WIKA CPH6400 手持式压力校准仪,精密手持式压力显示仪
Precision hand-held pressure indicator
Model CPH6400

Precision hand-held pressure indicator model CPH6400 with optional model CPT6400 reference pressure sensor
- Calibration service companies and service industry
- Service and maintenance companies
- Instrument and control workshops
- Quality assurance
Special Features
- Digital indicator with easily interchangeable pressure sensors (plug and play)
- Measuring ranges from 0 ... 400 mbar up to 0 ... 6,000 bar (vacuum and absolute pressure ranges also available)
- Accuracy: 0.025 % (incl. calibration certificate)
- Simultaneous pressure and temperature measurement with external Pt100 resistance thermometer
- Min, max, pressure rate and data logger function
Remarks |
- 1 Digital instrument for easily changeable pressure sensors (plug & play)
- Simultaneous pressure and temperature measurement (incl. logger) with external Pt100 resistance thermometer
- Temperature range: -10 … +50 °C, accuracy: 0,05 °C (other ranges on request)
- Min-/Max function and measuring rate can be displayed
- integrated data logger
- USB interface
- Very easy handling and visualisation on a large graphic display (with backlighting)
- Factory calibration inclusive (opt. DKD calibration)
- PC calibration / data logger evaluation software available
- Complete service case with test pumps and accessories available
咨询WIKA CPH6400 手持式压力校准仪,精密手持式压力显示仪
订购: 56291930
公司:http://www.zoriver.cn http://www.zoriver.com.cn