螺线管, 场强可至 18 T 57 mm cold bore 10^-
3 homogeneity
分裂线圈,场强可至 14 T 各种分裂模式及样品通路
向量旋转磁体 多种混合模式,场强不同配置,如 9/1/1 T

Dr Diez, from the University of Salamanca, commented, “When I started to set-up my laboratory devoted to magneto-transport in nanoelectronics devices; we concluded that technologies based on liquid helium were clearly not sustainable and we looked for new environmentally-friendly technologies that could provide ultra-low temperature and high-magnetic field environments without the use of liquid helium. We chose Oxford Instruments as the ideal partner and we developed a special Heliox ACV solution capable of working with a Cryofree magnet of 12 T with a room temperature open-bore of 55 mm. In addition to the dramatic reduction of operating costs and the preservation of the natural resources of helium, there are many advantages compared to a regular 3He refrigerator. Operating this system is extremely simple, just pump out the vacuum space, press one button and wait. A very important advantage is that you can measure continuously from millikelvin to room temperature (without having to merge data measured in two cryostats) i.e. you do not need an additional system for studies in the range 10-300 K. On the other hand having the magnet outside your cryostat, provides the possibility of new experiments in biophysics and gives you much more flexibility if you do not need much sample space”
Dr Richard Philips, from Cambridge University: " I am delighted with the convenience of my Cryofree magnet system. Preparation of the magnet for an experiment onlu involves the usual pumping, and switching on of the cryocooler a couple of days before we start. the magnet works well, and is a key component in our unique experiment for confocal magneto-optical studies of quantum dots with arbitrary orientation with respect to the magnetic field."
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