CA1 49 23 14 A1 CA2 68 37 20 A2 € 13,00
CA3 standard 85 45 21,5 A3 CA3 vecchio tipo 85 38 19 3
TA 4 25 37 10 26 24 A 4 6
TA 5 30 43 11 29 24 A 5 6
TA 6 34 52 12 36 33 A 6 6
TA 7 44 62 14 44 38 A 7 6
TA 8 45 57 16 47 40 A 8 8
TA 9 46 67 18 54 39 A 9 8
TA 10 53 75 18 59 50 A 10 8
TA 11 59 94 25 78 55 A 11 8
TA 12 64 106 27 88 59 A 12 8
TA 13 84 91 27 70 75 A 13
TA 3 24 40 10 30 20 A 3 4
TA 5 S 30 37 10 30 26 A 5 S 10
TA 7 S 42 48 12 39 40 A 7 S 10
TA 8 S 45 62 17 50 39 A 8 S 8
TA 10 S 46 66 19 52 44
TB4 68 30 30 25 15 30 B4 4
TB5 80 37 37 30 20 36 B5 4
TB6 90 50 40 40 17 40 B6 4
TB7 116 56 41 41 23 50 B7 4
U 140 31 43 32 26 ULISSE140/6 6
U 150 35 48 31 27 ULISSE150/6 6
U 190 34 45 33 25 ULISSE 190 8
U 230 47 58 39 33 ULISSE 230 8
U 270 47 44 40 28 ULISSE 270 12
U 310 51 81 45 56 ULISSE 310 8
U 330 54 53 49 36 ULISSE 330 12
U 380 68 94 58 63 ULISSE 380 8
U 410 75 106 64 72 ULISSE 400 8
U 470 87 75 75 49 ULISSE 470 12
CE 80 73,2 52 12,8 11,2 CE80 CE 100 90 64 14,7 16,6 CE100 CE 120 108,5 78 21,5 18,1 CE120 CE 150 135,5 96,8 24,5 25,3 CE150 CE 180 164 117 27,4 30 CE180
代表型号:820系列、850系列、860 PCM系列、720系列、750系列、630系列、EPR100系列。
The SPR 1000 is a closed loop electronic pressure regulator with an integrated high performance volume booster (5000 Nl/min @ 6 bar power stage7, able to convert a variable analog or digital input signal (current, voltage, keypad, RS-232) into a proportiional pneumatic output and maintain with precision a required downstream pressure. Equipped with an 8 bit microcontroller, it can process signals and commands, carry out complex functions and easily interface with other control/monitor systems via serial RS-232, perfectly integrating in applications which had required more elaborate and expensive systems up till now. The compact and functional design, overall performances and reliability makes for an effortlrss integration in any advanced pneumatic system that requires an active component quuickly adaptable to any specific requirement. The input signal, which could be analog (0-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA) or digital (serial Rs-232, keypad/display), is processed by the microcontroller and converted into a proportional pressure output (0-7 bar or optional 0-12 bar) by using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) controlled high-speed solenoid valves for feed and exhaust functions. An integrated pressure sensor continuously monitors the output pressure of the SPR 1000 providing a feedback to the controller that compares this value to the desired setpoint, which is set by the input signal. Thus any variation of the output pressure can be quickly and precisely compensated in order to maintain the requested downstream pressure. This closed loop system has a reaction time of less than 5 ms. In addition, the SPR 1000 may supply an analog output in proportion to the downstrea pressure.
The SPR 100 ia available in two basic versions:
• SPR 100A Equipped with analog/digital input interface (0-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA*, RS-232) and status leds.
• SPR 100D equipped with analog/digital input interface (0-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA*, RS-232), keypad/display user interface, status leds.
Pneumatic solenoid valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 820, 2/2, NC, 180 Nl/min, 1 ms
Pneumatic solenoid valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 720, 3/2, NC-NO, 100 Nl/min
Pneumatic solenoid valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 840, 2/2, NC, 300 Nl/min, 1 ms
Pneumatic solenoid valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 750, 2/2-3/2, NC-NO, 100÷700 Nl/min
Miniature 3-way pneumatic valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 320, 3/2, NC-NO, 30 Nl/min, 200 Hz
Pneumatic solenoid valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 890, 2/2, NC, 100÷1600 Nl/min, 1 ms
Pneumatic flow control valve MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD 860, 2/2, NC, PCM, 1-750 Nl/min
Electronic pressure regulator MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD EPR100, 0-5/10V, RS232, 60 NL/min
Electronic pressure regulator MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD EPR200/300/500, 0-5/10V, RS232, 200÷300÷500 Nl/min
Electronic pressure regulator MATRIX mechatronics
MXPD SPR1000, 5000 Nl/min, IP65, 0-5/10V, 4-20mA, RS232
Electronic fuel injection MATRIX mechatronics