原装进口英国斯派莎克波纹管截止阀BSA1T的口径从DN15~DN250,可提供各种不同的材质,从铸铁材质的BSA1T,球墨铸铁的BSA2T和铸钢材质的BSA3T型截止阀,连接标准有法兰、螺纹和承插焊等,压力等级可达PN40,ANSI 300和CLASS 800。Z高工作温度可达425℃。可用于高温系统.从而用一种阀即可淮足各种不同的工业应用要求,并确保长的使用寿命、免维修及坚固结实..
Spirax Sarco 's BSA series bellows sealed globe valve with a unique bellows seal design to compley eliminate coated stem packing seal leakage problems, meet the most stringent requirements of the leakage level . BSA series with throttle
Spool , double bellows seal , longer life ...
Spirax Sarco BSA1 zero cut-off valve leakage characteristics to improve the safety of the equipment. Significant energy savings , reduced maintenance costs , and for industrial applications provide a clean and safe working environment.
Bellows seal globe valve diameter from DN15 ~ DN250, can provide a variety of materials, from cast iron BSA1T, ductile iron and steel materials BSA3T BSA2T cut-off valve , connected to standard flanged , threaded and socket welding , etc. , pressure rating up to PN40, ANSI 300 and CLASS 800. The maximum operating temperature up to 425 ℃. Can be used for high-temperature systems. Thus Huai foot in a valve to a variety of industrial applications , and to ensure a long service life , free maintenance and sturdy solid ..
Spirax Sarco BSA64T body using stainless steel sinks , steel bonnet . Normally the working fluid does not contact with the valve cap . Therefore the valves are suitable for corrosive fluid environment .
BSA6T with stainless steel structure body and bonnet , for liquids and corrosive environment applications.
· Typical applications of fluid
· Steam and condensate
· Process fluid
· Hot and cold water systems
· Heat oil system
· Chemical thermal fluid
· Toxic fluid
· Compressed air and other gases
· Water / glycol and other industrial fluids