Datasheet of StemRegenin 1Catalog: DC5142
Purity of current batch: >98%

用120nM的EC50评估方法,在5到7天之后,StemRegenin 1能增加CD34+阳性细胞数量。参照对比的质控细胞,在mPB CD34+阳性细胞中添加细胞因子和StemRegenin 1(SR1-1μM)培养7天,表达CD34+, CD133+, and CD90+ 的造血干细胞和祖细胞群体数量分别增加2.6倍,2.3倍和10倍。继续添加StemRegenin 1培养3周时间,总有核细胞(TNC)数量增加了11倍,表达CD34+阳性细胞数量增加了73倍,根据输入细胞增长了1118倍。SR1(1μM)处理促进CD34+细胞增殖以及降低了VentX在人CD34+阳性细胞中的表达水平。VentX的异位表达可防止SR1诱导CD34+阳性细胞的膨胀。
序贯共培养与骨形态发生蛋白4 BMP-4(20纳克/毫升),PGE2(2μM),和SR1(0.75μM)导致强大的豚尾猴iPSC的造血祖细胞的形成。在表达CD34的细胞群体中可以分离到CD34(+)CD38(-)Thy1(+)CD45RA(-)CD49f(+)的细胞,在添加了StemRegenin 1(SR1 0.75μM)的细胞培养中,数量扩大了3倍并保持着这种长期重建造血干细胞表型。
Description:StemRegenin 1 increases the number of CD34+ cells after 5 to 7 days with an EC50 of 120 nM. Culture of mPB CD34+ cells with cytokines plus SR1 (1 μM) for 7 days increases the number of CD34+, CD133+, and CD90+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell populations 2.6-, 2.3-, and 10-fold, respectively compared to control cells. Continued culture with SR1 (1 μM) for 3 weeks leads to an 11-fold increase in total nucleated cells (TNC), a 73-fold increase in CD34+ cells as compared to control cultures, and a 1118-fold increase in CD34+ cells relative to input cells. Culture of 1×103 cord blood CD34+ cells for 5 weeks with SR1 (1 μM) results in the production of 1.69×106 colony forming cells. SR1-induces CD34+ cell expansion acts by binding and antagonizing AhR as evident by decreased CYP1B1 and AHRR mRNA levels. SR1 (1 μM) treatment accelerates the proliferation of CD34+ cells and decreased the expression levels of VentX in human CD34+ cells. Ectopic expression of VentX prevents SR1-induced expansion of CD34+ cells. Sequential coculture with bone morphogenetic protein 4 (20 ng/mL), PGE2 (2 μM), and SR1 (0.75 μM) lead to robust Macaca nemestrina iPSC hematopoietic progenitor cell formation. CD34(+)CD38(-)Thy1(+)CD45RA(-)CD49f(+) cells isolated on the basis of CD34 expression and cultured in SR1 (0.75 μM) expands 3-fold and maintained this long-term repopulating HSC phenotype. StemRegenin-1(SR1)常见问题:
1. 如何使用SR1,使用浓度多少?
大多数培养条件下,稀释SR1储存液(如10 mM DMSO) 1:10,000,加入感兴趣的造血干细胞培养基内获得工作液浓度为1 μM。微量浓度的DMSO(0.01%)对细胞培养物无副作用。但对于非传统的培养基,如含高浓度人血清的培养基,建议进行一组不同浓度SR1预实验,因为SR1的蛋白结合特性仍未知。
2. SR1的稳定性如何?加入培养基后多久需要换SR1?
3. 添加化合物后多久检测SR1的作用效应?
4. SR1可否用于体内实验?
2010年9月Boitano等在《科学》杂志隆重介绍了其利用原代HSCs进行无偏倚筛选技术得到的一种嘌呤霉素衍生物—StemRegenin1 (SR1)。SR1是目前为止*个能促进人CD34+ 细胞大量扩增和自我更新的小分子。将SR1加入HSCs培养物中可以促使表达CD34的细胞数量增加50倍,而移植到免疫缺陷小鼠仍维持原来功能的HSCs细胞数增加17倍。另外,SR1还可以非常GX的促使正常HSCs或白血病干细胞/祖细胞的体外(ex vivo)扩增。因此,STR1已经成为体外诱导HSC扩增的Z新方法,也为HSCs在临床上的应用带来极大方便。