Note to Electromagnetic Compatibility Guideline (EEC):
The valves shall be provided with an electrical circuit which ensures the
limits of the harmonised standards EN 61000-6-3 and EN 61000-6-1 are
observed, and hence the requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Guideline (2004/108/EG) satisfield.
在 3秒的气缸A和B工作循环内,瞬时耗气量为302l/min。
For valves > DN 25 (G 1) Art. 3 § (1) No.1.4 applies.
The basic requirements of the Enclosure I of the PED must be fulfilled.
The CE-sign at the valve includes the PED. A certificate of conformity of
this directive will be available on request.
从阀规格/流量表可以查出气缸A和B需要1/8”的阀,气缸C用 1/4”的阀,
The CE-sign at the valve refers not to the PED. Thus the declaration of
conformity is not longer applicable for this directive.
97/23/EG. This means interpretation and production are in accordance to
engineers practice wellknown in the member countries.