European Reference Materials (ERM?) 欧洲标准物质( ERM? )
ERM?系列标准物质制定于2004 年5 月,它是三方主要标准物质生产单位合作的结果,即英国LGC、比利时
IRMM 和德国BAM。合作方致力于应用Z先进的方法生产有证标准物质。证书中提供的标准物质特性量值具
有可溯源性,并通过参加BIPM 下属CCQM 的关键比对验证而得到国际认可。所有ERM?系列标准物质经过
Article code Description Unit size List price
RTC-CRM357-100 Soil (Sandy loam) - Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM358-100 Soil (Sandy loam) - Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM359-100 TPH - Clay Loam 1 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM360-100 Soil (Sandy loam) - Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as (30/40WT motor) oil 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM361-100 Sea sediment - Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM371-100 Loamy Soil - TPH Banded 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM372-100 Sandy soil - Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM373-100 Loamy Soil - TPH Banded 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM401-225 Superfund soil (Sludge) - TCLP organics 225g 157,00 €
RTC-CRM402-225 Superfund soil (Sandy loam) - TCLP organics 225g 157,00 €
RTC-CRM498-100 Clay soil - pH, conductivity 100g 104,00 €
RTC-CRM499-100 Loamy sand - pH 100g 104,00 €
RTC-CRM500-030 Soil (Sandy loam) - Gasoline 30g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM501-030 Soil (Loamy clay) - BTEX/GRO 30g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM502-030 Soil (clay) - BTEX/GRO 30g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM504-030 Soil (Sandy loam) - Gasoline 30g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM513-030 Soil - BTEX/GRO 30g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM550-100 Soil (Sandy loam) - Diesel 100g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM558-100 Soil (Clay loam)- Diesel 100g 123,00 €
RTC-CRM608-025 Sandy loam 1 - Volatile organic analytes (VOAs) 25g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM627-030 Soil (Sandy loam) - Volatile organic analytes (low level) 30g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM633-030 Soil (Loamy sandy) - Volatile organic analytes (low level) 30g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM636-025 Loamy sand 4 - Volatile organic analytes 25g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM638-025 Clay 2- Volatile organic analytes 25g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM640-025 Lake Sediment - Volatile organic analytes 25g 114,00 €
RTC-CRM803-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Herbicides 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM804-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM805-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM806-100 Soil (Loamy sand) - Chlordane 100g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM808-050 Soil (Loam) - Herbicides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM810-050 Soil (Loamy sand) - Herbicides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM812-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Chlordane 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM813-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Toxaphene 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM814-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM817-050 Soil (Loam) - Herbicides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM821-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Organophoshorus pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM824-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM825-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Chlordane 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM826-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Toxaphene 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM827-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - Organophosphorus pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM828-050 Soil (Silty loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM829-050 Soil (Silty loam) - Toxaphenes 50g 147,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
RTC-CRM831-050 Soil (Loam) - Herbicides 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM837-050 Soil (Silty loam) - Organophosphorous pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM846-050 Soil (Loamy sand) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM847-050 Soil (Clay Loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM851-050 Soil (Silty loam) - Organophosphorous pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM852-050 Sediment - Chlordane 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM853-050 Soil (Clay) - Toxaphenes 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM860-050 Soil (Clay Loam) - Pesticides 50g 147,00 €
RTC-CRM910-050 Soil (Loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM911-050 Soil (Loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM913-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM915-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM916-050 Soil (Loamy sand) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM917-050 Soil (Loamy sand) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM918-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM920-010 Transformer oil - PCBs 10g 80,00 €
RTC-CRM921-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM922-050 Soil (Loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM923-050 Soil (Sandy loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM924-050 Soil (Silt loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM927-050 Soil (Clay loam) - PCBs 50g 138,00 €
RTC-CRM961-050 Clay soil - PCBs 50g 176,00 €
RTC-CRM962-050 Loamy sand - PCBs 50g 176,00 €
RTC-CRM981-010 Clay loam - Dioxins/Furans 10g 472,00 €
RTC-PB-2000 Clay loam - Lead 50g 133,00 €
RTC-PB-3000 Soil - Lead 50g 142,00 €
RTC-QCI-028-1 Nutrients amp. 39,00 €
RTC-QCI-028-2 Nutrients amp. 39,00 €
RTC-QCI-028-3 Nitrite in Water amp. 39,00 €
RTC-QCI-028K Nutrients set 57,00 €
RTC-QCI-032 Total phenolics amp. 39,00 €
RTC-QCI-041 pH QC Sample - Constant value amp. 34,00 €
RTC-QCI-042 Nutrients - Constant value set 52,00 €
RTC-QCI-043 Phenolics - Constant value set 57,00 €
RTC-QCI-044 Residual chlorine - Constant value amp. 46,00 €
RTC-QCI-046 Minerals (set of 2 ampoules) - Constant value set 74,00 €
RTC-QCI-047 Cyanide - Constant value set 48,00 €
RTC-QCI-048 Turbidity - Constant value amp. 41,00 €
RTC-QCI-049 Trace metal-AA (set of 3 ampoules) - Constant value set 122,00 €
RTC-QCI-050 Trace metal-ICP (set of 2 ampoules) - Constant value set 122,00 €
RTC-QCI-051 Anions QC sample amp. 50,00 €
RTC-QCI-052 Corrosivity/Sodium (set of 2 ampoules) - Constant value set 63,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
RTC-QCI-088 Nonionic surfactants in water 20ml 37,00 €
RTC-QCI-244 Waters - Anionic surfactant (MBAS)-WP vial 45,00 €
RTC-QCI-267 Water -Total residual chlorine (Low level) 2ml on request
RTC-QCI-303-1 Nutrients - WP (Whole-volume) 500ml 60,00 €
RTC-QCI-303-2 Complex Nutrients - WP (Whole-volume) 500ml 60,00 €
SC-1024-B005 Natriumsulfat Picograde? wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Rückstandsanalyse (ACS) 500g 15,40 €
SC-1024-B005 Sodium sulfate Picograde? anhydrous, for residue analysis (ACS), in granular form 500g 15,40 €
SC-1024-B025 Natriumsulfat Picograde? wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Rückstandsanalyse (ACS) 2.5kg 48,30 €
SC-1024-B025 Sodium sulfate Picograde? anhydrous, for residue analysis (ACS), in granular form 2.5kg 48,30 €
SC-4181-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 70,70 €
SC-4181-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 70,70 €
SC-4181-S010 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 608,00 €
SC-4181-S010 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 608,00 €
SC-4182-B005 Florisil? PR for residue analysis, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 99,85 €
SC-4182-B005 Florisil? PR for residue analysis, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 99,85 €
SC-4182-B005 Florisil? PR zur Rückstandsanalyse, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 99,85 €
SC-4182-B005 Florisil? PR zur Rückstandsanalyse, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 500g 99,85 €
SC-4182-S010 Florisil? PR for residue analysis, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 749,00 €
SC-4182-S010 Florisil? PR for residue analysis, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 749,00 €
SC-4182-S010 Florisil? PR zur Rückstandsanalyse, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 749,00 €
SC-4182-S010 Florisil? PR zur Rückstandsanalyse, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 10kg 749,00 €
SC-4182-S02 Florisil? PR for residue analysis, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 20kg 1.435,00 €
SC-4182-S020 Florisil? PR zur Rückstandsanalyse, 60 - 100 mesh (150 - 250 μm) 20kg 1.435,00 €
SC-4183-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 500g 70,70 €
SC-4183-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 500g 70,70 €
SC-4183-S010 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 10kg 570,00 €
SC-4183-S010 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 10kg 570,00 €
SC-4183-S020 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 20kg 1.135,00 €
SC-4183-S020 Florisil? (Standard), 100-200 mesh 20kg 1.135,00 €
SC-4568-A005 ICN Alumina B - Super I (basic) (50 - 200 μm) 500g 26,50 €
SC-4569-A005 ICN-Alumina B - Super I (50 - 200 μm) for dioxin analysis 500g 34,95 €
SC-4569-A005 ICN-Alumina B - Super I (50 - 200 μm) speziell für die Dioxin-Analytik 500g 34,95 €
SC-4592-A005 ICN-Alumina A - Super I (acid) (50 - 200 μm) 500g 26,50 €
SC-4592-A005 ICN-Aluminia A - Super I (acid) (50 - 200 μm) 500g 26,50 €
SC-5150-F025 1-Octanesulphonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 73,85 €
SC-5150-F025 1-Octanesulphonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 73,85 €
SC-5150-F025 1-Octansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 73,85 €
SC-5150-F025 1-Octansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 73,85 €
SC-5150-F100 1-Octanesulphonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5150-F100 1-Octansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5230-F025 1-Heptanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5230-F025 1-Heptanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 71,75 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SC-5230-F025 1-Heptansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5230-F025 1-Heptansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5230-F100 1-Heptanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5230-F100 1-Heptanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5230-F100 1-Heptansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5230-F100 1-Heptansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5330-F025 1-Butanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 103,00 €
SC-5330-F025 1-Butansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 103,00 €
SC-5330-F100 1-Butanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 307,00 €
SC-5330-F100 1-Butansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 307,00 €
SC-5430-F025 1-Dodecanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 125,00 €
SC-5430-F025 1-Dodecansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 125,00 €
SC-5430-F100 1-Dodecanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 375,00 €
SC-5430-F100 1-Dodecansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 375,00 €
SC-5550-F025 1-Hexanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 70,75 €
SC-5550-F025 1-Hexanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 70,75 €
SC-5550-F025 1-Hexansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 70,75 €
SC-5550-F025 1-Hexansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 70,75 €
SC-5550-F100 1-Hexanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5550-F100 1-Hexansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5650-F025 1-Decanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 118,60 €
SC-5650-F025 1-Decansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 118,60 €
SC-5650-F100 1-Decanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 359,00 €
SC-5650-F100 1-Decansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 359,00 €
SC-5730-F025 1-Pentanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5730-F025 1-Pentanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5730-F025 1-Pentansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5730-F025 1-Pentansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 25g 71,75 €
SC-5730-F100 1-Pentanesulfonic acid sodium salt for HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-5730-F100 1-Pentansulfons?ure-Natriumsalz für die HPLC 100g 206,00 €
SC-8024-B005 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 500g 14,30 €
SC-8024-B005 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 500g 14,30 €
SC-8024-B005 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 500g 14,30 €
SC-8024-B005 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 500g 14,30 €
SC-8024-B025 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 2.5kg 44,80 €
SC-8024-B025 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 2.5kg 44,80 €
SC-8024-B025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 2.5kg 44,80 €
SC-8024-B025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 2.5kg 44,80 €
SC-8024-S025 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 25kg 280,00 €
SC-8024-S025 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, gek?rnt zur Analyse (ACS) 25kg 280,00 €
SC-8024-S025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 25kg 280,00 €
SC-8024-S025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis, in granular form 25kg 280,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SC-9700-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (geeignet für ISO 9377-2 500g 75,80 €
SC-9700-B005 Florisil? (Standard), 60 - 100 mesh (suitable for ISO 9377-2/H53) 500g 75,80 €
SC-9950-B005 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, zur Analyse (ACS) Pulver 500g 13,25 €
SC-9950-B005 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis (ACS), powder 500g 13,25 €
SC-9950-B025 Natriumsulfat wasserfrei, zur Analyse (ACS) Pulver 2.5kg 34,50 €
SC-9950-B025 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, for analysis (ACS), powder 2.5kg 34,50 €
SC-9982-B010 Kieselgel 60 (63 - 200 μm) 1kg 40,25 €
SC-9982-B010 Kieselgel 60 (63 - 200 μm) 1kg 40,25 €
SC-9982-B010 Silica gel 60 (63 - 200 μm) 1kg 40,25 €
SC-9982-B010 Silica gel 60 (63 - 200 μm) 1kg 40,25 €
SGE 2250-7 Spritze 10 μl, 50 mm Nadell?nge 10 R-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03713 stck. 52,00 €
SGE 3250-7 Spritze 25 μl , 50 mm Nadell?nge 25R-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03813 stck. 55,00 €
SGE 4250-7 50 μL GC gas tight syringe with removable needle (50 mm + 70 mm) stck. 55,00 €
SGE 5250-7 Spitze 100 μl, 50 mm Nadell?nge 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (038130 stck. 60,00 €
SGE 7250-7 Spitze 500 μl, 50 mm Nadell?nge 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (038130 stck. 60,00 €
SGE 8100-7 Spritze 1 ml, 50 mm Nadell?nge 1MR-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03913 stck. 74,00 €
SGE 8500-7 Spritze 2.5 ml, 50 mm Nadell?nge 2.5MDR-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03913 stck. 70,00 €
SGE 8700-7 Spritze 5 ml, 50 mm Nadell?nge 5 MDR-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03152 stck. 77,00 €
SGE 8900-7 Spritze 10 ml, 50 mm Nadell?nge 10 MDR-GT 1 x Nadel 70 mm lang (03152 stck. 85,00 €
SGE-036910 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 33,00 €
SGE-036910 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 33,00 €
SGE-03691 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 33,00 €
SGE-036914 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 35,00 €
SGE-036916 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 45,00 €
SGE-036918 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 53,00 €
SGE-036918 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 53,00 €
SGE-036920 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-036922 Replacement needles for 5 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-038030 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-038030 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-038038 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-038060 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 25,00 €
SGE-038110 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 33,00 €
SGE-038110 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 33,00 €
SGE-038130 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 44,00 €
SGE-038131 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 44,00 €
SGE-038138 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 20,00 €
SGE-038161 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 47,00 €
SGE-038270 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 41,00 €
SGE-038430 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 51,00 €
SGE-038530 Replacement needles for 50 μL eVol? syringe 2needles 32,00 €
SGE-039038 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 20,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SGE-039060 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 61,00 €
SGE-039110 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 32,00 €
SGE-039110 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 32,00 €
SGE-039130 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 59,00 €
SGE-039130 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 59,00 €
SGE-039138 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 25,00 €
SGE-039160 Replacement needles for 500 μL eVol? syringe 5needles 61,00 €
SGE-2910000 eVol? automated analytical syringe starter kit kit 985,00 €
SGE-2910000 eVol? automated analytical syringe starter kit kit 985,00 €
SGE-2910005 eVol? - Electronic syringe ea 759,00 €
SGE-2910005 eVol? - Electronic syringe ea 759,00 €
SGE-2910010 eVol? Stand ea 60,00 €
SGE-2910010 eVol? Stand ea 60,00 €
SGE-2910012 eVol? Charger ea 81,00 €
SGE-2910012 eVol? Charger ea 81,00 €
SGE-2910020 5 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-2910020 5 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-2910021 5 μL eVol? Syringe supplied without needle ea 46,00 €
SGE-2910021 5 μL eVol? Syringe supplied without needle ea 46,00 €
SGE-2910022 50 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-2910022 50 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-291002 50 μL eVol? Syringe supplied without needle ea 46,00 €
SGE-2910023 50 μL eVol? Syringe supplied without needle ea 46,00 €
SGE-2910024 500 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-2910024 500 μL eVol? Syringe ea 55,00 €
SGE-2910030 eVol? Charging stand ea 311,00 €
SGE-2910030 eVol? Charging stand ea 311,00 €
SGE-2910040 eVol? Replacement battery ea 60,00 €
SGE-2910040 eVol? Replacement battery ea 60,00 €
SGE-2910100 eVol? NMR starter kit kit 997,00 €
SGE-2910380 Replacement plunger for 5 μL eVol? syringe ea 34,00 €
SGE-2910382 Replacement plunger for 50 μL eVol? syringe ea 34,00 €
SGE-2910382 Replacement plunger for 50 μL eVol? syringe ea 34,00 €
SGE-2910384 Replacement plunger for 500 μL eVol? syringe ea 34,00 €
SGE-2910384 Replacement plunger for 500 μL eVol? syringe ea 34,00 €
SGTGLASS10-D Amber soda - lime - silica container glass - Constituents disc 314,00 €
SGTGLASS10-P Amber soda - lime - silica container glass - Constituents 25g 282,00 €
SGTGLASS11-D Green soda - lime - silica container glass - Constituents disc 314,00 €
SGTGLASS11-P Green soda - lime- silica container glass - Constituents 25g 282,00 €
SGTGLASS4-D Fluoride opal glass - Constituents disc 267,00 €
SGTGLASS4-P Fluoride opal glass - Constituents 25g 203,00 €
SGTGLASS6-P Soda-lime-silica glass - Constituents 25g 203,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SGTGLASS7-D Soda - lime - silica glass - Constituents disc 267,00 €
SGTGLASS7-P Soda - lime - silica glass - Constituents 25g 203,00 €
SGTGLASS8-P Lead oxide - potassium oxide - silica glass - Constituents 25g 203,00 €
SGTSAND6 Standard sand 6 - Constituents 200g 282,00 €
SGTSAND8 Standard sand 8 - Constituents 200g 282,00 €
SL30000 PAH - Mix 15 CERTAN? 4.5ml 307,00 €
SL30005 PAH - Mix 15 5ml 292,00 €
SL30010 PAH - Mix 15 CERTAN? 1.5ml 154,00 €
SL30015 PAH - Mix 15 1.5ml 146,00 €
SL31000 Organotin Mix 8 - Stock solution (DIN EN ISO 17353) 100ml 1.047,00 €
SL31005 Organotin Mix 8 - Stock solution (DIN EN ISO 17353) CERTAN? 10ml 267,00 €
SL31010 Organotin Mix 4 - Internal standard (DIN EN ISO 17353) 100ml 700,00 €
SL31015 Organotin Mix 4 - Internal standard (DIN EN ISO 17353) CERTAN? 10ml 150,00 €
SL32100 Six Key PCB Isomers CERTAN? 1.5ml 71,00 €
SL32110 Six Key PCB Isomers 10ml 77,00 €
SL35000 Pesticide Mixture (25) CERTAN? 4.5ml 504,00 €
SL35100 Bentazone (isopropyl-D7,98%) 100 μg/mL in Acetone CERTAN 1.5ml 47,00 €
SL36000 4-Chlorophenol stock solution for the determination of AOX (ISO 9562:2004) 725 mg/L in Water (AOX = 200 mg/L) 100ml 100,00 €
SL36010 4-Chlorophenol working solution for the determination of AOX (ISO 9562:2004) 3.625 mg/L in Water (AOX = 1 mg/L) 100ml 100,00 €
SL36050 4-Chlorophenol stock solution for DIN 38414-S 17 363 mg/L in n-Heptane (Cl = 100 mg/L 100ml 100,00 €
SL36060 4-Chlorophenol working solution for DIN 38414-S 17 36.3 mg/L in n-Heptane (Cl = 10 mg/L 100ml 100,00 €
SL36080 Sodium chloride stock solution for DIN 38414-S 17 165 mg/L in Water (Cl = 100 mg/ 100ml 83,00 €
SL36090 Sodium chloride standard solution for DIN 38414-S 17 1.65 mg/L in Water (Cl = 1000 μg/L 100ml 83,00 €
SO-1142-B010 Aceton Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 15,35 €
SO-1142-B010 Acetone Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 15,35 €
SO-1142-B025 Aceton Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 34,85 €
SO-1142-B025 Acetone Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 34,85 €
SO-1142-B040 Aceton Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 49,80 €
SO-1142-B040 Aceton Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 49,80 €
SO-1142-B040 Acetone Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 49,80 €
SO-1142-B040 Acetone Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 49,80 €
SO-1151-B010 Acetonitril Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 35,00 €
SO-1151-B010 Acetonitrile Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 35,00 €
SO-1151-B025 Acetonitril Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 75,00 €
SO-1151-B025 Acetonitrile Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 75,00 €
SO-1151-B040 Acetonitril Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 95,00 €
SO-1151-B040 Acetonitril Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 95,00 €
SO-1151-B040 Acetonitrile Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 95,00 €
SO-1151-B040 Acetonitrile Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 95,00 €
SO-1163-B010 Benzene Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 43,15 €
SO-1163-B010 Benzene Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 43,15 €
SO-1163-B010 Benzol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 43,15 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-1163-B010 Benzol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 43,15 €
SO-1163-B025 Benzene Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 89,35 €
SO-1163-B025 Benzene Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 89,35 €
SO-1163-B025 Benzol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 89,35 €
SO-1163-B025 Benzol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 89,35 €
SO-1174-B010 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 1l 23,80 €
SO-1174-B010 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 1l 23,80 €
SO-1174-B010 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 23,80 €
SO-1174-B010 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 23,80 €
SO-1174-B025 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 2.5l 55,35 €
SO-1174-B025 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 2.5l 55,35 €
SO-1174-B025 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 55,35 €
SO-1174-B025 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 55,35 €
SO-1174-B040 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 4l 84,45 €
SO-1174-B040 Chloroform Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 0.2-1.8 % ethanol) 4l 84,45 €
SO-1174-B040 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 84,45 €
SO-1174-B040 Chloroform Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 84,45 €
SO-1179-B010 Cyclohexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 26,00 €
SO-1179-B010 Cyclohexane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 26,00 €
SO-1179-B025 Cyclohexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 58,45 €
SO-1179-B025 Cyclohexane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 58,45 €
SO-1179-B040 Cyclohexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 88,70 €
SO-1179-B040 Cyclohexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 88,70 €
SO-1179-B040 Cyclohexane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 88,70 €
SO-1179-B040 Cyclohexane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 88,70 €
SO-1182-B010 n-Decan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 148,00 €
SO-1182-B010 n-Decan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 148,00 €
SO-1182-B010 n-Decane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 148,00 €
SO-1182-B010 n-Decane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 148,00 €
SO-1185-B010 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 30,40 €
SO-1185-B010 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 30,40 €
SO-1185-B010 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 1l 30,40 €
SO-1185-B010 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 1l 30,40 €
SO-1185-B025 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 62,80 €
SO-1185-B025 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 62,80 €
SO-1185-B025 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 62,80 €
SO-1185-B025 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 62,80 €
SO-1185-B040 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 101,60 €
SO-1185-B040 Dichlormethane Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 101,60 €
SO-1185-B040 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 4l 101,60 €
SO-1185-B040 Dichloromethane Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with amylene) 4l 101,60 €
SO-1187-B010 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-1187-B010 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
SO-1187-B010 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
SO-1187-B010 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
SO-1187-B010 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
SO-1187-B010 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 1l 36,80 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethyl ether Picograde? for residue analysis (stabilised with 1.5-2.5 % ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1187-B025 Diethylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse (stabilisiert mit 1.5 - 2.5 % Ethanol) 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1189-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamid Picograde? 1l 41,10 €
SO-1189-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamid Picograde? 1l 41,10 €
SO-1189-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamide Picograde? 1l 41,10 €
SO-1189-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamide Picograde? 1l 41,10 €
SO-1189-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamid Picograde? 2.5l 86,85 €
SO-1189-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamid Picograde? 2.5l 86,85 €
SO-1189-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamide Picograde? 2.5l 86,85 €
SO-1189-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamide Picograde? 2.5l 86,85 €
SO-1191-B010 Ethyl acetate Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 23,80 €
SO-1191-B010 Ethylacetat Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 23,80 €
SO-1191-B025 Ethyl acetate Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 51,90 €
SO-1191-B025 Ethyl acetate Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 51,90 €
SO-1191-B025 Ethylacetat Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 51,90 €
SO-1191-B025 Ethylacetat Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 51,90 €
SO-1191-B040 Ethyl acetate Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 77,90 €
SO-1191-B040 Ethylacetat Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 77,90 €
SO-1210-B025 n-Heptan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1210-B025 n-Heptane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 63,85 €
SO-1244-B010 n-Hexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 22,90 €
SO-1244-B010 n-Hexane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 22,90 €
SO-1244-B025 n-Hexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 48,40 €
SO-1244-B025 n-Hexane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 48,40 €
SO-1244-B040 n-Hexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 75,50 €
SO-1244-B040 n-Hexan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 75,50 €
SO-1244-B040 n-Hexane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 75,50 €
SO-1244-B040 n-Hexane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 75,50 €
SO-1251-B025 Iso-Hexan Picograde?zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 48,80 €
SO-1251-B025 Iso-Hexane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 48,80 €
SO-1263-B010 Methanol Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 14,25 €
SO-1263-B010 Methanol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 14,25 €
SO-1263-B025 Methanol Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 29,15 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-1263-B025 Methanol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 29,15 €
SO-1263-B040 Methanol Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 44,40 €
SO-1263-B040 Methanol Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 44,40 €
SO-1265-B010 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? 1l 25,90 €
SO-1265-B010 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? 1l 25,90 €
SO-1265-B010 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 25,90 €
SO-1265-B010 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 25,90 €
SO-1265-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? 2.5l 56,20 €
SO-1265-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? 2.5l 56,20 €
SO-1265-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 56,20 €
SO-1265-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 56,20 €
SO-1271-B010 n-Nonan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 76,85 €
SO-1271-B010 n-Nonane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 76,85 €
SO-1271-B025 n-Nonan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 176,80 €
SO-1271-B025 n-Nonan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 176,80 €
SO-1271-B025 n-Nonane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 176,80 €
SO-1271-B025 n-Nonane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 176,80 €
SO-1279-B010 n-Octan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 73,60 €
SO-1279-B010 n-Octan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 73,60 €
SO-1279-B010 n-Octane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 73,60 €
SO-1279-B010 n-Octane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 73,60 €
SO-1282-B010 n-Pentan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 1l 39,00 €
SO-1282-B010 n-Pentane Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 39,00 €
SO-1282-B025 n-Pentan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 2.5l 81,10 €
SO-1282-B025 n-Pentane Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 81,10 €
SO-1282-B040 n-Pentan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 126,40 €
SO-1282-B040 n-Pentan Picograde? zur Rückstandsanalyse 4l 126,40 €
SO-1282-B040 n-Pentane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 126,40 €
SO-1282-B040 n-Pentane Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 126,40 €
SO-1320-B010 Petroleum ether Picograde? for residue analysis (30 - 60°C) 1l 18,40 €
SO-1320-B025 Petroleum ether Picograde? for residue analysis (30 - 60°C) 2.5l 40,10 €
SO-1320-B040 Petroleum ether Picograde? for residue analysis (30 - 60°C) 4l 62,80 €
SO-1320-B040 Petroleum ether Picograde? for residue analysis (30 - 60°C) 4l 62,80 €
SO-1334-B010 Propan-2-ol Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 21,65 €
SO-1334-B025 Propan-2-ol Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 44,30 €
SO-1334-B040 Propan-2-ol Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 71,25 €
SO-1334-B040 Propan-2-ol Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 71,25 €
SO-1350-B010 Toluene Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 20,50 €
SO-1350-B025 Toluene Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 44,30 €
SO-1350-B040 Toluene Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 69,30 €
SO-1364-B010 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Isooctane) Picograde? for residue analysis 1l 28,10 €
SO-1364-B025 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Isooctane) Picograde? for residue analysis 2.5l 61,70 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-1364-B040 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Isooctane) Picograde? for residue analysis 4l 97,35 €
SO-2435-B010 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 1l 14,05 €
SO-2435-B010 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 1l 14,05 €
SO-2435-B010 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 1l 14,05 €
SO-2435-B010 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 1l 14,05 €
SO-2435-B025 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-2435-B025 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-2435-B025 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-2435-B025 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-2435-B040 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 4l 48,70 €
SO-2435-B040 Aceton HPLC Optigrade? 4l 48,70 €
SO-2435-B040 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 4l 48,70 €
SO-2435-B040 Acetone HPLC Optigrade? 4l 48,70 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (unstabilisiert) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (unstabilisiert) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (unstabilisiert) 1l 64,60 €
SO-2854-B025 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 2.5l on request
SO-2854-B025 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (unstabilisiert) 2.5l on request
SO-2856-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,00 €
SO-2856-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,00 €
SO-2856-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,00 €
SO-2856-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,00 €
SO-2856-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 72,00 €
SO-2856-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 72,00 €
SO-2856-B040 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? 4l 115,00 €
SO-2856-B040 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? 4l 115,00 €
SO-2856-B040 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? 4l 115,00 €
SO-2856-B040 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? 4l 115,00 €
SO-2858-B010 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 1l 46,50 €
SO-2858-B010 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 1l 46,50 €
SO-2858-B010 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 1l 46,50 €
SO-2858-B025 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 2.5l 105,90 €
SO-2858-B025 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 2.5l 105,90 €
SO-2858-B025 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 2.5l 105,90 €
SO-2858-B040 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 4l 148,30 €
SO-2858-B040 Tetrahydrofuran HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 4l 148,30 €
SO-2925-B025 2-Ethoxyethanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 119,60 €
SO-2925-B025 2-Ethoxyethanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 119,60 €
SO-3041-B010 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 12,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-3041-B010 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 12,00 €
SO-3041-B010 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 12,00 €
SO-3041-B025 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 21,65 €
SO-3041-B025 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 21,65 €
SO-3041-B040 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 4l 31,40 €
SO-3041-B040 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? 4l 31,40 €
SO-3043-B010 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 15,20 €
SO-3043-B010 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 15,20 €
SO-3043-B025 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-3043-B025 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-3043-B040 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 4l 49,80 €
SO-3043-B040 Propan-2-ol HPLC Optigrade? 4l 49,80 €
SO-3044-B040 Propan-2-ol for the tobacco industry 4l 107,00 €
SO-3046-B040 Propan-2-ol for the tobacco industry 4l 107,00 €
SO-3047-B040 Propan-2-ol for the tobacco industry 4l 107,00 €
SO-3210-B010 Dimethylsulfoxid Headspace Grade 1l 182,00 €
SO-3210-B010 Dimethylsulfoxid Headspace Grade 1l 182,00 €
SO-3210-B010 Dimethylsulfoxide Headspace Grade 1l 182,00 €
SO-3210-B010 Dimethylsulfoxide Headspace Grade 1l 182,00 €
SO-3230-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamid Headspace Grade 1l 156,00 €
SO-3230-B010 N,N-Dimethylformamide Headspace Grade 1l 156,00 €
SO-3240-B010 N,N-Dimethylacetamid Headspace Grade 1l 192,00 €
SO-3240-B010 N,N-Dimethylacetamide Headspace Grade 1l 192,00 €
SO-3260-B005 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinon (DMI) Headspace Grade 500ml 515,00 €
SO-3260-B005 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone (DMI) Headspace Grade 500ml 515,00 €
SO-3442-B010 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 1l 18,40 €
SO-3442-B010 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 1l 18,40 €
SO-3442-B010 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 1l 18,40 €
SO-3442-B010 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 1l 18,40 €
SO-3442-B025 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 40,05 €
SO-3442-B025 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 40,05 €
SO-3442-B025 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 40,05 €
SO-3442-B025 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 40,05 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethyl acetate HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-3442-B040 Ethylacetat HPLC Optigrade? 4l 62,90 €
SO-4436-B010 n-Nonan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 164,30 €
SO-4436-B010 n-Nonan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 164,30 €
SO-4436-B010 n-Nonane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 164,30 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-4436-B010 n-Nonane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 164,30 €
SO-4443-B010 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 1l 22,80 €
SO-4443-B010 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 1l 22,80 €
SO-4443-B010 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 22,80 €
SO-4443-B010 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 22,80 €
SO-4443-B025 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-4443-B025 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-4443-B025 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-4443-B025 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-4443-B040 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 4l 76,85 €
SO-4443-B040 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alcohol-free. stabilised with amylene) 4l 76,85 €
SO-4443-B040 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 76,85 €
SO-4443-B040 Chloroform HPLC Optigrade? (alkoholfrei, stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 76,85 €
SO-4483-B010 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 1l 15,20 €
SO-4483-B010 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 1l 15,20 €
SO-4483-B010 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 1l 15,20 €
SO-4483-B025 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-4483-B025 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 31,40 €
SO-4483-B040 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 4l 49,70 €
SO-4483-B040 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 4l 49,70 €
SO-4483-B040 Toluene HPLC Optigrade? 4l 49,70 €
SO-4661-B025 Water 0.1 % formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4661-B025 Water 0.1 % formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4667-B025 Water 0.1 % acetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4667-B025 Water 0.1 % acetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4673-B025 Water 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4673-B025 Water 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4673-B025 Water 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 87,00 €
SO-4680-B025 Acetonitril 0.1 % Ameisens?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4680-B025 Acetonitril 0.1 % Ameisens?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4680-B025 Acetonitrile 0.1 % formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4680-B025 Acetonitrile 0.1 % formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4686-B025 Acetonitril 0.1 % Essigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4686-B025 Acetonitrile 0.1 % acetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4692-B025 Acetonitril 0.1 % Trifluoressigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4692-B025 Acetonitril 0.1 % Trifluoressigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4692-B025 Acetonitrile 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4692-B025 Acetonitrile 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-4879-B010 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 16,30 €
SO-4879-B010 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 1l 16,30 €
SO-4879-B010 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 1l 16,30 €
SO-4879-B010 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 1l 16,30 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-4879-B025 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 35,70 €
SO-4879-B025 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Amylen) 2.5l 35,70 €
SO-4879-B025 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 35,70 €
SO-4879-B025 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 2.5l 35,70 €
SO-4879-B040 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 56,40 €
SO-4879-B040 Dichlormethan HPLC Optigrade? ( stabilisiert mit Amylen) 4l 56,40 €
SO-4879-B040 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 4l 56,40 €
SO-4879-B040 Dichloromethane HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with amylene) 4l 56,40 €
SO-5139-B010 n-Heptan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 38,00 €
SO-5139-B010 n-Heptan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 38,00 €
SO-5139-B010 n-Heptane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 38,00 €
SO-5139-B010 n-Heptane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 38,00 €
SO-5139-B025 n-Heptan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 81,15 €
SO-5139-B025 n-Heptan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 81,15 €
SO-5139-B025 n-Heptane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 81,15 €
SO-5139-B025 n-Heptane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 81,15 €
SO-5139-B040 n-Heptan HPLC Optigrade? 4l 128,75 €
SO-5139-B040 n-Heptane HPLC Optigrade? 4l 128,75 €
SO-5167-B010 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,45 €
SO-5167-B010 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,45 €
SO-5167-B010 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,45 €
SO-5167-B010 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 32,45 €
SO-5167-B025 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 73,50 €
SO-5167-B025 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 73,50 €
SO-5167-B025 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 73,50 €
SO-5167-B025 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 73,50 €
SO-5167-B040 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 4l 109,00 €
SO-5167-B040 n-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 4l 109,00 €
SO-5167-B040 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 4l 109,00 €
SO-5167-B040 n-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 4l 109,00 €
SO-5351-B025 Propan-1-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-5351-B025 Propan-1-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-5351-B025 Propan-1-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-5351-B025 Propan-1-ol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 47,65 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamid HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamid HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamid HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamide HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamide HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5356-B025 N,N-Dimethylformamide HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-5398-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 54,10 €
SO-5398-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 54,10 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-5398-B025 Methyl-tert-butylether HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 54,10 €
SO-5407-B025 N,N-Dimethylacetamid HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 70,30 €
SO-5407-B025 N,N-Dimethylacetamid HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 70,30 €
SO-5407-B025 N,N-Dimethylacetamide HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 70,30 €
SO-5407-B025 N,N-Dimethylacetamide HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 70,30 €
SO-5407-B040 N,N-Dimethylacetamid HPLC Optigrade? 4l 110,25 €
SO-5407-B040 N,N-Dimethylacetamid HPLC Optigrade? 4l 110,25 €
SO-5407-B040 N,N-Dimethylacetamide HPLC Optigrade? 4l 110,25 €
SO-5407-B040 N,N-Dimethylacetamide HPLC Optigrade? 4l 110,25 €
SO-6043-B010 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 1l 29,25 €
SO-6043-B010 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 1l 29,25 €
SO-6043-B010 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 1l 29,25 €
SO-6043-B025 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 2.5l 62,70 €
SO-6043-B025 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 2.5l 62,70 €
SO-6043-B040 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 4l 99,50 €
SO-6043-B040 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane HPLC Optigrade? (Isooctane) 4l 99,50 €
SO-6157-B010 Cyclopentan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 40,00 €
SO-6157-B010 Cyclopentan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 40,00 €
SO-6157-B010 Cyclopentane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 40,00 €
SO-6157-B010 Cyclopentane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 40,00 €
SO-6795-B025 Water HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 18,40 €
SO-6795-B025 Water HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 18,40 €
SO-6795-B040 Water HPLC Optigrade? 4l 29,20 €
SO-6795-B040 Water HPLC Optigrade? 4l 29,20 €
SO-6795-B040 Water HPLC Optigrade? 4l 29,20 €
SO-9002-B010 1,4-Dioxan HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 1l 66,00 €
SO-9002-B010 1,4-Dioxan HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 1l 66,00 €
SO-9002-B010 1,4-Dioxane HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 1l 66,00 €
SO-9002-B010 1,4-Dioxane HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 1l 66,00 €
SO-9002-B025 1,4-Dioxan HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 2.5l 142,50 €
SO-9002-B025 1,4-Dioxan HPLC Optigrade? (nicht stabilisiert) 2.5l 142,50 €
SO-9002-B025 1.4-Dioxane HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 2.5l 142,50 €
SO-9002-B025 1.4-Dioxane HPLC Optigrade? (not stabilised) 2.5l 142,50 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B010 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 1l 30,40 €
SO-9012-B025 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-9012-B025 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-9012-B025 Diethyl ether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilised with ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-9012-B025 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-9012-B025 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-9012-B025 Diethylether HPLC Optigrade? (stabilisiert mit Ethanol) 2.5l 69,30 €
SO-9043-B025 Iso-Hexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 80,10 €
SO-9043-B025 Iso-Hexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 80,10 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B010 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 29,25 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexan HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9052-B025 Cyclohexane HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 59,50 €
SO-9056-B005 Carbon disulfide free from aromatic hydrocarbons 500ml 73,70 €
SO-9056-B005 Carbon disulfide free from aromatic hydrocarbons 500ml 73,70 €
SO-9063-B010 Ethanol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 62,80 €
SO-9063-B010 Ethanol HPLC Optigrade? 1l 62,80 €
SO-9063-B025 Ethanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 138,40 €
SO-9063-B025 Ethanol HPLC Optigrade? 2.5l 138,40 €
SO-9081-B010 n-Pentan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 31,40 €
SO-9081-B010 n-Pentan HPLC Optigrade? 1l 31,40 €
SO-9081-B010 n-Pentane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 31,40 €
SO-9081-B010 n-Pentane HPLC Optigrade? 1l 31,40 €
SO-9128-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 1l 38,00 €
SO-9128-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 1l 38,00 €
SO-9128-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 1l 38,00 €
SO-9128-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 1l 38,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 85,00 €
SO-9128-B040 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 4l 128,00 €
SO-9128-B040 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 4l 128,00 €
SO-9128-B040 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade.. 4l 128,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-9128-B040 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade.. 4l 128,00 €
SO-9145-B025 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane for IR-Spectroscopy 2.5l 269,00 €
SO-9145-B025 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane for IR-Spectroscopy 2.5l 269,00 €
SO-9154-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 1l 44,00 €
SO-9154-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 1l 44,00 €
SO-9154-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 1l 44,00 €
SO-9154-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 1l 44,00 €
SO-9154-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 2.5l 98,00 €
SO-9154-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 2.5l 98,00 €
SO-9154-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 2.5l 98,00 €
SO-9154-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? Super Gradient Grade 2.5l 98,00 €
SO-9180-B025 Acetonitril DNA, max. 0,003% Wasser 2.5l 149,00 €
SO-9180-B025 Acetonitrile DNA. max. 0.003% water 2.5l 149,00 €
SO-9184-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? (für die PAK- und Pestizid-Analytik) 1l 62,00 €
SO-9184-B010 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? (für die PAK- und Pestizid-Analytik) 1l 62,00 €
SO-9184-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? (for analysis of PAHs and pesticides) 1l 62,00 €
SO-9184-B010 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? (for analysis of PAHs and pesticides) 1l 62,00 €
SO-9184-B025 Acetonitril HPLC Optigrade? (für die PAK- und Pestizid-Analytik) 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-9184-B025 Acetonitrile HPLC Optigrade? (for analysis of PAHs and pesticides) 2.5l 125,00 €
SO-9186-B025 Acetonitril DNA, max. 0,001% Wasser 2.5l 162,00 €
SO-9186-B025 Acetonitrile DNA. max. 0.001% water 2.5l 162,00 €
SO-9260-B010 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 1l 13,00 €
SO-9260-B025 Methanol HPLC Optigrade? Gradient Grade 2.5l 23,80 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B010 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 43,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitril für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9340-B025 Acetonitrile für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 95,00 €
SO-9345-B010 Ethyl acetate for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 25,20 €
SO-9345-B010 Ethyl acetate for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 25,20 €
SO-9345-B010 Ethylacetat für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 25,20 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-9345-B010 Ethylacetat für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 25,20 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethyl acetate for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethyl acetate for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethyl acetate for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethylacetat für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethylacetat für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9345-B025 Ethylacetat für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 54,60 €
SO-9352-B010 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 21,90 €
SO-9352-B010 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 21,90 €
SO-9352-B010 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 21,90 €
SO-9352-B025 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 52,00 €
SO-9352-B025 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 52,00 €
SO-9352-B025 Propan-2-ol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 52,00 €
SO-9356-B010 Methanol for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 18,50 €
SO-9356-B010 Methanol for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 18,50 €
SO-9356-B010 Methanol für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 18,50 €
SO-9356-B010 Methanol für LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 18,50 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9356-B025 Methanol für LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 39,20 €
SO-9364-B010 Tetrahydrofuran for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 48,50 €
SO-9364-B025 Tetrahydrofuran for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 109,00 €
SO-9368-B010 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 16,20 €
SO-9368-B010 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 16,20 €
SO-9368-B010 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 16,20 €
SO-9368-B010 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 1l 16,20 €
SO-9368-B025 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 38,60 €
SO-9368-B025 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 38,60 €
SO-9368-B025 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 38,60 €
SO-9368-B025 Water for LC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 38,60 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B010 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 1l 41,10 €
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexan zur Analyse LHKW und EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
SO-9500-B025 n-Hexane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX 2.5l 79,60 €
SO-9501-B010 n-Pentane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons 1l 46,50 €
SO-9501-B010 n-Pentane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons 1l 46,50 €
SO-9502-B010 Petroleum ether for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX (40 - 60°C) 1l 44,40 €
SO-9502-B025 Petroleum ether for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and EOX (40 - 60°C) 2.5l 77,50 €
SO-9505-B005 Benzyl alcohol for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated compounds and EOX 500ml 91,75 €
SO-9505-B005 Benzyl alcohol for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated compounds and EOX 500ml 91,75 €
SO-9505-B005 Benzylalkohol z.A. LHKW, aromatenfrei und EOX 500ml 91,75 €
SO-9505-B005 Benzylalkohol z.A. LHKW, aromatenfrei und EOX 500ml 91,75 €
SO-9509-B010 2-Methoxyethanol for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons 1l 43,50 €
SO-9509-B010 2-Methoxyethanol for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons 1l 43,50 €
SO-9509-B010 2-Methoxyethanol zur Analyse LHKW, 1l 43,50 €
SO-9509-B010 2-Methoxyethanol zur Analyse LHKW, 1l 43,50 €
SO-9510-B010 Methanol Purge & Trap 1l 32,75 €
SO-9510-B010 Methanol Purge & Trap 1l 32,75 €
SO-9534-B040 Mixture Cyclohexane/Ethylacetate 1:1 4l 101,75 €
SO-9610-B005 n-Pentane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and EOX 500ml 42,25 €
SO-9610-B005 n-Pentane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and EOX 500ml 42,25 €
SO-9610-B005 n-Pentane for the analysis of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons and EOX 500ml 42,25 €
SO-9640-B010 Acetonitril ULC-MS Optigrade? 1l 45,00 €
SO-9640-B010 Acetonitril ULC-MS Optigrade? 1l 45,00 €
SO-9640-B010 Acetonitrile UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 45,00 €
SO-9640-B010 Acetonitrile UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 45,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B010 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 1l 22,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9658-B025 Methanol ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 48,00 €
SO-9662-B010 Water UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 36,60 €
SO-9662-B010 Water UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 1l 36,60 €
SO-9662-B025 Wasser ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 83,60 €
SO-9662-B025 Wasser ULC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 83,60 €
SO-9662-B025 Water UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 83,60 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SO-9662-B025 Water UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 2.5l 83,60 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoressigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoressigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoressigs?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9668-B001 Trifluoroacetic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 77,00 €
SO-9679-B001 Ameisens?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 73,20 €
SO-9679-B001 Ameisens?ure ULC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 73,20 €
SO-9679-B001 Formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 73,20 €
SO-9679-B001 Formic acid UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100ml 73,20 €
SO-9685-B001 Ammonium acetate UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100g 45,75 €
SO-9685-B001 Ammonium acetate UHPLC-MS Optigrade? 100g 45,75 €
SO-9685-B001 Ammoniumacetat ULC-MS Optigrade? 100g 45,75 €
SO-9685-B001 Ammoniumacetat ULC-MS Optigrade? 100g 45,75 €
SO-9800-B025 Dichlormethan nitrosaminfrei 2.5l 61,70 €
SO-9800-B025 Dichlormethan nitrosaminfrei 2.5l 61,70 €
SO-9800-B025 Dichloromethane nitrosamine-free 2.5l 61,70 €
SO-9800-B025 Dichloromethane nitrosamine-free 2.5l 61,70 €
SO-9800-B040 Dichlormethan nitrosaminfrei 4l 87,40 €
SO-9800-B040 Dichloromethane nitrosamine-free 4l 87,40 €
SPS-NU-WW Waste water - Anions 6x50ml 132,00 €
SPS-NU-WW1 Waste water - Anions 6x50ml 132,00 €
SPS-NU-WW2 Waste water - Anions 6x50ml 132,00 €
SPS-NU-WW2 Waste water - Anions 6x50ml 132,00 €
SPS-SW1 Surface water - Trace metals 6x50ml 134,00 €
SPS-SW1 Surface water - Trace metals 6x50ml 134,00 €
SPS-SW2 Surface water - Trace metals 6x50ml 134,00 €
SPS-SW2 Surface water - Trace metals 6x50ml 134,00 €
SPS-WW1 Waste water - Trace metals 6x50ml 122,00 €
SPS-WW1 Waste water - Trace metals 6x50ml 122,00 €
SPS-WW2 Waste water - Trace metals 6x50ml 122,00 €
SPS-WW2 Waste water - Trace metals 6x50ml 122,00 €
SS99850-0 SETA MTVM Kerosine (Jet turbine fuel) 500ml 720,00 €
SS99851-0 SETA MTVM Gas oil 500ml 720,00 €
SS99852-0 SETA MTVM Fuel oil 500ml 720,00 €
SS99853-0 SETA MTVM lubricating oil 500ml 720,00 €
SS99854-0 SETA MTVM motor gasoline 500ml 720,00 €
SS99856-0 SETA MTVM bitumen 500ml 720,00 €
SS99857-0 Kerosene - Naphthalenes 50ml 720,00 €
SS99858-0 Kerosene - Sulfur ED X-ray 50ml 720,00 €
SS99859-0 Gas oil - Sulfur ED X-ray 50ml 720,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
SS99860-0 Fuel oil - Vanadium and nickel 50ml 720,00 €
SS99862-0 Fuel oil - Sulfur ED X-ray 50ml 720,00 €
SS99863-0 Lube oil - Trace elements 50ml 720,00 €
SS99865-0 Gasoline - Benzene 5x5ml 720,00 €
SS99866-0 Fuel oil - Sulfur WD X-ray 50ml 720,00 €
SS99867-0 Gas oil - Sulfur WD X-ray 50ml 720,00 €
SS99868-0 Gasoline - Sulfur UVF 50ml 720,00 €
SS99869-0 Gas oil - Aromatics HPLC 50ml 720,00 €
SS99898-0 Gas oil - Aromatics HPLC 50ml 720,00 €
SS99902-0 SETA BIO STVM Gas oil 50ml 690,00 €
SS99903-0 SETA BIO STVM Gas oil 50ml 690,00 €
SS99904-0 SETA BIO STVM Gas oil 50ml 690,00 €
SS99905-0 Kerosene (Jet turbine fuel) - Boiling range distribution 10ml 720,00 €
SS99906-0 Gas oil - Boiling range distribution 10ml 720,00 €
SS99908-0 SETA BIO MTVM Gas oil 500ml 690,00 €
STA-003K Tetramethylurea (TMU) - Isotopic ratio (D/H) 500ml 1.500,00 €
STDNACON260280 Wavelength accuracy in critical nucleic acid measurements - 260/280 nm measurement ratio cell 846,00 €
STRM-02 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-02-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-0204 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 1.022,00 €
STRM-0204-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 494,00 €
STRM-020406 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 1.289,00 €
STRM-020406-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 602,00 €
STRM-02040608 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 1.557,00 €
STRM-02040608-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 709,00 €
STRM- Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 1.825,00 €
STRM--R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 816,00 €
STRM-020610HLKCTX Single Box 3-point linearity full spec. kit ( 9 cells ) set 2.637,00 €
STRM-020610HLKCTX- Recertification: Single Box 3-point linearity full spec. kit ( 9 cells ) set 1.192,00 €
STRM-04 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-04-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-06 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-06-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-0660HLKCSITX UV and visible instrument spec. kit set 2.688,00 €
STRM-0660HLKCSITX- Recertification: UV and visible instrument spec. kit set 1.213,00 €
STRM-0660HLKCTX E.P. 5.2 Pharmacopoeia kit set 2.369,00 €
STRM-0660HLKCTX-R Recertification: E.P. 5.2 Pharmacopoeia kit set 1.080,00 €
STRM-0660HLKCTX/R/ Upgrade/recert. of pharmacopoeia kit (STRM-06HLKCTX) to E.P. 5.2 set 1.225,00 €
STRM-06DLKI STRM-06 + STRM-DL + STRM-KI set 1.655,00 €
STRM-06DLKI-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-DL + STRM-KI set 779,00 €
STRM-06HL STRM-06 + STRM-HL set 1.209,00 €
STRM-06HL-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL set 592,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
STRM-06HLKCBZ STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KC + STRM-BZ set 1.904,00 €
STRM-06HLKCBZ-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KC + STRM-BZ set 884,00 €
STRM-06HLKCSITX UV single absorbance instrument spec. kit set 2.421,00 €
STRM-06HLKCSITX-R Recertification: UV single absorbance instrument spec. kit set 1.101,00 €
STRM-06HLKCTX Pharmacopoeia kit set 2.102,00 €
STRM-06HLKCTX-R Recertification: Pharmacopoeia kit set 967,00 €
STRM-06HLKI STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI set 1.655,00 €
STRM-06HLKI-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI set 779,00 €
STRM-06HLKIBZ STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-BZ set 1.904,00 €
STRM-06HLKIBZ-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-BZ set 884,00 €
STRM-06HLKIKC STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-KC set 1.974,00 €
STRM-06HLKIKC-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-KC set 913,00 €
STRM-06HLKITX STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-TX set 2.102,00 €
STRM-06HLKITX-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-KI + STRM-TX set 967,00 €
STRM-06HLSC STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-SC set 1.655,00 €
STRM-06HLSC-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL + STRM-SC set 779,00 €
STRM-06HLSLKC STRM-06 + STRM-HL+ STRM-SL + STRM-KC set 2.110,00 €
STRM-06HLSLKC-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-HL+ STRM-SL + STRM-KC set 971,00 €
STRM-06KIKCTX STRM-06 + STRM-KI + STRM-KC + STRM-TX set 1.966,00 €
STRM-06KIKCTX-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-KI + STRM-KC + STRM-TX set 910,00 €
STRM-06SLLCBZ STRM-06 + STRM-SL + STRM-LC + STRM-BZ set 1.904,00 €
STRM-06SLLCBZ-R Recertification: STRM-06 + STRM-SL + STRM-LC + STRM-BZ set 884,00 €
STRM-08 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-08-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-10 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-10-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-1A2A3A4A Nicotinic acid - UV absorbance and linearity set 1.979,00 €
STRM-1A2A3A4A-R Recertification: Nicotinic acid - UV absorbance and linearity set 878,00 €
STRM-1A2A3A4ARE Far UV combination kit set 2.530,00 €
STRM-1A2A3A4ARE-R Recertification: Far UV combination kit set 1.147,00 €
STRM-1N2N3N Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 1.026,00 €
STRM-1N2N3N-R Recertification: Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 497,00 €
STRM-5N Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 608,00 €
STRM-5N-R Recertification: Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 329,00 €
STRM-60 Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 754,00 €
STRM-60-R Recertification: Potassium dichromate - UV absorbance and linearity set 388,00 €
STRM-AC Inorganic cut-off filter (acetone) - UV stray light (cut-off at 326 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-AC-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 326 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-AQ Inorganic cut-off filter (water) - UV stray light (blank) cell 288,00 €
STRM-BZ Benzene vapour cell 440,00 €
STRM-BZ-R Recertification: Benzene vapour cell 262,00 €
STRM-D1D39N Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 1.026,00 €
Article code Description Unit size List price
STRM-D1D39N-R Recertification: Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 497,00 €
STRM-DG Didymium glass - UV wavelength filter 503,00 €
STRM-DG-R Recertification: Didymium glass - UV wavelength filter 296,00 €
STRM-DL Didymium (neodymium & praesodymium) - UV and visible wavelength cell 691,00 €
STRM-DL-R Recertification: Didymium (neodymium & praesodymium) - UV and visible wavelength cell 375,00 €
STRM-HG Holmium glass filter - UV and visible wavelength filter 503,00 €
STRM-HG-R Recertification: Holmium glass filter - UV and visible wavelength filter 296,00 €
STRM-HL Holmium oxide - UV and visible wavelength cell 691,00 €
STRM-HL-R Recertification: Holmium oxide - UV and visible wavelength cell 375,00 €
STRM-KC Inorganic cut-off filter (potassium chloride; 1.2% aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 200 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-KC-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 200 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-KI Inorganic cut-off filter (potassium iodide; 1% aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 260 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-KI-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 260 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-LC Inorganic cut-off filter (lithium carbonate; saturated aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 227 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-LC-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 227 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-N1N35N Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 1.026,00 €
STRM-N1N35N-R Recertification: Neutral density filter - Visible absorbance and linearity set 497,00 €
STRM-RE Rare earth - UV and visible wavelength cell 756,00 €
STRM-RE-R Recertification: Rare earth - UV and visible wavelength cell 402,00 €
STRM-RM-NIR Certified NIR wavelength reference for transmittance measurements cuv. 976,00 €
STRM-RM-NIR/T Certified NIR wavelength reference for transmittance and trans-flectance measurements cuv. 1.160,00 €
STRM-SC Inorganic cut-off filter (sodium chloride; 1% aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 205 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-SC-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 205 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-SI Inorganic cut-off filter (sodium iodide; 1% aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 260 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-SI-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 260 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-SL Samarium - UV and visible wavelength cell 691,00 €
STRM-SL-R Recertification: Samarium - UV and visible wavelength cell 375,00 €
STRM-SN Inorganic cut-off filter (sodium nitrite; 5% aqueous) - UV stray light (cut-off at 390 nm) set 723,00 €
STRM-SN-R Recertification: Inorganic cut-off filter - UV stray light (cut-off at 390 nm) set 375,00 €
STRM-TX Toluene in hexane - resolution set 723,00 €
STRM-TX-R Recertification: Toluene in hexane - resolution set 375,00 €
U-1016TK Aroclor 1016 Kit kit 127,00 €
U-1221TK Aroclor 1221 Kit kit 127,00 €
U-1232TK Aroclor 1232 Kit kit 127,00 €
U-1242TK Aroclor 1242 Kit kit 127,00 €
U-1242TK-A PCB Contaminant Kit - Aroclor 1242 in Transformer Oil kit 92,00 €
U-1242TK-B PCB Contaminant Kit - Aroclor 1242 in Transformer Oil kit 92,00 €
U-1242TK-B1 Aroclor 1242 50 μg/g in Transformer Oil 1ml 37,00 €
U-1242TK-B2 Aroclor 1242 500 μg/g in Transformer Oil 1ml 47,00 €
U-1248TK Aroclor 1248 Kit kit 127,00 €
U-1248TK-B PCB Contaminant Kit - Aroclor 1248 in Transformer Oil kit 92,00 €
U-1248TK-B1 Aroclor 1248 50 μg/g in Transformer Oil 1ml 37,00 €
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