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美国Seracare心肌磷脂IgA(Cardiolipin IgA)
美国Seracare心肌磷脂IgA(Cardiolipin IgA)
编号 | 英文名称 | 中文名称 |
JL-FA-01 | Amebiasis (AME) | 阿米巴病 |
JL-FA-02 | Allergens, Rast scores | 过敏原,放射性过敏原吸收实验。指对特定的人群引起免疫反应或者过敏反应的食品中的蛋白质 |
JL-FA-03 | Allergens, Rast scores negative | 过敏原,放射性过敏原吸收实验阴性 |
JL-FA-04 | Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide Antibody (CCP) Arthritis | 抗环瓜氨酸肽抗体 |
JL-FA-05 | ASCA Saccharomyces Cerevi | 人抗酿酒酵母抗体(ASCA) |
JL-FA-06 | Aspergillis | 麴菌病 |
JL-FA-07 | Beta 2 Glycoprotein | β2糖蛋白 |
JL-FA-08 | Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM | β2糖蛋白 IGM |
JL-FA-09 | Bordela Pertussis | 百日咳杆菌 |
JL-FA-10 | Bordela Pertussis IgM | 百日咳杆菌 IGM |
JL-FA-11 | C-ANCA | C-抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(ANCA) |
JL-FA-12 | Cardiolipin | 心肌磷脂 |
JL-FA-13 | Cardiolipin IgA | 心肌磷脂 IGA |
JL-FA-14 | Cardiolipin IgG | 心肌磷脂 IGG |
JL-FA-15 | Cardiolipin IgM | 心肌磷脂 IGM |
JL-FA-16 | Cerebral Spinal Fluid | 脑脊髓液 |
JL-FA-17 | Chagas | 恰加斯病/南美锥虫 |
JL-FA-18 | Chlamydia | 衣原体 |
JL-FA-19 | Chlamydia IgA | 衣原体IGA |
JL-FA-20 | Chlamydia IgG | 衣原体IGG |
JL-FA-21 | Chlamydia IgM | 衣原体IGM |
JL-FA-22 | Chlamydia Neg | 衣原体阴性 |
JL-FA-23 | Clotting Factor C3 | 凝固因子C3 |
JL-FA-24 | Clotting Factor C4 | 凝固因子C4 |
JL-FA-25 | Coccidiodes | 球孢菌 |
JL-FA-26 | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Neg | 巨细胞病毒抗体阴性 |
JL-FA-27 | CMV IgG | 巨细胞病毒 IGG阳性 |
JL-FA-28 | CMV IgM VCA | 巨细胞病毒 IGM 阳性 |
JL-FA-29 | C-Reactive Protein (CRP) | C-反应蛋白质 |
JL-FA-30 | Dengue Fever | 登革热 |
JL-FA-31 | Dengue Fever IgM | 登革热 IGM |
JL-FA-32 | DS (Double Stranded) DNA | 双链脱氧核糖核酸 |
JL-FA-33 | EBNA (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen) IgG | EB病毒核抗原 IGG |
JL-FA-34 | EBNA (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen) IgM | EB病毒核抗原 IGM |
JL-FA-35 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Negative Plasma | EB病毒阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-36 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EA IgM | EB病毒早期抗原 IGM |
JL-FA-37 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) VCA IgM | EB病毒壳蛋白 IGM |
JL-FA-38 | Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) EA IgG | EB病毒早期抗原 IGG |
JL-FA-39 | EMA (Endomysial Antibodies) | 肌内膜 |
JL-FA-40 | Gliadin | 麸蛋白,麦醇溶蛋白,麦胶蛋白 |
JL-FA-41 | Gliadin IgG | 麦醇溶蛋白 IGG |
JL-FA-42 | Gliadin IgA | 麦醇溶蛋白 IGA |
JL-FA-43 | Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBMA) | 肾小球基底膜病 |
JL-FA-44 | Helicobacter pylori IgA | 幽门螺旋杆菌IGA |
JL-FA-45 | Helicobacter pylori IgG | 幽门螺旋杆菌IGG |
JL-FA-46 | Helicobacter pylori IgM | 幽门螺旋杆菌IGM |
JL-FA-47 | Helicobacter pylori Negative | 幽门螺旋杆菌阴性 |
JL-FA-48 | Helicobacter pylori Positive Plasma | 幽门螺旋杆菌阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-49 | Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Pos. Plasma | 甲型肝炎病毒阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-50 | Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) IgM | 甲型肝炎病毒IGM |
JL-FA-51 | Hepatitis B Core (HBc) IgG | 乙型肝炎病毒核心 IGG |
JL-FA-52 | Hepatitis B Core (HBc) IgM | 乙型肝炎病毒核心 IGM |
JL-FA-53 | Anti Hbe (Antibody to HBV antigen) | 乙肝抗体 |
JL-FA-54 | Hepatitis Delta Virus | 丁型肝炎病毒 |
JL-FA-55 | HBeAg (HBV e antigen) | 乙肝 E抗原 |
JL-FA-56 | anti-HBs (HBV surface antibody) | 乙肝表面抗体 |
JL-FA-57 | Hepatitis B (HBsAg) "Chronic" | 乙型肝炎(乙肝表面抗原)“慢性病 |
JL-FA-58 | HBsAg (HBV surface antigen) Serum | 乙肝表面抗原血清 |
JL-FA-59 | HBsAg (AD) | 乙肝表面抗原(AD) |
JL-FA-60 | HBsAg (AY) | 乙肝表面抗原(AY) |
JL-FA-61 | HBV Positive Plasma | 乙肝阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-62 | HBV DNA Plasma | 乙肝DNA血浆 |
JL-FA-63 | HBV DNA Serum | 乙肝DNA血清 |
JL-FA-64 | HBV DNA type A | A型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-65 | HBV DNA type B | B型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-66 | HBV DNA type C | C型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-67 | HBV DNA type D | D型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-68 | HBV DNA type E | E型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-69 | HBV DNA type F | F型 乙肝DNA |
JL-FA-70 | HBV Antibody HCV Antibody Plasma CO-INFECTED | 乙肝和丙肝联合感染血浆 |
JL-FA-71 | HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) Antibody | 丙型肝炎抗体 |
JL-FA-72 | HCV Core Antigen Positive | 丙肝核心抗原 阳性 |
JL-FA-73 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 1 | 基因1型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-74 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 2 | 基因2型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-75 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 3 | 基因3型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-76 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 4 | 基因4型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-77 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 5 | 基因5型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-78 | HCV RNA PLASMA Genotype 6 | 基因6型丙肝RNA 血浆 |
JL-FA-79 | HCV Riba single band | 丙肝免疫印迹单波段 |
JL-FA-80 | HCV RIBA Pos. (multiple bands) | 丙肝免疫印迹阳性多波段 |
JL-FA-81 | HCV Negative | 丙肝阴性 |
JL-FA-82 | HCV RNA Pos (quantitative) | 丙肝RNA阳性(定量) |
JL-FA-83 | Hepatitis E | 戊型肝炎 |
JL-FA-84 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)1/2 Positive Plasma | 单纯性疱疹病毒1/2阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-85 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 Negative Plasma | 单纯性疱疹病毒1 阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-86 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 IgG | 单纯性疱疹病毒1 IGG |
JL-FA-87 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV 1) IgM | 单纯性疱疹病毒1 IGM |
JL-FA-88 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2 IgG | 单纯性疱疹病毒2 IGG |
JL-FA-89 | Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2 IgM | 单纯性疱疹病毒2 IGG |
JL-FA-90 | Histone | 组蛋白 |
JL-FA-91 | Human Anti Mouse Ab (HAMA) | 人抗鼠抗体 |
JL-FA-92 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Neg | HIV I 阴性 |
JL-FA-93 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Plasma | 抗HIV I 血浆 |
JL-FA-94 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 Serum | 抗HIV I 血清 |
JL-FA-95 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Western Blot Tested | 抗HIV 2 免疫印迹 |
JL-FA-96 | anti Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1/2 2 HIV (+) | 抗HIV 1/2 2 HIV阳性 |
JL-FA-97 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Ag | HIV抗原 |
JL-FA-98 | HIV RNA (quantitative) Plasma | HIV RNA 定量血浆 |
JL-FA-99 | HIV RNA (quantitative) Serum | HIV RNA 定量血清 |
JL-FA-100 | HIV1 Subtype A | HIV1 亚型A |
JL-FA-101 | HIV1 Subtype B | HIV1 亚型B |
JL-FA-102 | HIV1 Subtype C | HIV1 亚型C |
JL-FA-103 | HIV1 Subtype D | HIV1 亚型D |
JL-FA-104 | HIV1 Subtype E | HIV1 亚型E |
JL-FA-105 | HIV1 Subtype F | HIV1 亚型F |
JL-FA-106 | HIV1 Subtype G | HIV1 亚型G |
JL-FA-107 | HIV1 Subtype H | HIV1 亚型H |
JL-FA-108 | HIV1 Subtype J | HIV1 亚型J |
JL-FA-109 | HIV1 Subtype K | HIV1 亚型K |
JL-FA-110 | HIV1 Group O | HIV1 亚型O |
JL-FA-111 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Antibody Plasma | HIV 2 抗体血浆 |
JL-FA-112 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 Antibody Serum | HIV 2 抗体血清 |
JL-FA-113 | HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) Negative | 人乳状瘤病毒HPV阴性 |
JL-FA-114 | HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) Positive | 人乳状瘤病毒HPV阳性 |
JL-FA-115 | Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Antibody HCV Antibody Plasma COINFECTED | HIV 抗体 HCV |
JL-FA-116 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) I/II | 人嗜T淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV) I/II |
JL-FA-117 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) I | 人嗜T淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV) I |
JL-FA-118 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) II | 人嗜T淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV) II |
JL-FA-119 | Jo-1 | 多发性肌炎抗原JO-1 |
JL-FA-120 | IgE < 5,000 Ku/L | IgE < 5,000 Ku/L |
JL-FA-121 | Legionella | 军团杆菌属 |
JL-FA-122 | Leptospira | 军团杆菌属 |
JL-FA-123 | Lyme Disease | 莱姆(氏)病:蜱传播的全身性疾病,常在夏季发生 |
JL-FA-124 | Lyme IgG | 莱姆(氏)病 IGG |
JL-FA-125 | Lyme IgM | 莱姆(氏)病 IGM |
JL-FA-126 | Lyme Disease Neg | 莱姆(氏)病 阴性 |
JL-FA-127 | Malaria | 疟疾 |
JL-FA-128 | Mononucleosis (infectious) | 单核细胞增多症(有传染性的) |
JL-FA-129 | Mononucleosis Negative | 单核细胞增多症阴性 |
JL-FA-130 | Measles Negative | 麻疹 阴性 |
JL-FA-131 | Measles IgG | 麻疹 IGG |
JL-FA-132 | Measles IgM | 麻疹 IGM |
JL-FA-133 | Microsomal Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO) Positive Plasma Standard Titer (typically 1,000-3,000 IU/mL) | 微粒体抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体 |
JL-FA-134 | Microsomal Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO) Negative Plasma | 微粒体抗甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体 |
JL-FA-135 | Anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) | 抗线粒体抗体 |
JL-FA-136 | Multiple Sclerosis | 多发性硬化症 |
JL-FA-137 | Mumps IgG | 流行性腮腺炎 IGG |
JL-FA-138 | Mumps Ab IgM | 流行性腮腺炎抗体 IGM |
JL-FA-139 | Mumps Antibody Negative Plasma | 流行性腮腺炎抗体阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-140 | Mumps Antibody Negative Serum | 流行性腮腺炎抗体阴性血清 |
JL-FA-141 | Myeloma Plasma | 瘤血浆 |
JL-FA-142 | Myeloma IgA | 瘤IGA |
JL-FA-143 | Myeloma IgE | 瘤IGE |
JL-FA-144 | Myeloma IgG | 瘤IGG |
JL-FA-145 | Myeloma IgM | 瘤IGM |
JL-FA-146 | Mycoplasma | 支原体 |
JL-FA-147 | Mycoplasma Negative | 支原体阴性 |
JL-FA-148 | Mycoplasma IgG | 支原体IGG |
JL-FA-149 | Mycoplasma IgM | 支原体IGM |
JL-FA-150 | Mycoplasma PCR | 支原体PCR |
JL-FA-151 | Normal Human Plasma | 正常人血浆 |
JL-FA-152 | Normal Human Serum | 正常人血清 |
JL-FA-153 | Nuclear Antibody Centromere | 核抗体着丝粒 |
JL-FA-154 | Nuclear Antibody, Speckled ANA | 核抗体,斑点抗核抗体 |
JL-FA-155 | Nuclear Antibody, Nucleolar ANA | 核抗体,核仁抗核抗体 |
JL-FA-156 | Nuclear Antibody, Homogeneous ANA | 核抗体,同质抗核抗体 |
JL-FA-157 | Nuclear Antiobody, Speckled. (ANA) Negative | 核抗体,斑点。抗核抗体阴性 |
JL-FA-158 | P-ANCA (associated neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies) | 相关的嗜中性粒细胞胞浆抗体 |
JL-FA-159 | Parietal Cell Antibody (PCA) | 胃)壁细胞抗体 |
JL-FA-160 | Parvo positive plasma | 细小病毒阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-161 | Parvo IgM | 细小病毒 IGM |
JL-FA-162 | Parvo IgG | 细小病毒 IGG |
JL-FA-163 | Parvo Negative Plasma | 细小病毒阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-164 | Parvo DNA positive | 细小病毒 DNA 阳性 |
JL-FA-165 | Phospholipid Positive Plasma | 磷脂阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-166 | Prothrombin | 凝血酶原,凝血因子 |
JL-FA-167 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) <1000 IU/mL | 类风湿因子<1000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-168 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 1001-2000 IU/mL | 类风湿因子1001-2000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-169 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 2001-4000 IU/mL | 类风湿因子 2001-4000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-170 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 4001-5000 IU/mL | 类风湿因子 4001-5000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-171 | Rheumatoid Factor (RF) >5000 IU/mL | 类风湿因子>5000 IU/mL |
JL-FA-172 | Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Positive | 核糖核蛋白阳性 |
JL-FA-173 | Rubella Chimeric | 风疹 |
JL-FA-174 | Rubella Negative | 风疹阴性 |
JL-FA-175 | Rubella IgG | 风疹IGG |
JL-FA-176 | Rubella IgM | 风疹IGM |
JL-FA-177 | Rubeola Negative Plasma | 风疹阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-178 | Rubeola IgG | 风疹IGG |
JL-FA-179 | Scleroderma (Scl-70) Pos | 胶原沉着病,硬皮病,硬皮症 阳性 |
JL-FA-180 | Scleroderma (Scl-70) Negative | 硬皮病阴性 |
JL-FA-181 | Sickle Cell Fresh Whole Blood | 镰刀形红细胞新鲜全血 |
JL-FA-182 | Smith (SM) | 抗Smith抗体阳性血清(SLE的特征性抗体) |
JL-FA-183 | SMITH RNP | 抗RNP抗体阳性血清(SLE的特征性抗体) |
JL-FA-184 | Smooth Muscle (ASMA) | 抗平滑肌抗体阳性血清 |
JL-FA-185 | Sjogren syndrome antigen A (SSA) Positive | 舍格伦综合征或干燥综合征抗原A 阳性 |
JL-FA-186 | Sjogren syndrome antigen B (SSB) Positive | 舍格伦综合征抗原B 阳性 |
JL-FA-187 | Sjogren syndrome antigen B (SSB) Negative | 舍格伦综合征抗原B阴性 |
JL-FA-188 | Streptolysin O Ab (ASO) | 链球菌溶血素O抗体 |
JL-FA-189 | Syphilis (RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin) Positive Plasma | 梅毒(梅毒-快速血浆反应)阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-190 | Syphilis (RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin) Negative Plasma | 梅毒(梅毒-快速血浆反应)阴性血浆 |
JL-FA-191 | Syphilis/ATA/T. pallidum IgG | 梅毒ATA/T,苍白球IGG |
JL-FA-192 | Syphilis/ATA/T. pallidum IgM | 梅毒ATA/T,苍白球IGM |
JL-FA-193 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Positive | 全身性红斑狼疮阳性 |
JL-FA-194 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Negative | 全身性红斑狼疮阴性 |
JL-FA-195 | TG/TPO Positive (Standard Titer 1,000 - 3000 IU/mL) | 甲状腺球蛋白/甲状腺过氧化物酶阳性 |
JL-FA-196 | TG/TPO Negative | 甲状腺球蛋白/甲状腺过氧化物酶阴性 |
JL-FA-197 | TTG (Tissue Transglutaminase) | 组织转谷氨酰胺酶 |
JL-FA-198 | TTG (Tissue Transglutaminase) IgA | 组织转谷氨酰胺酶 IGA |
JL-FA-199 | ToRCH (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV) Positive | 优生优育(弓形虫,风疹,巨细胞,单胞)阳性 |
JL-FA-200 | ToRCH (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV) Negative | 优生优育(弓形虫,风疹,巨细胞,单胞)阴性 |
JL-FA-201 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) | 弓形虫病 |
JL-FA-202 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) IgG | 弓形虫病IGG |
JL-FA-203 | Toxoplasmosis (Toxo) IgM | 弓形虫病IGM |
JL-FA-204 | Thyroglobulin (TG) Positive Plasma | 甲状腺球蛋白阳性血浆 |
JL-FA-205 | Thyroglobulin (TG) Negative | 甲状腺球蛋白阴性 |
JL-FA-206 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Negative | 水痘-带状疱疹病毒阴性 |
JL-FA-207 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG | 水痘-带状疱疹病毒IGG |
JL-FA-208 | Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) IgM | 水痘-带状疱疹病毒IGM |
JL-FA-209 | West Nile Virus (WNV) | 西尼罗河脑炎病毒 |
JL-FA-210 | West Nile Virus (WNV) IgM | 西尼罗河脑炎病毒IGM |
“这项发现是我的实验室20年来的研究结果,” 加州大学亚哥分校医学院细胞和分子系的教授史蒂文·f·道迪博士说。“它完全抗原抗体了一个传统的认知,即一个称为p16-细胞周期蛋白D通路(癌症中Z常见的遗传通路突变)促进所有肿瘤细胞的细胞周期进程的一个基本方面。”这项研究结果发表于《eLife》杂志上。
“这些基本理论对肾脏疾病和肾脏再生有直接的影响,”论文的主要作者Yuval Rinkevich博士说。这项研究发表于2014年5月15日的《Cell Reports》杂志上。
Cell Reports:肾脏的再生能力贯穿人的一生
“这项研究告诉我们,肾脏决不是一个静态的器官,” 本文的高级作者、赛克勒医学院的儿科系副教授本杰明·德克尔博士说。“令人难以置信,肾脏可以自己恢复活力,并继续生成专门的肾细胞。”
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
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"This finding is the result of two decades of my laboratory's research," said Dr. Steven F. Dodi, a professor of cellular and molecular medicine at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. "It's a compley traditional understanding of antigen-antibody, a fundamental aspect of what is known as the p16-cyclin D pathway, the most common genetic pathway mutation in cancer, that promotes the cell cycle progression of all tumor cells." The study Results published in the "eLife" magazine.
Cyclin D, which is synthesized during the first phase of cell replication, is thought to contribute to the promotion of a complex, multi-stage process including the interaction with retinoblastoma (Rb) proteins whose function is Prevent cell overgrowth by inhibiting cell cycle progression until the cell is ready for division. RB is a tumor suppressor gene.
Several major cancer-associated Rb mutations and dysfunctions, as well as cyclin D, have long been described as an oncogene that promotes cancer as it is thought to cause the tumor suppressor function of Rb through a process called phosphorylation live.
Dodi and his colleagues carefully calculated the amount of phosphate added to the Rb during the cell cycle progression. This is up to 14, but scientists have found that cyclin D only adds one monophosphate and that only one of 14 sites in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle process has essentially 14 different subtypes of Rb. The role of monophosphates is to activate RB without inactivating it, a fact that has been recognized for more than 20 years.
The researchers say the study fundamentally changed the understanding of the molecular origins of G1-phase cell cycle regulation and many cancers. It is very important to understand the actual function of a gene pathway and to disrupt its consequences, especially in the case of a clinical trial of multiple drug inhibitors of cyclin D for antigen-antibody cancer.
It is believed that when the organ is fully formed, the kidney cells can not reproduce. But new research shows that the kidneys are able to regenerate and repair themselves throughout human life.
Researchers at the Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Institute at Stanford University in the United States and at the Scythian Institute of Medicine in Israel demonstrated how the kidneys are constantly growing and the amazing ability to self-renew, the antigenic antibody that for decades has not been able to regenerate the kidneys The accepted theory, it also opened up new ways to repair the kidneys and even growth.
"These basic theories have a direct impact on kidney disease and kidney regeneration," said lead author Yuval Rinkevich, PhD. The study was published in Cell Reports on May 15, 2014.
Cell Reports: The ability of the kidneys to regenerate throughout one's entire life
It has long been believed that kidney cells lose their ability to regenerate once the organ is fully formed. This new study shows that the kidneys are able to regenerate and repair themselves throughout human life.
"This study ls us that the kidney is by no means a static organ," said Benjamin Dinkel, a senior author of the article and associate professor of pediatrics at Seckler School of Medicine. "It's incredible that the kidneys can regain their own vitality and continue to produce specialized kidney cells."
Another top author of this article is a professor of pathology and developmental biology and Dr. Irving Weissman, director of the Stanford Institute.
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