仪是“田中科学机器制作株式会社”多年石油产品自动测试仪专业生产的丰富经验积累,用高新技术开发出来的新产品,符合GB/T 262、ISO2977及ASTMD611标准。 1.测试范围广。无论是透明或是不透明试样,只要精确加样和设定预期苯胺点后,即能全部自动进行测试。 2.常温固态试样也能测定。 为便于称量,测定容器分为固定的上部和可脱卸的下部两部分组成,可将下部容器卸下采样和称量,十分方便。 3.清洗方便。清洗时不用取下测定管 , 即便是重油等不易清洗的试样也能方便有效地清洗干净。 4.升温时间短。 在到达预期苯胺点前10℃之前,升温速率为10℃/min ( 每分钟升温10℃ ),以后为2℃/min。 5.安全装置完备。 a)当超过预期苯胺点10℃时,或到了170℃还没测出苯胺点时,仪器将自动停止加热,并通过蜂鸣器报警,同时显示屏上显示出故障内容。 b)当温度传感器断线时将自动停止加热,并报警和显示故障内容。 6.便于调整。温度修正可通过面板上的4个方向键加以修正,操作简单。 7.占用面积小。因测定部和控制部上下叠置,故占用面积很少。 8.维修方便。 因控制部和测定部呈组合结构,而控制部内的基板等都为标准化部件,故大大提高了互换性和维修性。产品参数: 1.仪器符合: GB/T 262、ISO2799、ASTM D611 标准 2.测定范围:室温~170℃ 3.测定管: 变形U字管(真空护管,带排水孔)取样、称量取样兼用 4.显示器: 荧光显示器,176×16点,Z小单位0.1℃ 5.加热器: 微型电热丝 20W 6.温度检测:铂电阻 7.苯胺点检测:光电管/特殊检测线路 8.程序控制:微机控制 9.搅拌电机:调速感应电机,6W,软轴传动 10.外部接口:LAS对应或打印机连接插口(RS232C) 11.仪器电源:AC 220 V 、50~60 Hz、0.3 KW 12.仪器尺寸:控制部: 240×450×105 mm 测定部: 240×350×350 mm 13.仪器重量:约15 kg (其中控制部7kg) 更新日期20090801