各种金属和非金属材料及其涂镀层表面的光泽测量。 Measurement of the surface gloss of all kinds of metallic and non-metallic materials and their coatings.
★单节5号(AA)碱性电池或可充电池同样好用。 ★低能耗:单节5号碱性电池可持续开机58小时以上。 ★整套仪器一体设计,开机即用,携带方便。 ★特设调校钮防护罩,操作更放心。 ★测口防刮伤涂层处理,以防擦伤被测物。 ★体积小巧、外观漂亮、性能稳定、使用便捷! ●Small, Smart, Stable. ●Simple to use. ●A single battery only. AA size, Rechargeable or alkaline. ●The knob protector for operating with ease.
●保修一年,无限期维修。 ●无限期免费调校仪器。 ●提供与光泽测量相关的。 △Guaranteed for a year and repaired for ever. △Anytime be checked free. △Technical support on the gloss measurement.