BXX51铝合金防爆动力检修箱型号含义 Model implication 
BXX51铝合金防爆动力检修箱适用范围 Applications 1.1区、2区危险场所或20区、21区、22区危险场所; 2.ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC爆炸性气体环境或可燃性粉尘环境; 3.户内、户外(IP65、IP66*); 4.温度组别:T1~T4/T5/T6。 5.应用于石油、化工、航天、等场所。 1.Hazardous:division 1 &2,or 20,21,&22; 2.Explosive gas atmosphers: classⅡA ⅡB ⅡC or inflammabledust environment; 3.Indoor or outdoor(IP65,IP66*); 4.Temperature class:T1~T4/T5/T6. 5.Widely using in the fields of oil, chemical industry, spaceflight,war ind-ustru and so on. BXX51铝合金防爆动力检修箱产品特点 Features 1.壳体采用高强度合金铝一次性压铸成型,表面经高速抛丸清理后高压静电喷塑。外壳结构紧凑合理、材质密度高强度好、防爆性能优良,表面塑粉附着力强具有良好的防腐能力,表面光洁,美观大方; 2.内可装元件为:C120高分断小型断路器、NSX、CM1、DZ47塑壳断路器及信号灯等,若需安装其他特殊元件,可与公司工程技术人员; 3.具有过载保护、短路保护、漏电保护等功能; 4.本产品为复合型模块化结构,开关腔为隔爆型,母线腔和接线腔为增安型,可根据拥护要求,对各回路进行自由组合; 5.可根据用户要求特制,如加装电涌保护器、电流表、电压表、互感器等;常规产品操作手柄为工程塑料,操作手柄可根据要求加装挂锁; 6.钢管,电缆布线均可。 1.Shell made of high strength aluminum alloy casting off the surface after blast cleaning by high voltage electrostatic spray.Shell compact structure, high density material strength, Explosion-proof performance, the surface of plastic powderadhesion ability with good anti-corrosion, the surface smooth, elegant appearance; 2.Built-in C120and NSX, Cm1 circuit breaker and indicator lights, etc. Please contact our company's technical engingeersif you want to install other special components; 3.With overload, short-circuit and leakage protection functions; 4.This product is in the structure of combined modularization, the switch case is flame-prooftype,and the bus bar case andconnecting case are increased safety type. Each branch circuit can be assembled freely according to the user's requests; 5.It can be made on user's request, including adding electric surge protector. ammeter, voltmeter and mutual inducor, etc.The operation handle of generalproducts is made of engineering plastics, What's more, the handle can be addad padlockaccording to the request, the padlock handle of theminicircuit-breaker is made of highly intensive aluminium alloy; 6.Wiring with steel tube or cable. BXX51铝合金防爆动力检修箱主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 额定电压(V) Rated voltage | 额定电流(A) Branch current | 支路数 Branch Number | 进线口螺(G") Inlet's thread | 出线口螺纹(G") Outlet's thread | 380 | 60~100 | 2 4 | 2~3 | 1~11/2 |
BXM(不锈钢防爆箱)(配电箱)BJX(防爆端子)BXM(不锈钢防爆箱)(配电箱)BJX(防爆端子)BXM(不锈钢防爆箱)(配电箱)BJX(防爆端子)BXM(不锈钢防爆箱)(配电箱)BJX(防爆端子)接线箱, BG防爆(远程)控制箱 ,BK防爆动力箱(启动电机箱)BBJ防爆生光报警器,BXMD防爆配电箱、BXMD不锈钢防爆配电箱、BXMD动力防爆配电箱、BKX防爆检修电源箱,防爆开关箱,BXX防爆远控操作箱BXMD照明防爆配电箱、BXMD开关防爆配电箱、BXMD配电箱防爆、BJX防爆接线(端子)箱,BXMD防爆照明动力箱、BXMD防爆防腐照明动力箱、BXMD防爆电箱 防爆标志 Ex-mark | 防腐等级 Erosion-proof-class | 防护等级 Protection class | ExdeⅡBT6/T5/T4 等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdeⅡBT6/T5/T4(欧标) ExdeⅡCT6/T5/T4 等效于 Ⅱ2G ExdeⅡCT6/T5/T4(欧标) DIP A20 TA,T6/T5/T4 等效于 Ⅱ1D Ex tD A20 T6/T5/T4(欧标) | WF1 | IP54 *IP55 |
电气原理图 Electrical diagram 
外形及安装尺寸 Outines & installation dimensions 
型号 type | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | 型号 type | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | BXX51-3KXX BXX51-4KXX BXX51-6KXX BXX51-8KXX | 400 600 600 600 | 422 617 617 617 | 455 647 647 647 | 385 385 575 575 | 400 400 600 800 | 470 470 680 900 | 165 165 165 165 | BXX51-3KXD BXX51-4KXD BXX51-6KXD BXX51-8KXD | 400 600 600 600 | 422 617 617 617 | 455 647 647 647 | 385 385 575 768 | 400 400 600 800 | 525 525 820 1020 | 165 165 165 165 |
型号 type | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | 型号 type | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | BXX51-3KXX BXX51-4KXX BXX51-6KXX BXX51-8KXX | 600 600 900 900 | 675 675 967 967 | 720 720 1008 1008 | 555 855 855 855 | 600 900 900 900 | 740 1050 1050 1350 | 275 275 275 275 | BXX51-3KXD BXX51-4KXD BXX51-6KXD BXX51-8KXD | 600 600 900 900 | 675 675 967 967 | 720 720 1008 1008 | 555 855 855 1155 | 600 900 900 1200 | 850 1160 1160 1470 | 275 275 275 275 |
注:ⅡC级与ⅡB级外型尺寸相同 主营产品:LED防爆灯、防爆接线箱、防爆操作柱、防爆配电箱、防爆控制箱、防爆手电筒、防爆探照灯、防爆挠性连接管、防爆断路器、防爆磁力启动器、防爆轴流风机、防爆荧光灯、防爆泛光灯、防爆防腐全塑荧光灯、防爆风扇、防爆管件、粉尘防爆、防爆防腐全塑等厂用防爆、矿用防爆、移动照明、三防类灯具及高低压电器等100多个系列,1000多种规格的产品,是目前国内防爆电器产品配套齐全,专业性较强的企业; 乐清威创防爆科技有限公司自创建以来,坚持以“科学管理,质量*”的方针,为客户提供满意的产品和优良的服务,致力立足于经济化的战略发展视野,将产品营销网络推向世界。公司奉行“以市场为ZX,以科技为先导,以质量为主线,以信誉为生命”的企业宗旨,立足本行业,不断向多元化,规模化,集团化推进。 我们愿与社会各界精英、有识之士携手并进,共创美好未来; :www.bxd6.com www.bxd8.com |