英文名称:Diagnostic Kit for Nicotine(Colloidal Gold)
- 撕开铝箔袋,取出试剂盒,应在1小时内尽快使用。
- 将试剂盒置于干净平坦的台面上,用塑料吸管垂直滴加3滴无空气泡的尿样(约100µL)于加样孔(S)中。
- 等待紫红色条带的出现,3~5分钟时直接观察结果,10分钟后判定无效。

为了进一步提细菌产量,研究人员将GPPS和PS基因进行了融合,进行GPPS-PS重组蛋白的融合表达。结果蒎烯的产量达到32 mg/L,是先前报道大肠杆菌的6倍。
微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)是一种产生电能的新方法,利用微生物将有机物中的化学能转变成电能。1911年,英国科学家首次发现细菌培养液能够产生电流,利用铂作为电极,将其放进大肠杆菌和酵母菌的培养液中,成功制作出世界上*个MFC。不过微生物燃料电池是一项新兴技术,没有大规模应用,还需要很长一段时间才能走向成熟。

【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

1, Shewanella
Shewanella is a genus of more electrogenic microorganisms, mainly S. putrefactions IR-1, S. oneidensis DSP10 and S. oneidensis MR-1, which belong to Proteobacteria, Alteromonadales, Shewanellaceae. Gram-negative rod, facultative anaerobic. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate can be compley oxidized, with lactic acid as CO2. Anaerobic conditions, to lactic acid, formic acid, pyruvic acid, amino acids, oxygen as electron donor.
S. oneidensis DSP10 is the earliest discovered bacterium capable of producing electricity under aerobic conditions and capable of oxidizing lactic acid to CO 2 production under aerobic conditions. The bacteria can also use glucose, fructose and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as an electron donor Body electricity, to fructose when the donor for electron donor bacteria, power density of 350W / m2. The bacteria in microbial fuel cells have a better prospect.
S. putrefactions IR-1 was first isolated from paddy soils and was the first reported electroporation bacterium to transfer electrons directly to the surface of electrodes. It pioneered the research of a dielectric-free fuel cell. S. oneidensis MR-1 is mainly used to study the mechanism of electron transfer between cells and electrodes. The genome-wide sequence of S. oneidensis MR-1 has been completed. About 37 genes encoding Cytc were found in S. oneidemis MR-1 and Cytc was considered as transmembrane aisle.
2, red iron reduction bacteria
R. ferrireducens belongs to the genera Proteobacteria, Burkholderiales, Comamonadaceae and Rhodoferax. Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, can be compley oxidized glucose, fructose, xylose, sugar and other sucrose to generate CO2. The bacteria are the earliest reports of direct and complete glucose oxidation of microorganisms, most of the other iron-reducing electron donor limited to simple organic acids, such as acetic acid, lactic acid and so on. When adding sugar or other more complex organics to the MFC as fuel, it is also necessary for the fermenting bacteria to degrade it to a simple organic acid before it can be used. R. ferrireducens can directly oxidize glucose, fructose, sucrose, xylose, etc. with the electrode as the sole electron acceptor to generate CO2 and obtain the energy required for growth from the electron transfer. With glucose as an electron donor, the electron recovery of R. ferrireducens was 81%. R. ferrireducens optimum growth temperature of 25 ℃, but at 4 ℃ can still grow and restore Fe. The microbial fuel cell constructed by the bacterium has the characteristics of a storage battery. The substrate can be rapidly used to generate electricity. After being discharged, the supplemental substrate can restore the original production level and can be repeatedly charged and discharged. The performance of the battery is stable.