Antibiotic TAN 420E
产品规格:0.5 mg/2.5 mg
Antibiotic TAN 420E is the hydroquinone analogue of herbimycin A. It has been patented as an antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoan active. The study of Antibiotic TAN 402E has been over-shadowed by the more readily accessible quinone. Little is known of the selectivity of the hydroquinone's biological profile compared to that of herbimycin A.
CAS Number: 91700-93-5
Molecular Formula: C30H44N2O9
Molecular Weight: 576.7
Source: from Streptomyces sp.
Purity: > 95% by HPLC
抗生素 TAN 420E(Antibiotic TAN 420E)
货号: BIA-H1037 包装规格: 0.5 mg, 2.5 mg
抗生素 TAN 420E 是除莠霉素A的对苯二酚同类物。其抗细菌,抗真菌以及抗原生动物活性已被授予。相对于更易获得的醌来说,有关抗生素 TAN 402E的研究已经黯然失色。相较除莠霉素A,有关对苯二酚的生物学选择性知道的很少
CAS 号: 91700-93-5
分子式: C30H44N2O9
分子量: 576.7
来源: 来自于链霉菌属
纯度: > 95% by HPLC