人儿茶酚胺(CA)Elisa试剂盒用 途:
BH7266 人晚期氧化蛋白产物(AOPP)Elisa试剂盒 Human advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP ELISA Kit
BH5654 人C型钠尿肽(CNP)Elisa试剂盒 Human C -type natriuretic peptide,CNP ELISA Kit
BH6356 人黑色素瘤标记物(MART/Melan-A)Elisa试剂盒 Human Melanoma Marker A,MART/Melan-A ELISA Kit
BH5213 裸鼠环加氧酶2(COX-2)Elisa试剂盒 Nude mouse cyclooxygenase-2,COX-2 ELISA Kit
BH7266 人晚期氧化蛋白产物(AOPP)Elisa试剂盒 Human advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP ELISA Kit
BH7416 人旋毛虫抗体(Trichinella Ab)Elisa试剂盒 Human Trichinella antibody ELISA Kit
BH6013 人超敏热休克蛋白90(HSP-90)Elisa试剂盒 Human Ultra Sensitive Heat Shock Protein 90,HSP-90 ELISA Kit
BH8369 小鼠肺部活化调节趋化因子(PARC/CCL18)Elisa试剂盒 Mouse pulmonary activation regulated chemokine,PARC ELISA Kit
BH6169 人鹅膏蕈碱Elisa试剂盒 Human Amanitin ELISA Kit
BH5372 牛生长激素释放多肽(GHRP) Elisa试剂盒 Bovine Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide,GHRP ELISA Kit
BH5398 牛胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白6(IGFBP-6) Elisa试剂盒 Bovine insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6(IGFBP-6) ELISA Kit
BH4394 大鼠花生四烯酸(AA)Elisa试剂盒 Rat Arachidonic Acid(AA) ELISA Kit
BH6397 人肌球蛋白重链(MHC)Elisa试剂盒 Human myosin heavy chain,MHC ELISA Kit
BH8295 小鼠丙酮酸脱氢酶E1(PDH E1) Elisa试剂盒 Mouse pyruvate dehydrogenase-E1,PDH E1 ELISA Kit
BH8599 小鼠内皮抑素(ES)Elisa试剂盒 Mouse Endostatin,ES ELISA Kit
BH4525 大鼠可溶性血管内皮细胞蛋白C受体(sEPCR)Elisa试剂盒 Rat soluble endothelial protein C receptor,sEPCR ELISA Kit
BH7602 人游离睾酮(F-TESTO)Elisa试剂盒 Human Free Testosterone,F-TESTO ELISA Kit
BH7390 人信号传导子及转录激活子2(STAT2)Elisa试剂盒 human signal transducer and activator of transcription 2,STAT2 ELISA Kit
BH5293 牛γ干扰素(IFN-γ)Elisa试剂盒 Bovine Interferon γ ,IFN-γ ELISA Kit
英文名称:Human catecholamine,CA ELISA Kit
Elisa试剂盒 人儿茶酚胺(CA)Elisa试剂盒 Human catecholamine,CA ELISA Kit咨询!