CAMAG观察箱,UV Cabinet 紫外观察箱,深圳紫外观察箱报价
CAMAG双波长紫外观察箱UV Cabinet
1.紫外灯采用12伏交/直流电,将输入电转换成25-30KHz高频电,消除使用50/60Hz电源的闪烁现象;254/366 nm双波长测试。
CAMAG UV Cabinet dual wavelength, 254/366 nm, 2x8 watt in combination with CAMAG Viewing Box 3 (= UV Cabinet)
The UV Cabinet is suitable for inspecting thin-layer chromatograms and other objects in an undarkened room. The front of the box is closed with a roller shutter, which can be pushed open to the left or to the right as required for inserting or marking objects. A glass filter in the viewing window protects the eyes against reflected short-wave UV light. Great care has been taken to ensure the correct distances between UV lamp, object and the observer’s eye in the interest of good illumination and untroubled viewing.
:覃 :szkmj17
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: :szkmj