1 | Plant ROOT TIP L.S(corn) | 51 | Mouth cell |
植物根尖纵切(玉米根) | 口腔黏膜细胞 |
2 | Young root tip C.S(broad bean) | 52 | Single ply squamous epithelium W.M |
植物幼根橫切 | 单层扁平上皮裝片 |
3 | Cabbage L.S(Hydrilla Verticillata) | 53 | Stratum tier squamous epithelium Sec |
顶芽纵切(黑藻) | 复层扁平上皮切片 |
4 | Cushaw Stem C.S | 54 | Skeletal muscle L.S and C.S |
南瓜茎橫切 | 骨骼肌纵横切 |
5 | Cushaw Stem L.S | 55 | Smooth muscles C.S |
南瓜茎纵切 | 平滑肌橫切 |
6 | Pine stem L.S | 56 | Cardiac muscle L.S |
松木茎纵切 | 心肌纵切 |
7 | Monocotyledon Stem C.S | 57 | Lung vascular injection Sec |
单子叶植物茎横切 | 肺血管注射切片 |
8 | Dicotyledon stem C.S(sunflower) | 58 | Lymph node Sec |
双子叶植物茎横切 | 淋巴结切片 |
9 | Woody dicotyledon stem C.S(token 3 years) | 59 | Blood of frog smear |
木本双子叶植物茎横切三年生 | 蛙血涂片 |
10 | Broad bean Leaf epidermis W.M | 60 | Blood smear mammal(dye not) |
蚕豆叶下表皮细胞装片(示气孔) | 人血涂片(自然色) |
11 | Wheat leaf C.S | 61 | Stomach paries Sec |
小麦叶橫切 | 胃壁切片 |
12 | Lilac leaf C.S | 62 | Frog blastula Sag Sec |
丁香叶橫切 | 蛙囊胚期切片 |
13 | Cotton leaf C.S | 63 | Human hair follicle Sec |
棉花叶橫切 | 人皮过毛囊切片 |
14 | Cotton Stem C.S | 64 | Artery and vein vascular C.S |
棉花茎橫切 | 动静脉血管橫切 |
15 | Dogbane leaf | 65 | Reins L.S |
夹竹桃叶橫切 | 肾脏纵片 |
16 | Corn seed L.S | 66 | Ovary Sec |
玉米种子纵切 | 卵巢切片 |
17 | Wheat seed L.S | 67 | Bladder Sec |
小麦种子纵切 | 膀胱切片 |
18 | Epidermal cell Onion W.M | 68 | Sperm smear |
洋葱表皮细胞装片 | 精虫涂片 |
19 | Corn Stem L.S | 69 | Motor nerve Cell W.M |
玉米茎纵切 | 运动神经细胞裝片 |
20 | Suber cell Sec | 70 | Tapeworm mature progiottid W.M |
木栓细胞切片 | 绦虫成熟节裝片 |
21 | Lichens Sec | 71 | Frog cleavage Sag Sec |
地衣切片 | 蛙卵分裂期切片 |
22 | Moss antheridium L.S | 72 | Honey bee mouth parts W.M |
藓精子器纵切 | 蜜蜂口器裝片 |
23 | Moss Archegonial L.S | 73 | Butterfly mouth parts W.M |
藓颈卵器纵切 | 蝴蝶口器裝片 |
24 | Moss protonema W.M | 74 | Housefly mouth parts W.M |
藓原丝体裝片 | 家蝇口器裝片 |
25 | Pine Leaf C.S | 75 | Home mosquito female mouth parts W.M |
松叶橫切 | 家蚊口器裝片 |
26 | Plasmodesma Sec | 76 | Male and female Ascarid C.S |
胞间连丝切片 | 蛔虫雌雄橫切 |
27 | Plant mitosis Sec(Onion root tip) | 77 | Daphnia W.M |
植物细胞有丝分裂 | 水蚤裝片 |
28 | Meiosis of plant Sec | 78 | Hydra L.S |
植物细胞减数分裂 | 水螅纵切 |
29 | Fern Leaf Sec | 79 | Planaria W.M injected digestive system |
蕨叶切片 | 涡虫肠管注射裝片 |
30 | Fern prothallium W.M | 80 | Hydra budding the whole W.M |
蕨原叶体裝片 | 水螅帶芽整体裝片 |
31 | Fern young sporophyte W.M | 81 | Paramecium W.M |
蕨原叶体幼孢子体裝片 | 草履虫裝片 |
32 | Sunflower Stem L.S | 82 | Hydra C.S Through spermary |
向日葵茎纵切 | 水螅过精巢横切 |
33 | Fern leaf W.M | 83 | Hydra C.S Through ovary |
蕨叶裝片 | 水螅过卵巢横切 |
34 | Lily ovarian Sec | 84 | Housefly Wing W.M |
百合子房橫切 | 家蝇翅膀裝片 |
35 | Lily anther Sec (show mature pollen) | 85 | Butterfly squama W.M |
百合花药橫切(示成熟花粉) | 蝴蝶鱗片裝片 |
36 | Umbrella mushroom Sec | 86 | Housefly foot |
蘑菇切片 | 家蝇足裝片 |
37 | Pickpurse young embryo Sec | 87 | Honey bee third pair of Legs W.M |
荠菜幼胚切片 | 蜜蜂第三对足裝片 |
38 | Pickpurse mature embryo Sec | 88 | Spinal cord C.S |
荠菜老胚切片 | 脊髓橫切 |
39 | Volvox W.M | 89 | Small intestine Sec |
团藻裝片 | 小肠切片 |
40 | Chlamy domonas W.M | 90 | Earthworm C.S |
衣藻裝片 | 蚯蚓横切 |
41 | Spirogyra conjugation | 91 | Tongue L.S(cat or dog)show filiform papilla |
水绵接合生殖裝片 | 舌纵切(猫或狗) |
42 | Asoergillus W.M | 92 | Dense connective tissue(Tendon L.S) |
麴霉裝片 | 致密结缔组织裝片(腱纵切) |
43 | Penicillium W.M | 93 | Laxity connective tissue |
青霉裝片 | 疏松结缔组织裝片 |
44 | Actinomyces W.M | 94 | Ciliation epithelium Sec |
放线菌装片 | 纤毛上皮切片 |
45 | Yeasts W.M | 95 | Frog egg 2.cell Sec |
酵母菌裝片 | 蛙卵二細胞切片 |
46 | Root monocotyledon C.S | 96 | Insect compound eye W.M |
单子叶植物根橫切 | 昆虫复眼装片 |
47 | Pine stem C.S | 97 | Taste bud Sec (Rabbit) |
松木茎橫切 | 兔味蕾切片 |
48 | Bacterial three types Smear | 98 | Nervous tissue Sec |
细菌三型涂片 | 神经节切片 |
49 | Bark radical mould W.M | 99 | Eye worm tissue |
根霉裝片 | 眼虫裝片 |
50 | Pollen germinate W.M | ## | Large intestine |
花粉萌发裝片 | 大肠 |