When pressure is applied from port 2 or 3 to port 1,
some leakage can be expected, depending on the pressure.
Ambient temperature: -10 °C to +80 °C
Nominal pressure: Up to PN 500 (see pressure level)
Operating fluids: Mineral oil to DIN 51524 Part 1 and Part 2 (other fluids on request)
Temperature of operating fluid: -10 °C to +80 °C
Spare parts: Seal kits available on request
Accessories: All ball valves can be supplied with the following
- 通过止动销和止动盘进行切换限制
- 操作方便
- 紧凑,节省空间的设计
- 密封原理与浮球,出口侧密封
- 表面保护磷酸盐镀或黄色镀锌
根据要求,我们可以提供其他型号几乎涵盖所有应用程序,例如。 适用于侵蚀性或气体介质。