上海今森成束电线电缆垂直燃烧试验机KS-55B用于检测垂直安装的成束电缆或光缆在规定条件下YZ火焰垂直蔓延的能力。 现代高层建筑中,电线、电缆敷设成束地架设在线架上,一旦电线、电缆发生火灾,其后果不堪设想。当群体成束电线、电缆事故发生热点熔温达800℃~1100℃时,对高层建筑的构成严重威胁,事故中烟雾大,难以观察到着火源,事故处理十分困难。因此成束电缆的燃烧特性检验就显得特别重要。
Shanghai insment bunched wire and cable vertical burning tester KS-55B is used to test the ability of vertically mounted bunched cable or optical cable to restrain the vertical spread of flame under certain conditions. In modern high-rise buildings, wires and cables are laid to be erected on the rack. Once the wires and cables are in fire, the consequences will be disastrous. When a group of wires, cables, hot melt accident occurred at 800 degrees C ~1100 C, the formation of a serious threat to high-rise buildings, smoke in the accident, it is difficult to observe the fire, the accident is very difficult to deal with. Therefore, it is very important to test the burning characteristics of bunched cables.
Shanghai insment bundle cable vertical burning test machine is KS-55B cold plate with high-grade paint box; adopting advanced PLC control, to achieve full inligent control mode, realize the network and the remote control; TFT true color LCD optional; can be user-friendly interface client upgrade, achieve international the comparison results.
Shanghai insment bundle cable vertical burning test machine KS-55B to meet the GB/T18380.32 - 2008 and GB/T18380.34-2008 and GB/T18380-2008, IEC60332-3-10:2000 (instead of GB/T18380.3-2001) "combustion test thirty-first part and optical fiber cables under fire conditions: vertically mounted bunched wires and cable vertical flame spread test, test device", power cable, control cable, cable etc. as a necessary device for beam combustion test.