DST8014b:不同分期胃癌及边缘组织组合微阵列,附病理分级、TNM和临床分期,80例/80点 病理类型:含70例腺癌(1例 I期,37例 II期,32例 III期),10例边缘组织,一例一点。 组织芯片经免疫组化(IHC)验证 储存条件:4℃保存,常温运输,建议2-3月内使用 注意事项:实验前60℃烤片30分钟,建议采用较温和的修FF式,指在修复冲洗过程中不剧烈震荡和摇晃芯片,避免造成物理性的组织损伤。 T Primary tumor TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed T1 Tumor invades mucosa or muscle layer T1a, tumor invades mucosa T1B, tumor invades muscle T2 Tumor invades perimuscular connentive tissue, no extension beyond serosa or into liver T3 Tumor invades beyond serosa or into one adjacent organ or both (extension < 2cm into liver= T4 Tumor extend > 2cm into liver and/or into two or more adjacent organs (stomach, duodenum, colon, pancreas, omentum, extrahepatic bile ducts)
N Regional lymph nodes Nx Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed No No regional lymph node metastasis N1a, Metastasis in cystic duct, pericholedochel, and/or gastrohepatie lymph nodes N1b, Metastasis in peripancreatic, periduodenal, periportal, celiac, and/or superior mesenteric artery lymph nodes
M Distant metastasis Mx Presence of distant metastasis cannot be assessed M0 No distant metastasis M1 DT Primary tumor