此款VODL(Variable Optical Delay Line)可调光延迟线可精密稳定的控制光线的延时,精度为150fs。与参考的光路(可选)相比,可进行600ps之内的可控时延。
The vodl enables a very precise and stable control of light delay. It features a reference arm (in option) that
enables the devices to give an absolute precision of the delay in respect with the reference. This delay is
independent of the temperature because it is done in air. We can provide also a free space In & Out. For PM
versions we can either block the unwanted polarization, the device acting also as a polarizer with high
Polarization Extinction Ratio, or keeping both polarizations, while minimizing crosstalk between polarizations
• Optical paths matching,
• Balancing optical receivers or photodiodes,
• Signals synchronisation,
• Interferometric measurements.