Electrical alarm contacts make or brake
an electric control circuit relative to the
position of the instrument pointer. They
are built into case Ø 100 and 160.
General features: Points of contact actuation are adjustable
over the full extension of the scale
graduation and will usually be arranged
below the dial plate (on top of the dial
plate sometimes possible).
Pointer deflection is not obstructed by
the contact mechanism.
Wiring depends on the model and is
made by either a flying lead of 1 metre
cable (cross-section 0.75 mm²) or by
means of a junction box at side of the
case (clamps for cross-section max.
2.5 mm²).
Contact setting: The cases feature a hub in the window
into which a key inserts. Normally all
contacts may set at exactly the same
scale value. Contact actuation is made
when the instrument pointer sweeps
the contact indicator from either side.
Sliding contacts of type: S