WIKA PGT15 步进式电信号输出波登管压力表 inliGAUGE CNG汽车
Bourdon tube pressure gauge
with stepped electrical
output signal Model PGT15

Bourdon tube pressure gauge model PGT15
多功能inliGAUGE 是几乎所有压力测量仪表应用中Z经济可靠的解决方案之一。它无需外部电源就能将机械式压力表的模拟示值与压力变送器的电信号输出组合在一起。此类组合仪表可使用所有电信号。该传感器以无接触的方式运转,对测量信号不产生任何影响。许多仪表可根据ATEX EX II 2 G ia的规定交付使用。
Measurement of the filling pressure in gas tanks for CNG vehicles
Special features
Non-contact opto-sensor (wear-free)
Robust steel case
Nominal size 50
Scale range 0 ... 400 bar
Approval in accordance with ECE-R 110
EN 837-1
Nominal size in mm
Accuracy class
Indication range
0 ... 400 bar
Pressure limitation
Steady: 3/4 x full scale value
Fluctuating: 2/3 x full scale value
Short time: Full scale value
Permissible temperature
At the vehicle: -40 ... +80 °C (permissible temperature range)
In the engine compartment: -40 ... +120 °C (for a maximum of 8 hours, at a maximum working pressure of 240 bar)
Temperature effect
When the temperature of the measuring system deviates from the reference temperature (+20 °C): max. ±0.4 %/10 K of the span
Process connection
lower mount (LM)
G 1/4 B (male), 14 mm flats
Pressure element
Cu-alloy, helical type
Plastic, white, with pointer stop pin
Plastic, black, special design
Steel, black lacquered
Plastic, crystal-clear (PC), with integrated optoelectronics
Bezel ring
Slip-on bezel, steel, black lacquered
Ingress protection
IP 54 per EN 60529 / lEC 529
Output signal (with supply voltage DC 12 V)
40 bar ±10 bar: 2.5 V ±1.5 V
60 bar ±10 bar: 5 V ±1.5 V
90 bar ±10 bar: 7.5 V ±1.5 V
140 bar ±10 bar: 11.3 V -2 V
Output signal (with supply voltage DC 5 V)
40 bar ±10 bar: 1.5 V ±0.3 V
70 bar ±10 bar: 2.5 V ±0.3 V
100 bar ±10 bar: 3.5 V ±0.5 V
140 bar ±10 bar: 4.5 V -0.5 V

Supply voltage (Us)
DC 12 or 5 V
Electrical connections
Connector, 3-pin, model JST XH (reverse polarity safety ensured mechanically)
Electrical connection diagram

Electromagnetic compatibility
Per test standards EN 61000-4-6 / EN 61000-4-3
Other process connection
Standard version
Dimensions in mm

Process connection per EN 837-1 / 7.3
Ordering information
Model / Nominal size / Scale range / Connection size / Connection location / Supply voltage / Options
咨询订购WIKA PGT15 步进式电信号输出波登管压力表 inliGAUGE CNG汽车
: 56291930
公司:http://www.zoriver.cn http://www.zoriver.com.cn