主要检测:甲型流感病毒检测试剂、乙型流感病毒检测试剂、甲乙型流感病毒检测试剂、A+B流感病毒检测试剂盒、流感病毒抗原快速检测卡、流感病毒抗体快速检测试剂盒、流感快速检测试剂 c1c2。
甲型流感病毒(Influenza A virus),又称A型流感病毒
乙型流感病毒(Influenza B virus),又称B型流感病毒
丙型流感病毒(Influenza C virus),又称C型流感病毒
1. 流感病毒快速检测卡40片/盒
2. 样本稀释液40管/盒
3. 棉签40支/盒
【操作方法】 一、样品制备:
1. 本检测卡采集样品为眼、气管分泌物。将棉签插入分泌物Z多的部位,轻轻摇动棉签,让棉签充分吸收分泌物。
2. 将棉签在稀释液中充分搅拌并反复挤压试管壁,让分泌物充分溶解到稀释液中,得到待检样品。
3. 样品一般须当即进行检测,否则应冷藏保存,超过24小时的,应该冷冻保存。
1. 使用前将试剂盒和样品恢复至室温。
2. 将棉签浸入装有样品稀释液的试管,充分搅拌混匀后,用一次性滴管取上清液。
3. 取出检测卡,开封后平放于桌面上,从滴管中缓慢而准确地逐滴加入2–3滴混合液。
4. 加样品液后,约30秒内,红色的液体从靠样品孔的观察窗边缘涌出。朝另一方向流动。
5. 五分钟后判断结果,超过三十分钟的结果判读无效。
1. 阳性:在观察孔内,若对照线显色,检测线同时显色,判为阳性(如图一、图二)。阳性结果表明检测液
2. 阴性:在观察孔内,若对照线显色,而检测线不显色,判为阴性(如图三)。阴性结果表明检测液中不含流感病毒。
3. 无效:在观察孔内,若对照线不显色,则结果无效,建议重新测试(如图四、图五)。
1. 本品如果购买时发现过期、破损、污染、无效的产品,请在购买处进行更换。
2. 测试样品来自动物,可能有潜在感染性,样品和使用过的试剂应被看作微生物危险品处理。
3. 所有检测卡启封后马上使用,此前不要随意打开。
4. 本品为一次性产品,请勿二次使用;请勿使用非本品随附的稀释液。
1. 保存于干燥阴凉处(2~30℃),有效期为18个月,生产日期见外包装盒。
2. 打开包装后,在1小时内使用。
产品名称 | 产品简介 | 产品品Pai |
甲型乙型流感病毒抗原检测试剂盒(生研) | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速检测 | 日本生研 |
瑞必欧甲型/乙型流感快速检测试剂盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速检测 | 日本富士瑞必欧 |
甲乙型流感抗原检测试剂盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速检测 | 美国NovaBios |
ClearView甲乙型流感快速检测试剂盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速检测 | 英国ClearVie |
BinaxNOW甲乙型流感快速检测试剂盒 | 甲乙型流感病毒抗原快速检测 | 美国BinaxNow |
试剂盒的组成 数量/体积
1 板
3×2 ml
12 ml
防腐剂:0.02 %甲基异噻唑啉酮、0.02 %溴硝基乙烷、0.1 %
凯松 CG
防腐剂: 0.1% 凯松CG
25 ml
防腐剂: 0.1% 凯松 CG
35 ml
0.5 N 硫酸溶液
12 ml
TMB-底物溶液 (备用)
防腐剂: < 0.1 %叠氮化钠
11 ml

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【电子邮件】 Service@jianlun.com Jim@jianlun.com
【腾讯 】
【公司】 www.jianlun.com
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢一层101-3室

Observe the duration of seizures episodes, pay attention to changes in consciousness and pupil interval, and timely contact with the physician. 5, after the twitch should allow patients to rest quiet, dark indoor light, quiet, with high fever, coma, according to their routine care.
Mechanical factors cause the destruction of human tissues or organs. According to the place of occurrence, the injured site, the injured tissue, the injury factor and the skin integrity were analyzed. Severe trauma can cause systemic reactions, local performance of painful area, swelling, tenderness; fractures and dislocations deformities and dysfunction. Severe trauma may also have fatal bleeding, shock, asphyxia and disturbance of consciousness. First aid should be prevention and treatment of shock, keep the airway open, wrap the wound to stop bleeding, and fixed limbs, the wounded safe, smooth and prompt transfer to the hospital for further treatment, open wounds to timely debridement. Trauma prevention lies in safety education and safety measures. Trauma can be classified according to place of occurrence, site of injury, injured tissue, traumatic factors, and skin integrity. The company is located in:
According to the place of occurrence
Divided into war wounds, industrial wounds, agricultural wounds, traffic injuries, sports injuries, life injuries, etc .; according to the injured parts are divided into traumatic brain injury, bacterial trauma, abdominal trauma, various parts of the fracture and joint dislocation, hand injuries;
According to the type of injury
Divided into fractures, dislocations, concussion, organ rupture; adjacent parts at the same time injured were called joint injuries (such as thoracoabdominal joint injury);
According to the injured tissue or organ
According to the depth of the injured tissue can be divided into soft tissue trauma, bone and joint trauma and visceral trauma. Soft tissue trauma refers to damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles, as well as blood vessels and nerves that line within. Pure soft tissue trauma is generally mild, but extensive crush injury can cause crush syndrome. Severe rupture of blood vessels can also be fatal. Osteoarticular trauma includes fractures and dislocations and is further classified and named by the injured bone or joint. Such as femoral fractures, shoulder dislocation and so on. Visceral trauma can be classified according to the injured specific internal organs and named. Such as cerebral contusion, pulmonary contusion, liver rupture. The same injury causes more than two parts or organs of the trauma, known as multiple injuries or multiple injuries. According to the injury factors, divided into firearm injuries, cut injuries, stab wounds, lacerations, crush injuries, sprains, contusion and so on. According to the complete extent of the skin, divided into closed trauma, open trauma and so on.
In all types of trauma, injuries to life and sports injuries are mostly single tissue or organ injury, the injury is relatively simple and clear; and in war wounds, industrial injuries, agricultural injuries and traffic injuries, the injury is the gun, bacteria ,bacterial. Bulky machines and cars traveling at high speeds, most of the trauma caused by this is open wounds and complex trauma. The injuries are more serious and complicated. Take the current common traffic accident as an example. The injured person may have both craniocerebral injury, maxillofacial injury, cervical spine fracture and dislocation, bacterial injury, abdominal injury or fracture and dislocation of the extremities. The injury is very complicated and urgent, and even died before emergency treatment.