Sage Science products are built on the idea that science is more robust and reliable when it is based on high-precision, automated, reproducible technology instead of manually intensive steps that introduce variability and error. We look at molecular biology workflows and identify high-value steps that can be significantly improved with accurate, automated solutions. Our products not only reduce hands-on time and boost throughput, but they also improve data quality and downstream results for life science and diagnostic labs. The Sage Science portfolio includes products to perform DNA or cDNA sizing and protein fractionation: Pippin Prep for targeted DNA sizing; BluePippin for large DNA sizing and protein fractionation; and SageELF for whole-sample fractionation of DNA or protein samples. Independent studies of size-selection methods for next-generation sequencing sample prep have repeatedly found that the Pippin platform offers unparalleled reproducibility, accuracy, and sample recovery. Precise size selection is critical for optimizing sequencing efficiency, improving genome assemblies, and reducing project costs. Sage Science is privay funded. It is headquartered and manufactures at 500 Cummings Center in Beverly, MA, USA.
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