SRM 2139 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy锌铝合金 100g
SRM 2141 Urea尿素 2g
SRM 2143 p-Fluorobenzoic Acid对氟苯甲酸 2g
SRM 2144 m-Chlorobenzoic Acid间氯苯甲酸 2g
SRM 2151 Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard)烟酸(燃烧量热标准) 25g
SRM 2152 Urea (Combustion Calorimetric Standard)尿素(燃烧量热标准) 25g
SRM 2159 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only镧钢,碳和硫 200g
SRM 2160 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only镧钢,碳和硫 200g
SRM 2165 Low Alloy Steel低合金钢 150g
SRM 2166 LA Steel, F拉钢, F 150g
SRM 2167 LA Steel, G拉钢,G 150g
SRM 2168 High Purity Iron高纯度铁 150g
SRM 2171 LA Steel, (HSLA 100)拉钢(低合金高强度100) 150g
SRM 2172 S-7 Tool SteelS-7工具钢 150g
SRM 2175 Refractory Alloy MP-35-Nmp-35-n耐火合金 150g
SRM 2181 HEPES Free AcidHEPES游离酸 60g
SRM 2182 NaHEPESate 60g
SRM 2183 MOPSO Free Acid 50g
SRM 2184 NaMOPSOate 50g
SRM 2185 Pot. Hydrogen Phthalate Pot.邻苯二甲酸酯 60g
SRM 2186i Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate磷酸二氢钾 30g
SRM 2186II Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate磷酸氢二钠 30g
SRM 2191a Sodium Bicarbonate 30g
SRM 2192a Sodium Carbonate 30g
SRM 2193a Calcium Carbonate pH Standard碳酸钙标准 30g
SRM 2201 Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective)氯化钠(离子选择性) 125g
SRM 2203 Potassium Fluoride (Ion-Selective Electrodes)氟化钾(离子选择性电极) 125g
SRM 2206 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300 nm)可控孔径玻璃-特定的表面积(300纳米) 5g
SRM 2207 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (Nominal Pore Diameter 18 nm)可控孔径玻璃-特定的表面积(18纳米) 5g
SRM 2214 Isooctane Liquid Density异辛烷液密度 4x5 mL
SRM 2216 Miniaturized Low Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen set
SRM 2218 Miniaturized Hi Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen set
SRM 2219 Miniaturized Super High Energy, Charpy VNotch KLST Impact Spec set
SRM 2225 Mercury (Differential Scanning Calorimeters)汞(差示扫描量热仪) 2.5g
SRM 2232 Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion铟DSC校准标准-熔融温度和热化焓 1g
SRM 2234 Gallium for Thermal Analysis热分析镓 2g
SRM 2235 Bismuth for Thermal Analysis热分析铋 1.5g
SRM 2241 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation拉曼光谱相对强度校正标准:785纳米激发 each
SRM 2242 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation拉曼光谱相对强度校正标准:532纳米激发 each
SRM 2245 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation拉曼光谱相对强度校正标准:633纳米激发 each
SRM 2246 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation拉曼光谱相对强度校正标准:830纳米激发 each
SRM 2257 PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中多溴联苯醚同系物 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2258 BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中BDE 209 5 x 1.2 mL
SRM 2259 PCB Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中PCB同系物 5 ampoules x 1.2mL
SRM 2260a Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene甲苯中芳烃 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2261 Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane正己烷中的氯化农药 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2262 Chlorinated Biphenyl Cogeners in Isooctane异辛烷中氯代联苯同系物 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2264 Nitrated Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Methylene Chloride I二氯甲烷I中硝基芳烃 I 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2265 Nitrated Polycyclic Hyrocarbons in Methylene Chloride II二氯甲烷II中硝基多环芳烃 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2266 Hopanes and Steranes in, 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane2,2,4-三甲基戊烷中藿烷和甾烷 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2267 Deuterated Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate乙酸乙酯中氘代左旋葡聚糖 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2268 Carbon-13 Labeled Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate乙酸乙酯中碳-13标记的葡聚糖 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2269 Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene己烷溶液/甲苯中氘代PAH-I 5x1.2mL
SRM 2270 Perdeuterated PAH-II Solution in Hexane/Toluene己烷溶液/甲苯中氘代PAH-II 5x1.2mL
SRM 2273 Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and Metabolites in Isooctane异辛烷中有机氯农药(DDTs)和代谢物 5x1.2mL
SRM 2274 PCB Congener Solution-II in Isooctane异辛烷中PCB同类溶液II 5x1.2mL
SRM 2275 Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane异辛烷中氯化农药溶液II 5x1.2mL
SRM 2276 Three Planar Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Congeners in Isooctane 5x1.2mL
SRM 2285 Arson Test Mixture in Methylene Chloride 5 x 1.2mL
SRM 2286 Ethanol (in Gasoline)汽油中乙醇 set (3)
SRM 2287 Ethanol (in Gasoline)汽油中乙醇 set (3)
SRM 2288 t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) set (3)
SRM 2289 t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) set (3)
SRM 2290 Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) set (3)
SRM 2291 Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) set (3)
SRM 2293 Methyl-t-butyl Ethyl (in Gasoline)汽油中叔丁基甲基乙基 set (3)
SRM 2294 Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 11% MTBE)新配方汽油(11%的乙基叔丁基醚) 2 x 20mL
SRM 2295 Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 15% MTBE)新配方汽油(15%的乙基叔丁基醚) 2 x 20mL
SRM 2296 Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 13 % ETBE)新配方汽油(13%的乙基叔丁基醚) 2 x 20mL
SRM 2297 Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 10% Ethanol)新配方汽油(标称10%乙醇) 2 X 20mL
SRM 2298 Sulfur in Gasoline (High-Octane) 汽油中硫 5x20 mL
SRM 2299 Sulfur in Gasoline (Reformulated) 汽油中硫 5x20 mL
SRM 2321 Sn-Pb Alloy Coating锡铅合金镀层 each
SRM 2372 Human DNA Quantitation Standard人脱氧核糖核酸定量标准 set (3 x 1 each)
SRM 2374 DNA Sequence Library for External RNA Controls外部核糖核酸序列库 96 tubes
SRM 2377 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane2,2,4 -三甲基戊烷中脂肪酸甲酯 5 x 1.2mL ampoules
SRM 2379 Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair I人发中滥用药物I 100mg
SRM 2380 Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair II 人发中滥用药物II 100mg
SRM 2382 Morphine Glucuronide in Urine尿中葡萄糖醛酸 set (4)
SRM 2383a Baby Food Composite婴儿食品复合材料 4 X 70g
SRM 2384 Baking Chocolate烘焙巧克力 5 X 91g
SRM 2385 Slurried Spinach浆状的菠菜 4x70g
SRM 2387 Peanut Butter花生酱 3 x 170g
SRM 2389a Amino Acids in 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloric Acid0.1摩尔/升盐酸中的氨基酸 5 x 1.2 mL
SRM 2391c PCR Based DNA Profiling Standard聚合酶链反应分析法 6 vials
SRM 2392 Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing线粒体基因测序 set (3)
SRM 2392-I Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing线粒体基因测序 each
SRM 2393 CAG Repeat Length Mutation in Huntington's Disease set (6)
SRM 2394 Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Detection Std异质性线粒体DNA突变检测性病 set (10)
SRM 2396 Oxidative DNA Damage Mass Spectrometry Standards set (10)
SRM 2426 55 % Aluminum - Zinc Alloy 40g
SRM 2430 Scheelite Ore白钨矿 100g
SRM 2431 Titanium Base Alloy 50g
SRM 2432 Titanium-Base Alloy 10V - 2Fe - 3Al 50g
SRM 2433 Titanium Alloy 50g
SRM 2451 Fine Carbon (Activated) - From Cyanide Ore Leaching 100g
SRM 2454 Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy钛合金中的氢 10g
SRM 2461 Standard Cartridge Case 1 each
SRM 2483 Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot)单壁碳纳米管(生碳) 250mg
SRM 2490 Non-Newtonian Polymer Solution for Rheological Measurements用于流变学测量的非牛顿聚合物溶液 100mL
SRM 2492 Bingham Paste Mixture for Rheological Measurements kit for two batches
SRM 2514 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1560 nm to 1595 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-12/O-16)1560纳米到1595纳米的波长校准参考(一氧化碳/ O-16 C-12) each
SRM 2515 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-13/O-16)1595纳米到1630纳米的波长校准参考(一氧化碳C-13 / -16) each
SRM 2517a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2高分辨率波长校准参考1510–1540 nm乙炔12C2H2 each
SRM 2518 Polarization Mode Dispersion偏振模色散 each
SRM 2519a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530 nm -1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide高分辨率波长校准参考1530纳米- 1565纳米的氢氰化物 each
SRM 2520 Optical Fiber Diameter光纤直径 each
SRM 2522 Pin Gage for Optical Fiber Ferrul each
SRM 2523 Optical Fiber Ferrule Geometry each
SRM 2538 Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled)偏振模色散(非模式耦合) each
SRM 2541 Silicon Resistivity Standard - 0.01 ohm?cm Level each
SRM 2543 Silicon Resistivity Standard - 1 ohm?cm Level each
SRM 2553 Optical Fiber Coating Diameter (Nominal Refractive Index 1.504)光纤涂层直径(公称折射率1.504)each
SRM 2554 Optical Fiber Coating Diameter (Nominal Refractive Index 1.515)光纤涂层直径(公称折射率1.515) each
SRM 2556 Recycled Pellet (Autocatalyst)再生颗粒(自动催化剂) 70g
SRM 2557 Used Auto Catalyst (Monolith)用于汽车催化剂(载体) 70g
SRM 2569 Lead Paint Films for Children's Products儿童产品的铅涂料 8 sheets
SRM 2570 Lead Paint Film, White/Blank Nominal <0.001 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(白色/空白),标称值<0.001 mg/cm2 1film
SRM 2571 Lead Paint Film (Yellow), Nominal 3.5 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(黄色),标称值3.5 mg/cm2 1 +blank
SRM 2572 Lead Paint Film (Orange), Nominal 1.6 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(橙色),标称值1.6 mg/cm2 1 +blank
SRM 2573 Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(红色),标称值1.0 mg/cm2 1 +blank
SRM 2574 Lead Paint Film (Gold), Nominal 0.7 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(金色),标称值0.7 mg/cm2 1 +blank
SRM 2575 Lead Paint Film (Green), Nominal 0.3 mg/cm2铅油漆膜(绿色),标称值0.3 mg/cm2 1 +blank
SRM 2576 Lead Paint Film, High Level铅油漆膜,高值 1 +blank
SRM 2580 Powdered Paint Nominal 4% Lead粉末涂料,标准值4%铅 30g
SRM 2581 Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead粉末涂料,标准值0.5%铅 35g
SRM 2582 Powdered Paint Nominal 200mg/kg Lead粉末涂料,标准值200mg/kg铅 20g
SRM 2583 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust室内灰尘中的微量元素 8g
SRM 2584 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust室内灰尘中的微量元素 8g
SRM 2585 Organic Contaminants in House Dust室内灰尘中的有机污染物 10g
SRM 2586 Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead From Paint (Nominal 500mg/kg Lead)土壤中含有铅的微量元素(标准值500mg/kg铅) 55g
SRM 2587 Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint)土壤中的微量元素(含铅涂料) 55g
SRM 2589 Powdered Paint Nominal 10% Lead粉末涂料,标准值10%铅 35g
:www.gbw600。。cn :gbw600