产品名称: BXX52系列防爆检修电源插座箱(ⅡB、ⅡC)
增安型防爆电气设备: 在正常运行下不会产生电弧,火花或可能点燃白璧微瑕混合物的高温,结构式采取措施提高安全度,以避免在正常和认可的过载条件下出现电弧,火花或高温电气设备,其标志为e
粉尘防爆电气设备: 按规定条件和设计制造,使其外壳能阻止可燃粉尘进入或进入量不会妨碍设备安全进行,内部堆积的粉尘也不易产生点燃,从而能保证使用用时不会引起周围爆炸混合物的爆炸的电气设备
BXX52系列防爆检修电源插座箱适用范围 Application
Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB、group explosive atmosphere.
Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed.
型号含义 Model implication
BXX52系列防爆检修电源插座箱特点 Featrues
■铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑. ◆ The shell is of diecasted AI-alloy,with plastic-sprayed Surface.and has leakage
function according to the demend.
■有多种规格的插座便于检修用电源. ◆ Various kinds of sockets are available.
■可带有总开关,具有过载,短路等保护 ◆ Equipped with chief switch,having protections of overload,short
■功能.并可根据要求带漏电保护功能 circuit.
■电缆布线均可. ◆ Suitable for cable wiring.
■符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
BXX52系列防爆检修电源插座箱主要技术参数 Main technical parameters
回路数 额定电压(V) 额定电流(A) 极数 防爆标志 防护等级
Circuit number Rated voltage Rated current Poles Ex-mark Protection class
220 1P+N Exde II BT6
2,3,4,6 16 32 380 3P+N IP55 *Exde II CT6
订货须知 Notice for ordering
订货时应注明插座数量,对应的电压和电流,进线口数量,方向及规格,如需要配出线口,请注明方向 数量及规格:如带开关请注明开关的电流大小及 极数.
If ordering please indicate the number of sockets,voltage,current,the number of inlet,direction and specification,if need outlet wire,please offer the direction,number and specification;if want chief switch,please show the currents and poles.
外形举例 Outline example
CBP56-3/16 电器原理图 Electrical principle chate