介质温度-10 °C to +50 °C环境温度-10 °C to +55 °C
气源口1、3 模块法兰输出口24 G 1/8 螺纹接口
防爆等级可按需提供 EEX ia IIC T6
密封材质NBR介质压缩空气,中性气体 (5 μm 过滤)
2506 cable plug, 1057-SA and rectangul
值生产而发生变化。标定是将 pH 计与当前的电极特性相匹配
ar type connector (5.08 mm)
Explosion levels can be provided on EEX ia IIC T6
Seal material NBR Media Compressed
air, neutral gases (5 μm filter)
When the degree of protection IP 65,
When IP 20, with a 1057-SA IP 40, with rectangular plugs (5.08 mm)
Mounting position can be installed as required, preferably with
防护等级IP 65,配 2506型电缆插头时
IP 20,配1057-SA 时IP 40,配矩形插头 (5.08 mm) 时
Ø 6 mm 插管连(可按需提供 NPT 1/8 螺纹接口)
电压允差±10%负载周期 连续工作电气连接DIN EN 175301-803 (原 DIN 43650) C 形插脚,