R1252:琼脂糖/Agarose/西班牙琼脂糖/琼脂糖供应: 规格100g
Agarose, is a linear homopolymers, from the sea ShiHuaCai algae extract, also have extracted from asparagus, appearance white powder, gel strength quartile 2000 g/cm2, melt glue temperature of 91 ℃, gel temperature 33 ℃, 0.4% or ash, electricity than of the seepage 0.13 (EEO-Mr), do not contain DNA, RNA and other enzymes, biological level, in the food and pharmaceutical industry has a wide range of applications, molecular biology for the electrophoresis, gel, filtration and so on.
R1252: Agarose/Agarose: size 100 g,相关产品:
琼脂糖 | 西班牙 | 100g |
低溶点琼脂糖 | Promega V2111 | 2.5g |
Agarose L.M.P | Promega V2111 | 5g |
两性电解质3.5-5.5 | 北京 | 12ml |
两性电解质3.0-9.5 | 北京 | 12ml |
两性电解质4.0-6.0 | 北京 | 12ml |
两性电解质5.0-7.0 | 北京 | 12ml |
两性电解质6.0-9.0 | 北京 | 12ml |
甲基纤维素 | Sigma M0512 | 100g |
Methyl Cellulose | Sigma M0512 | 500g |
羧甲基纤维素 | Sigma C4888 | 100g |
纤维素CM-22 | Whatman | 100g |
纤维素DM-52 | Whatman | 100g |
纤维素DM-32 | Whatman | 25g |
DEAE纤维素 | Sigma D3764 | 100g |
纤维素DE-52 | Whatman 4057-100 | 100g |