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介绍:很多国家通过接种疫苗和监控检测来控制口蹄疫疫情,通过检测来区分野毒感染和疫苗接种动物,能否获得高纯度疫苗是其中至关重要的步骤。我们Prionics公司荣幸的推出PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC检测套装,能让疫苗厂家在生产过程中监测其疫苗的纯度。
当前,口蹄疫疫苗是通过对牛攻毒实验来检测其纯度,该方法耗时耗力而且相当昂贵。因此对于疫苗生产厂家,寻找一种快速的体外诊断方法来控制疫苗生产过程中口蹄疫非结构蛋白对疫苗抗原的污染,迫在眉睫。我们推出的PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC,就是一种检测口蹄疫疫苗纯度的GX廉价方法。该方法能在疫苗生产过程中免疫定量测定疫苗抗原中非结构蛋白的含量。能检测低至2-4ng的3abc蛋白。
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) poses a serious economic threat to the livestock industry. The spread of the disease is controlled through vaccination and surveillance programs using diagnostic tests to detect antibodies against the non-structural (NS) proteins (such as 3ABC or 3D) of the FMD virus. These dedicated NS tests, also known as DIVA (discriminate infected from vaccinated animals) tests, help to eradicate the disease faster and support the preferred ”vaccination-to-live” policy. In order to enable the discrimination between vaccinated and infected animals with NS tests, it is of primary importance that FMD vaccines do not contain the FMD virus NS proteins. If vaccines contain the virus, a vaccinated animal would be diagnosed as positive in an NS test.
In vitro testing could replace challenge testing in cattle
Currently, FMD vaccines are tested for purity by challenge testing in cattle, an expensive and time-consuming method. Vaccine manufacturers therefore have been in need of a fast in vitro test to control for contamination of vaccine-antigen batches with FMD virus non-structural proteins during the vaccine manufacturing process (i.e. in-process control). The PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC of Prionics now offers a fast, efficient and cost-effective tool to determine FMDV vaccine purity. The PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC is an in-process control (IPC) immunoassay for the detection and quantification of the non-structural 3ABC protein in vaccine-antigen batches, regardless of their volume and composition. The test is able to detect as little as 2 - 4 ng of the 3ABC protein. This is well below the amount of protein needed to induce antibodies even after multiple vaccinations.
Reduced production costs
When vaccine producers use the PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC to check the purity of their vaccine batches during production, fewer batches will have to be rejected. In-process control testing contributes significantly to reducing vaccine production costs. Furthermore, in-process control testing of FMD vaccine batches reduces the need for challenge testing in cattle, an expensive and time-consuming procedure. In addition, the PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC in vitro assay will make a significant contribution towards the efforts to refine, reduce and replace animals for evaluation of biological products (i.e. the 3Rs concept of Russell and Burch).
With the PrioCHECK® FMD IPC 3ABC test for vaccine control and the PrioCHECK® FMDV NS DIVA test, Prionics provides a complete solution for FMD eradication.