维尔克斯光电销售代理InfraRan 系列气体分析仪 气体含量探测仪。美国Wilks公司是专业的测试设备生产商,在红外光谱领域有雄厚的技术积累。早在1995年,Wilks就把红外测试技术引入石油化工领域,用于测量ppm级别的烃/油脂含量。目前维尔克斯的产品线包括InfraSpec VFA-IR中红外光谱仪、InfraCal油脂分析仪、InfraCal ATR生物燃料分析仪、InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer多功能生物燃料分析仪,InfraRan气体分析仪/特种气体分析仪/气体含量探测仪、InfraCal Soot Meter烟尘仪已经广泛应用于生物燃料、能源、是有、石化、环保、质量控制、制造业等行业的实验室检测、通风厨检测和在线检测(监测)。
随着各国政府开始重视空气质量和水源土壤保护,控制石化燃料的消耗是日后能源行业发展的趋势。维尔克斯的InfraRan气体分析仪具有容易校准,便于携带的特点,适合现场测试单种或多种气体,涵盖麻醉剂类气体、制冷剂类气体、煤烟类气体、溶剂挥发性气体和通风厨内有害气体,具体包括二氧化碳、一氧化碳、R-114、R-12、R-134A、R236fa等。美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会(ASHRAE 110, American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Airconditioning Engineer)推荐采用InfraRan SF6等型号作为以上气体含量的测试仪器。维尔克斯光电销售代理InfraRan 系列气体分析仪 气体含量探测仪
InfraRan 特种气体探测仪
InfraRan Specific Vapor Analyzer 特种烟雾分析仪(蒸汽分析仪)
InfraRan SF6 Single Gas Analyzer 通风厨气体含量分析仪
Refrigerant Leak Detection 制冷剂气体泄漏探测仪
Anesthetic gas leak detection 麻醉气体泄漏探测仪
InfraCal Soot Meter烟尘计,煤烟分析仪
- 读数可以ppm和百分比(%)的形式显示
- 多重校准确保测量结果的准确性和可靠性
- 具有触控屏、内部数据存储、密码保护和多国语言显示功能
- 快速测试
- 重量轻,携带方便,可现场应用
- 仪器结构紧凑、坚固,不需校准和调节,Z适合现场或实验室使用
- 美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会ASHRAE 推荐使用
- 可测量数十种气体含量,可多种气体含量同时测量,维尔克斯光电销售代理InfraRan 系列气体分析仪 气体含量探测仪
维尔克斯光电销售代理InfraRan 系列气体分析仪 气体含量探测仪
Instrument Type | Fixed Filter Infrared Analyzer |
供电 | 120-220V AC, 50/60 Hz |
电源参数 | 12V; 9 A |
尺寸 | 15" x 7.3" x 7.5" (381 mm x 185 mm x 191 mm) |
重量 | 18 磅 (8.2 kg) |
外壳材料 | 高强度聚合物 |
类型 | 单光束红外光谱仪 |
光学 | Cell 1st Surface Gold & Pyrex Photometer, Fixed Band Pass Filters (specific to the gas or gases to be measured) |
取样长度 | 6.0 Meter (256") is used for most gases - for a high concentration range of a specified gas or gases, a 1.2 meter or 16 cm cell may be used |
取样体积 | 0.45 liters (0.0159 ft3 ) |
气流速度 | 10 liter per min (21.2 ft3/hr) |
气体净化 | 5 Cell Volumes for 99% purge of cell (approx. 5 sec @ 10 liters/min) |
测量周期 | Display Updated Every Second |
Source | Thin film on diamond-like carbon support |
通信接口 | USB and RS232 for Connection with PC |
含量超标报警 | High & Low (selectable by user) |
显示 | Vacuum Fluorescent - 8 Lines x 40 Characters Plasma Display |
键盘 | 20 Key Tactile Keypad |
Gas Calibration Code | Gas | Concentration Range LImit | Wavelength | Detection Limit | cell Pathlength |
1001 | Acetone | 0-1000 | 8.2um | 5 ppm | Long |
1002 | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | 0-3000 | 4.25um | 3 ppm | Short |
1003 | Carbon Monoxide | 0-100 | 461um | 1 ppm | Long |
1004 | Carbon Tetrachloride | 0-25 | 12.6um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1005 | Desflurane | 0-50 | 8.5um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1006 | General Hydrocarbons as Hexane | 0-500 | 3.33um | 0.5 ppm | Long |
1007 | Isoflurane | 0-50 | 8.8um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1008 | Isoprpyl Alchohol (IPA) | 0-500 | 8.8um | 2 ppm | Long |
1009 | Methylene Chloride | 0-100 | 13.2um | 2 ppm | Long |
1010 | Nitrous Oxide | 0-100 | 4.5um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1011 | Perchloroethylene | 0-50 | 10.9um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1012 | R-114 | 0-2000 | 8.38um | 10 ppm | Short |
1013 | R-12 | 0-2000 | 9.1um | 10 ppm | Short |
1014 | R-134A | 0-2000 | 8.05um | 10 ppm | Short |
1015 | R236fa | 0-2000 | 8.38um | 10 ppm | Short |
1016 | Sevoflurane | 0-50 | 8.05um | 0.1 ppm | Long |
1018 | Toluene | 0-200 | 13.8um | 1ppm | Long |
InfraRan系列气体分析仪 订购配件信息 可选配件说明 和出厂校准选项
维尔克斯光电销售代理InfraRan 系列气体分析仪 气体含量探测仪。配件的选取、出厂校正的选择对于实现仪器功能尤其重要,请维尔克斯技术人员确定所需配件,否则影响后期使用。
Part Number | Description |
405-2000-XXXX Note: Last four digits indicate Gas Calibration Code | InfraRan Single-Gas Specific Vapor Analyzer. Single-beam infrared spectrophotometer with fixed wavelength filter/detector for measuring single gas and concentration range (see table below). Includes menu-driven software and factory calibration for specified gas, internal battery pack with external charger and power supply (85 - 250 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz, universal input), RS232 and USB communication ports, sampling wand, two charcoal zero filters and shoulder strap. |
405-2000-1017 | InfraRan SF6 Single-Gas Analyzer. Single-beam infrared spectrophotometer with fixed wavelength filter/detector for measuring sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) in the 0-10 ppm concentration range with 0.01 ppm detection limit. Includes menu-driven software and factory calibration for SF6, internal battery pack with external charger and power supply (85 - 250 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz, universal input), digital and analog outputs, RS232 and USB communication ports, sampling wand, two charcoal zero filters and shoulder strap. Ideal for determining Chemical Fume Hood (ASHARAE 110) or Room Flow Rate Efficiencies. |
405-2005-0001 | InfraRan 4-Gas Anesthetic Specific Vapor Analyzer for measuring anesthetic gases individually.Single beam infrared spectrophotometer with four-wavelength filter/detector for measuring Nitrous Oxide (0 – 100 ppm), Desflurane (0 – 50 ppm), Isoflurane (0 – 50 ppm) and Sevoflurane (0 – 50 ppm). Includes menu-driven software and factory calibration for the above anesthetic gases, internal battery pack with external charger and power supply (85 – 250 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, universal input), RS232 and USB communications ports, sampling wand, two charcoal zero filters and shoulder strap. |
405-2004 | InfraRan 4-Gas Refrigerant Specific Vapor Analyzer Single beam infrared spectrophotometer with fixed wavelength/detector for measuring R114, R134a, R236a and Halon 13B1 in the 0 – 2500 ppm concentration range. Includes menu-driven software and factory calibration for R114, R134a, R236a, and Halon 13B1, internal battery pack with external charger and power supply (85 – 250 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz, universal input), RS232 and USB communications ports, sampling wand, two charcoal zero filters and shoulder strap. |
| Accessories |
403-1019 | Analog Output for InfraRan Analyzer. This option should be specified and ordered with the purchase of the InfraRan Analyzer. Included as standard with P/N 405-2000-1017 InfraRan SF6 Single-Gas Analyzer. |
403-1015 | Travel Case for InfraRan Analyzer with diced foam, reinforced extendable handle, large 3 inch wheels, stainless steel twist-lock latches and spring loaded steel handles.Approximay 27” x 18” x 13”. |
| Expendables |
500-0022 | Charcoal Zero Filter, 2 pack |
205-1029 | Particulate Filter |
| Replacement Parts |
201-0001 | Replacement 12v NiMH Battery Pack |
405-2024 | Battery Charger Assembly including battery charger, power cord with ferrite and connecting cable for connecting the InfraRan Analyzer to the battery charger. |
405-2027 | Zero Filter Holder |
405-1022 | Replacement Sampling Wand Assembly with flexible hose and particulate filter |
211-0004 | Shoulder Strap |
1. InfraRan Specific Vapor Analyzer,InfraRan SF6 Single Gas Analyzer,Refrigerant Leak Detection,Anesthetic gas leak detection,InfraCal Soot Meter气体分析仪的操作防范?
2. InfraRan系列气体分析仪的原理?
3. InfraRan系列气体分析仪如何选择型号和配件?