JPT is an ISO 9001 certified provider of innovative peptide products and services and a partner for research projects focusing on applications in Immunology, Proteomics & Enzyme Profiling. Our Bestsellers are Custom Peptides We are THE experts in poducing even complex custom designed peptides and conjugated peptides for many applications PepStar™ Custom designed peptide microarrays for incubation with a variety of biological samples (e.g. patient sera, antibodies, enzymes and others) during seromarker screening, enzyme profiling or immune monitoring. We also offer peptide microarray incubation and analyses services. PepTrack™ Flexible peptide library assembly tailored for each application PepMix™ Peptide pools for antigen specific T-cell stimulation during T-cell assays (e.g. for immune monitoring during disease or after vaccination) SpikeTides™ Protetypic light or heavily labeled peptides for protein biomarker quantification Please visit our webpage for more information! Impressum JPT Peptide Technologies GmbH Represented by the Management Board: Dr. Holger Wenschuh. Volmerstr. 5 D- 12489 Berlin ephone: +49 30 6392 5500 +49 30 6392 5501 : Registration Court: Berlin / Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 92692 VAT identification number: DE 814044483
Peptide Synthesis, Peptide Microarrays, Peptide Libraries, Peptide Pools, Proteotypic Peptides, Stable Isotope labeled peptides
世界知名品PaiJPT Peptide Technologies正式授权上海聚仕隆生物科技有限公司为其代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 一直为广大科研客户提供Z为优质的产品和服务;上海聚仕隆自成立以来始终坚持为ZG科研客户带来Z好的产品和体验,JPT Peptide Technologies产品的加入极大地丰富了我们的产品数量和类别,提供更好的一站式采购体验。JPT Peptide Technologies ZG代理,JPT Peptide Technologies上海代理,JPT Peptide Technologies北京代理,JPT Peptide Technologies广东代理,JPT Peptide Technologies天津代理,JPT Peptide Technologies重庆代理,JPT Peptide Technologies江苏代理, JPT Peptide Technologies浙江代理,JPT Peptide Technologies福建代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 浙江代理, JPT Peptide Technologies 黑龙江代理, JPT Peptide Technologies内蒙古代理,JPT Peptide Technologies吉林代理,JPT Peptide Technologies江苏代理, JPT Peptide Technologies 四川代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 广西代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 江西代理,JPT Peptide Technologies陕西代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 山西代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 安徽代理,JPT Peptide Technologies 西安代理,JPT Peptide Technologies武汉代理