恒温恒湿试验箱(Temperature Humidity Test Chamber) MODEL : TX-TH-1000F
1) 试验机部件Chamber part
2) 温湿度控制系统Temp. & Humi. Control system
3) 循环系统 Circulation system
4) 冷却系统 Freezing System
5) 仪表板 Instrument panel
6) 安全装置 Safety device
7) 附件Accessories
8) 记录器 Recorder
A.恒温恒湿试验箱(Temperature Humidity Test Chamber)产品特征(Features) ;
1. Manufacturing testing equipment based on vacuum insulation for high insulated
2. Over eight times higher insulated performance compare to existing insulation.
3. Maintaining the stable high precision for temperature and humidity.
4. Reliable testing equipment based on vacuum insulation with environmental friendly and high insulated performance.
恒温恒湿试验箱(Temperature Humidity Test Chamber)
真空隔热材料的硅石基本粒子的平均直径为7~40mm,非常小,因为广泛的表面积 (50~380m2/g)和三元形态的特性,热传导率非常低,可以发挥Z佳的隔热性能。
6. Vacuum insulation with thermal conductivity of less than 0.0045W/mK Strengthens over eight times insulated performance compare to the same thickness "GA" class insulation.
真空隔热材料热传导率值为0.0045W/mK 以下,具有比同一厚度基准的 “甲”级隔热材料高出8倍以上的隔热性能 。
B. 产品规格Specification;
1) 试验箱部件Chamber part)
- 内箱尺寸 Dimensions (in): 1000 x 1000 x 1000 (W*D*H)mm
- 外部尺寸 Dimensions (out): 1600 x 1550 x 1950 (W*D*H)mm
- 内部材料 Material ( in) : SUS 304 1.2T Polished plate
- 外部材料 Material (out) : Cold rolled steel plate with baked coating finish.
- 隔热料 Insulations :vacuum insulation for high insulated PrformancePoly-urethane foam & glass wool真空隔热材料 聚氨酯 及玻璃纤维 。
- 试验箱门密封 Door packing : 双重硅酮密封 Silicon packing
2) 温度控制系统(Temp. Control system)
- 温、湿度试验范围 Test temp. range : -40℃ ~ 100℃ / 20% ~ 98%RH
20%(20°C) 70%(25~65°C)
- 温、湿度精密度Temp. & Humid. range : ±0.3℃ / ±1.5%
- 温、湿度均匀度 Temp. & Humid. Uniformity: ±1.5℃ / ±2%
- 温度上升比率 Temp. heat up rate : RT ~ 100℃ heating (1-3℃/min)(非线性)
- 温度下降比率 Temp. Pull down rate : RT ~ -40℃ Cooling (1-4℃/min) (非线性)
- 温度程序控制器 Temp. Program controller :
* Model : TH-500 * Maker: HANYOUNG NUX
* P.I.D 自动调整控制 P.I.D auto tuning control / alarm monitor system
* 99 Pattern / 800step
* 通讯 Communications: RS- 232/485
- 温度感应器 Temp. & Humid. Sensor : PT100? / Electronic type
- 加热器 Heater:
* STS pipe fin heater 4.0kW (TEMP)
* STS pipe sheathed heater 4.0kW (HUMID)
3) 循环系统 (Circulation system)
- 强热风扇 Sirocco fan : 3" x 6" x 4
- 循环电机Circulation motor : 60W x 4SET
4) Freezing System
- 双冷冻系统 Dual freezing system
- 制冷机 Refrigerant M/C: 6HP x 2SET
- 制冷剂 Refrigerant : R404a & R23
- 冷却系统 Cooling system: 空气冷却 AIR COOLED TYPE
5) 仪表板 Instrument panel
- 温度程序控制器 Program Temp. controller
- 主电源及箱内灯开关 Main & Lamp S/W
- 记录器 Recorder
- 透视窗 Viewing window: 400 x 500 x 38T
- 紧急开关Emergency
6) 安全装置 Safety device
- N.F.B
- 过热保护器 Over heat protector
- 电机过载继电器 Motor Over load relay
- 冷冻过载继电器 Refri. Over load relay
7) 保修 Accessories
- 电缆端口 Cable port: ¢50 x 1ea
- 搁板 Shelves: STS 不锈钢网式 STS mesh type x 2set
8) 记录器 Recorder
- 型号 Model: GR-100
- 2 数字点 2 point digital
- 制造公司 Maker : HANYOUNG NUX
9) 电源 Power source: AC 380V/50HZ 3Phase 16.0KW