SRM 1950 Metabolites in Human Plasma血浆中的代谢物 5 x 1mL
SRM 1951c Lipids in Frozen Human Serum冷冻人血清中的脂类 4 vials (2 each conc)
SRM 1952a Cholesterol in Freeze-Dried Human Serum冷冻干燥人血清中胆固醇 set (6) (2 each conc)
SRM 1953 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human非强化人类中的有机污染物 Milk 5 vials x 5mL
SRM 1954 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Milk强化人体乳中的有机污染物 5 vials x 5mL
SRM 1955 Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum冻人血清中同型半胱氨酸和叶酸 set (3) (1 each conc)
SRM 1957 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum非强化人类血清中的有机污染物 5 x 10mL
SRM 1958 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Serum强化人血清中的有机污染物 5 x 10mL
SRM 1959 Drugs of Abuse in Frozen Human Serum冷冻人血清中滥用药物 2 x 5mL
SRM 1961 Polystyrene Spheres (30 μm Diameter Particle Size)聚苯乙烯微球(30μm粒径) 5mL
SRM 1963a Nominal 100 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres聚苯乙烯微球(100纳米粒径) 5mL
SRM 1964 Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres聚苯乙烯微球(60纳米粒径) 5mL
SRM 1965 Polystyrene Spheres (on Slide) (10 μm Particle Size)聚苯乙烯微球(上滑动)(10μm粒径) slide