奥地利E+E传感器 露点变送器 EE35 系列变送器
Technical Data
Sensor Pt1000 DIN A
Measuring range 0...60°C (32...140°F)
Accuracy of temperature measurement at 20°C (68°F) ±0.2°C (±0.36°F)
Sensitivity error at full scale ±0.1°C (±0.1
Supply voltage 8...35V DC
12...30V AC (optional 100...240V AC, 50/60Hz)
Current consumption - voltage output typ. 40mA, with autocalibration: 100mA
- current output typ. 80mA, with autocalibration: 140mA
Pressure range 0...20bar (0...300psi)
Housing / protection class PC or Al Si 9 Cu 3 / IP65; Nema 4
Cable gland M16 x 1.5 (option: plug) cable Ø 4.5 - 10 mm (0.18 - 0.39”)
Electrical connection screw terminals up to max. 1.5mm² (AWG 16)
Sensor protection stainless steel sintered filter
Working temperature range probe: -40...60°C (-40...140°F)
electronic: -40...60°C (-40...140°F)
with LC display: -20...50°C (-4...122°F)
with alarm module: -40...60°C (-40...140°F)
Typical Applications:
industrial processes;
monitoring of air pressure pipelines;
warehouses ;
drying processes;
chemical industries.
measuring range -60...60°C Td (-76...140°F Td);
accuracy of measurement ±2°C Td (±3.6°F Td);
traceable calibration;
alarm output for dew point;
奥地利E+E传感器 露点变送器 EE35 系列变送器
在干燥过程、压缩空气管道等许多工业应用中,精确监控露点温度十分重要,EE35 系列多功能低温露点变送器为实现这个目的提供了解决方案。
EE35 系列变送器的机械结构采用模块化设计,仪表易于安装维护。它采用了E+E公司的HC系列高性能湿度敏感元件。变送器内部有自动校准程序,露点测量精度在 -60...60°C Td (-76...140°F Td)的测量范围内保持在 ±2°C Td 以内。
露点变送器 EE35 系列变送器