A-10通用同心量规是由组装三个主要组成部分。 #1)选择标准或精密度的准确性,#2)选择主辊,#3)选择指示器(S)和/或其他配件。有两种分类校准,并直接溯源到(NIST)。标准的黑色计,保证比≤4μm的更好(0.00016“)的精度。精密黄金计,保证比≤2μm的(0.00008更好”)的精度。
A-10 Universal Concentricity Gages are comprised of three main components for assembly. #1) selection of standard or precison accuracy, #2) selection of main rollers, #3) selection of indicator(s) and/or other accessories. There are two classifications calibrated and directly traceable to (N.I.S.T.). Standard Black Gages are guaranteed to be better than ≤ 4µm (.00016") accuracy. Precision Gold Gages are guaranteed better than ≤ 2µm (.00008”) accuracy.
#A-10 Standard Concentricity Gage Model ≤ 4µm (.00016”)
#A-10P Precision Gold Concentricity Gage Model ≤ 2µm (.00008”)