北京慧德易专业销售Merck层析板Multiformat Plates (TLC和HPTLC)
105635 HPTLC Silica gel 60 F254 Multiformat pre-scored to 5 x 5 cm ( 硅胶GX层析板 ) ex Glass plates 10 x 10 cm
105620 TLC Silica gel 60 F254 Multiformat prescored to 5 x 10 cm ( 硅胶薄层层析板 含荧光指示剂 含多种规格片 ) 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,
105608 TLC Silica gel 60 F254 Multiformat pre-scored to 5 x 20 cm ( 硅胶薄层层析板 含荧光指示剂 ) 20 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm
欲了解更多产品信息,请公司:/1/2/3,4008-111-326查询,或登录公司查询:www.prep-hplc.com 北京慧德易科技有限责任公司竭诚为你服务!