◆蒸馏控制与数据处理系统在Windows 2000/XP操作系统下运行,全中文界面,实时曲线和数据显示。
◆符合ASTM D86Z新标准、GB/T 6536标准。
◆采用无间隙蒸馏接收控制系统,克服丝杠传动的固有缺憾, 保证标准规定精确值的实现。
◆采用自动检测、自动灭火系统,仪器加热系统内一旦出现火焰即可自动报警、扑灭。满足ASTM D86对自动蒸馏仪器的规定。
Applicable standards:GB/T6536 GB/T 7534 ASTM D86 D850 D1078
◆PC controlled with LIMS capability, real-time data and graphic display under English interface, user-friendly Windows based operation system for distillation control and database functions
◆Reproducibility and repeatability computation and analysis
◆User classificfation for smooth operation and database security
◆Seamless receiving and controlling process to ensure stipulated accuracy
◆A sensor at the bottom of the flask, forming a closed loop control system with the heater, can mitigate the impact caused by aging and replacement of the heater
◆Self-detection system coupled with built-in automatic fire alarming and extinguishing system
◆Database functions include: searching, modifying, saving, applying, and printing test data at any time
◆Fully covered receiver chamber tracing and controlling system to combat erosion and ease cleansing
◆Stipulated distillation rate warranted through continuous calibration
◆Networking for up to 16 units