E12509 SA999940 Transparent Quartz Tube, 450/18/6 mm 2 空石英反应管
E12531 SA25204510 Transparent Quartz Insert, 210/13 mm 1 石英衬管
E10514 SA990716 Quartz wool, 4 um 5g 石英棉
E10160 SA990630 Silvered cobaltous oxide, Granulate 8-30 mesh 25g 镀银氧化钴
E10101 SA990610B Chromium (III)-oxide, Granulate 8-30 mesh 50g 三氧化二铬
E10130 SA99060204 Reduced Copper, Wire, diam. 0,7mm, (for sulfur analysis), Ampoule 40g 还原铜丝 (S的分析)
E10121 SA99060102 Reduced Copper, Wire, diam. 0,7mm, Ampoule 100g还原铜丝
E12001 SA76980502 Tin capsules for solids, 3.3 x 5 mm 250 锡杯
E12005 SA76981101 Tin capsules for solids , 5 x 9 mm 100 压制锡杯
E12055 SA76981105 Silver capsules for solids, 5 x 9 mm 100 银杯
E13040 SA46830500B Prepacked Reactor for Eurovector, CHNS/CNS/S, Transparent Quartz Tube 450/18/6 mm 1 三氧化钨,还原铜,EA3000预装石英反应管
E11001 SA990744 Acetanilide Standard 1g 乙酰苯胺
E11008 SA990746 Atropine Standard 1g 阿托品
E11028 SA990750 Sulphanilamide Standard 1g 磺胺
E11037-A SAAR4016 Soil Standard, 2.24% C & 2.08% S 25g 土壤标样
E13502 SA990740 Small trap tube for H2O with plug and septa, 120/12 mm 1 水阱
E13041 SA13041 Prepacked Reactor for Eurovector, CHN/CN/N, Transparent Quartz Tube 450/18/6 mm 单炉 镀银氧化钴,三氧化二铬,高纯铜