Gefran introduces a new model of magnetostrictive transducer specifically designed to provide an ad hoc solution for pneumatics. Based on proprietary ONDA technology, the new ONPP-A transducer installs directly on pneumatic cylinders and measures the position of the standard magnet integrated in the cylinder of all principal manufacturers.
Gefran直线位移传感器:磁滞伸缩 > Profile design > ONPP-A(气缸)非接触磁致伸缩直线位移变送器,使用Gefran ONDA技术(模拟量输出)
ONPP-A(气缸)非接触磁致伸缩直线位移变送器,使用Gefran ONDA技术(模拟量输出)
行程从50 to 900mm
? 位移直接模拟量输出
? 工作温度: 0...+50°C
? IP65防护
? 电源 24Vdc ±20%
杰弗伦非接触直线位移变送器,使用创新的Gefran ONDA磁致伸缩技术,有长寿命。游标的无接触消除所有磨损和确保无限寿命。新的ONDA技术方案(Gefran)允许得到基本的模块化结构,尺寸紧凑,易于安装。