细胞活力:87%(Viability by Trypan Blue Exclusion)
非洲绿猴肾细胞系,Vero-HCV-E1 产品注明
细胞运输:干冰运输(1 Vial)或活细胞运输(T-25 flasks)
人转录因子抗体-1(ATF-1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human activating transcription factor-1,ATF-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞分裂周期基因(CDC)ELISA 试剂盒 Human cell division cycle gene,CDC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(PTP/PTPase/CD148)ELISA 试剂盒 Human protein tyrosine phosphatase,PTP/PTPase ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素(TSLP)ELISA 试剂盒 Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin,TSLP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤坏死因子α转化酶(TACE)ELISA 试剂盒 Human TNF α converting enzyme,TACE ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人分泌性白细胞蛋白酶YZ因子(SLPI)ELISA 试剂盒 Human secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor,SLPI ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人阿黑皮素原(POMC)ELISA 试剂盒 Human pro-opiomelanocortin,POMC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人多效生长因子(PTN)ELISA 试剂盒 Human pleiotrophin,PTN ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人可溶性白细胞分化抗原28(sCD28)ELISA 试剂盒 human soluble cluster of differentiation 28,sCD28 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人淋巴细胞因子ELISA 试剂盒 Human lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人胸腺活化调节趋化因子(TARC/CCL17)ELISA 试剂盒 Human thymus activation regulated chemokine,TARC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人CX3C趋化因子受体1(CX3CR1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human CX3C-chemokine receptor 1,CX3CR1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肺部活化调节趋化因子(PARC/CCL18)ELISA 试剂盒 Human pulmonary activation regulated chemokine,PARC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人黏膜地址素细胞黏附分子(MAdCAM-1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1,MAdCAM-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人转化生长因子β2(TGFβ2)ELISA 试剂盒 Human transforming growth factors β2,TGFβ2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人单核细胞趋化蛋白4(MCP-4/CCL13)ELISA 试剂盒 Human monocyte chemotactic protein 4,MCP-4 ELISA kit 96T/48T
人N钙黏蛋白/神经钙黏蛋白(N-Cad)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Epithelial-Cadherin,N-Cad ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肝素结合性表皮生长因子(HB-EGF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor,HB-EGF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人红细胞刺激因子(ESF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human erythropoiesis stimulating factor,ESF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人基质裂解素(ST1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Stromelysin-1,ST1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人基质裂解素(ST2)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Stromelysin-2,ST2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人基质裂解素(ST3)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Stromelysin-3,ST3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人破骨细胞分化因子(ODF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human osteoclast differentiation factor,ODF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤坏死因子相关激活诱导因子(TRANCE)ELISA 试剂盒 Human TNF related activation induced cytokine,TRANCE ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人生长激素释放因子(GH-RF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human growth hormone relasing factor,GH-RF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人α/β干扰素受体(IFN-α/βR)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Interferon α/βReceptor,IFN-α/βR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B细胞生长因子(BCGF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human B cell growth protein,BCGF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B细胞分化因子(BCDF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human B cell differetiation factor,BCDF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人心纳素(ANF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human atrial natriuretic factor,ANF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人纤溶酶原激活剂(PLGA)ELISA 试剂盒 Human plasminogen activator,PLGA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人上皮细胞粘附分子(Ep-CAM/CD362)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule,Ep-CAM ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经趋化蛋白(fractalkine/CX3CL1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human fractalkine/neurotactin ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B-淋巴细胞趋化因子1(BLC-1/CXCL13)ELISA 试剂盒 Human B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1,BLC-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B细胞连接蛋白(BLNK)ELISA 试剂盒 Human B-Cell Linker Protein,BLNK ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人表皮细胞活化肽因子(CAPF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Cuticular Active Peptide Factor,CAPF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子受体(M-CSFR)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor,M-CSFR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人STAT3蛋白YZ分子(PIAS3)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Protein inhibitor of activated STAT3,PIAS3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人T细胞生长因子-Ⅲ(TCGF-Ⅲ)ELISA 试剂盒 Human T cell growth factor Ⅲ,TCGF-Ⅲ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人巨噬细胞活化因子(MAF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human macrophageactivatingfactor,MAF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白A Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcαRⅠ/CD89)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin A,FcαRⅠ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcεRⅡ/CD23)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅱ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E,FcεRⅡ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcεRⅠ)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E,FcεRⅠ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅲ(FcγRⅢ/CD16)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅲ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅢ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcγRⅡ/CD32)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅱ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅡ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcγRⅠ/CD64)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅠ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人粒细胞趋化蛋白-2(GCP-2/CXCL6)ELISA 试剂盒 Human granulocyte chemotactic protein-2,GCP-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人ω干扰素(IFN-ω)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Interferon ω,IFN-ω ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人干扰素调节因子(IRF)ELISA 试剂盒 Human interferon Regulatory Factor,IRF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人CC趋化因子受体1(CCR1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human CC-chemokine receptor 1,CCR1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人整合素αⅤβ3(Integrin αⅤβ3)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Integrin αⅤβ3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人血管生成素4(ANG-4)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Angiopoietin 4,ANG-4 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人叉头框蛋白03(FoxO3)ELISA 试剂盒 Human forkhead box O3,FOXO3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人叉头框蛋白02(FoxO2)ELISA 试剂盒 Human forkhead box O2,FOXO2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人叉头框蛋白01(FoxO1)ELISA 试剂盒 Human forkhead box O1,FOXO1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人叉头框蛋白04(FoxO4)ELISA 试剂盒 Human forkhead box O4,FOXO4 ELISA Kit 96T/48T