瓷鍍層載物台: 透過防刮陶瓷鍍層,可有效提高載物台的耐用度。 |
機身內建影像擷取按鈕: 直接按機身上的按鈕即可輕鬆擷取影像,可免去每次需重複使用滑鼠透過電腦設定擷取動作, 有效節省時間。 |
自動轉換放大倍率:透過遠端自動控制器上的簡易按鈕, 可自動於不同物鏡及光源強弱間作轉換。 |
影像整合控制器: 透過觸控式螢幕操作,即可簡單快速的作影像擷取、 簡易量測或控制電動機身之物鏡轉換。
人體工學目鏡筒:可根據每個人觀察高度的不同,自由調整鏡筒上下角度及左右眼距寬度, 以得到Z舒服的觀察姿勢。 |
低載物台設計: 鼻輪及載物台間的空間加大,可更方便快速的作玻片樣品更換。 |
新款長效型LED燈源解決以往舊型LED光源強度不足之問題,除了彩色明視野外, 將可更多樣化的支援相位差、暗視野、螢光、偏光等觀察模式,得到更佳的影像品質。 |
根據不同實驗需求,提供三款Ci-E、Ci-L、Ci-S機身給使用者做彈性搭配選擇 Ci-E:- LED長效燈源
- 電動化機身,可自動切換鼻輪物鏡、光源強度。
陶瓷鍍層載物台: 透過防刮陶瓷鍍層,可有效提高載物台的耐用度。 |
機身內建影像擷取按鈕: 直接按機身上的按鈕即可輕鬆擷取影像,可免去每次需重複使用滑鼠透過電腦設定擷取動作, 有效節省時間。 |
自動轉換放大倍率:透過遠端自動控制器上的簡易按鈕, 可自動於不同物鏡及光源強弱間作轉換。 |
影像整合控制器: 透過觸控式螢幕操作,即可簡單快速的作影像擷取、 簡易量測或控制電動機身之物鏡轉換。
人體工學目鏡筒:可根據每個人觀察高度的不同,自由調整鏡筒上下角度及左右眼距寬度, 以得到Z舒服的觀察姿勢。 |
低載物台設計: 鼻輪及載物台間的空間加大,可更方便快速的作玻片樣品更換。 |
新款長效型LED燈源解決以往舊型LED光源強度不足之問題,除了彩色明視野外, 將可更多樣化的支援相位差、暗視野、螢光、偏光等觀察模式,得到更佳的影像品質。 |
根據不同實驗需求,提供三款Ci-E、Ci-L、Ci-S機身給使用者做彈性搭配選擇 Ci-E:- LED長效燈源
- 電動化機身,可自動切換鼻輪物鏡、光源強度。
Ci-L Manual model with LED illumination (configured for a camera)
To meet the demands of clinical laboratory specialists and researchers, Nikon has reviewed all aspects of microscope usability to develop the ECLIPSE Ci-L microscope, which balances superior functionality with operational ease. Viewing images, sample changing and capturing images are all conducted with a natural posture. High-luminescent, eco-friendly LED illumination reduces the need for frequent lamp replacement. A variety of accessories are available that support various imaging techniques.
Bright and uniform Eco-illumination

The newly developed high-luminescent LED is a low-power-consuming eco-friendly light source that produces evenly distributed illumination and reduces the cost and effort of lamp replacement, thanks to a long life of 60,000 hours. By combining a collimator lens, fly-eye optics and LED illumination, bright and uniform images up to the periphery can be obtained even in high magnification. The LED illuminator features low-heat generation and provides the same color temperature in every magnification
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Enhanced operational easeObservation with a natural posture
Using the ergonomic binocular tube, which features an eyepiece that can be inclined from 10° to 30°and extended up to 40 mm, the microscope can be adjusted to suit natural posture. Moreover, a camera can be mounted via the DSC port. The eyelevel riser lifts the eyepiece tube in 25 mm increments (up to 100 mm*) and increases flexibility for more than one user of different eye-point height.
- *Up to 50 mm with ergonomic binocular tube.

Ergonomic binocular tube

Eyelevel riser
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User-friendly stage operation
With the addition of a nosepiece spacer, the stage height can be lowered 20 mm from the standard position, facilitating frequent specimen change. The stage handle height can be changed to ensure a comfortable hand position. The stage height can be locked using the refocusing knob, allowing refocusing after specimen changes. The stage is coated with high-durability scratch-resistant ceramic coating.

Height adjustable stage handle

Ceramic-coated stage
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Effortless image capturing
One simple click of the image capture button on the microscope base during observation enables the Digital Sight camera to capture the specimen image. Observation technique icons on the DS-L3 camera control unit's touch panel provide optimal camera settings for each observation method. In addition, ECLIPSE Ci series microscopes can be connected to remote PCs via a DS-L3 to enable remote viewing, online education, and distance collaboration.

Image capture button

DS-L3 camera control unit

Digital pathology via network