DIG DNA Labeling Kit
Random-primed labeling of DNA probes with DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-labile. The standard reaction with 1 µg template DNA will give a yield of 260 ng DIG-labeled DNA after 1-hour incubation at 37°C, or 780 ng after 20-hour incubation. DIG-labeled DNA probes are used in all types of nucleic-acid filter hybridizations. DIG-labeled nucleic-acid hybrids are detected by an enzyme-linked immunoassay using anti-DIG-AP conjugate and chromogenic or chemiluminescence AP substrates.
Product Description
Sensitivity and specificity: A single-copy human gene (tPA gene) is detected with a DIG-labeled probe in a Southern blot of 1 µg digested human placenta DNA.
- Unlabeled Control DNA 1, 20 µl, [100 µg/ml]
- Unlabeled Control DNA 2, 20 µl, [200 µg/ml]
- DNA Dilution Buffer, 2 x 1 ml
- DIG-labeled Control DNA, 50 µl, [5.2 µg/ml]
- Hexanucleotide Mix, 10x, 80 µl
- dNTP Labeling Mixture, 10x, 80 µl
- Klenow Enzyme, labeling grade, 40 µl, [2 U/µl]