
通道 Four independent delay outputs
范围 0 to 999.999,999,999,995 seconds
分辨率 5 ps
精度 1500 ps timebase error × delay
Timebase Standard: 25 ppm crystal oscillator
Optional: 1 ppm TCXO (opt. 03)
External: 10.0 MHz reference input
RMS抖动 <100 ps (10−8 × delay)
触发延时(typ.) 85 ns (ext. trigger to T0 output)
比率 DC to 1/(1 μs longest delay)
幅值 ±2.56 VDC
分辨率 10 mV
斜率 Trigger on rising or falling edge
阻抗 1 MΩ 40 pF or 50 Ω
比率 Single shot, 0.001 Hz to 1.000 MHz, or line
分辨率 Four digits, 0.001 Hz below 10 Hz
精度 Same as timebase
抖动 1:10,000
Settling <2 seconds for any rate change
突发模式 2 to 32766 pulses per burst at integer multiples (4 to 32767) of the trigger period
阻抗 50 Ω or high impedance
上升时间 2 to 3 ns (typ.)
转换速率 1 V/ns
Overshoot <100 mV 10 % of pulse amplitude
电压幅值 TTL: 0 to 4 VDC (normal or inverted)
ECL: −1.8 to −0.8 VDC (normal or inverted)
NIM: −0.8 to 0.0 VDC (normal or inverted)
VAR: Adjustable offset and amplitude between −3 and 4 VDC with 10 mV
resolution.4 V maximum transition.
精度 ±(50 mV 3 % of pulse amplitude)
显示 backlit 20-character LCD
计算机接口 GPIB (IEEE-488). All instrument functions and settings may be controlled
over the interface bus. Interface queue can be viewed from the front panel.
尺寸 8.5" × 4.75" × 14" (WHD)
重量 10 lbs.
功率 70 W, 100/120/220/240 VAC,50/60 Hz
保修 One year parts and labor on defects in materials and workmanship
A = T0 0.00125000 B = A 0.00000005 C = T0 0.10000000 D = C 0.00100000 | 