Antibiotic TAN 420C
产品规格:0.5 mg/2.5 mg
Antibiotic TAN 420C is a minor analogue of Herbimycin complex
isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus. It is the hydroquinone
of herbimycin C which is known to exhibit antitumor activity and
has been shown to convert Rous sarcoma virus-infected rat kidney
cells into normal cells.
CAS Number: 91700-91-3
Molecular Formula: C29H42N2O9
Molecular Weight: 562.7
Source: from Streptomyces sp.
Purity: > 95% by HPLC
抗生素 TAN 420C(Antibiotic TAN 420C)
货号: BIA-H1039 包装规格: 0.5 mg, 2.5 mg
抗生素 TAN 420C 是一种从吸水链霉菌中提取的除莠霉素复合物的同类物。它是除莠霉素C中的对苯二酚,而除莠霉素C已知具有活性并且可以使劳氏肉瘤病毒感染的小鼠肾脏细胞逆转成正常细胞。
CAS号: 91700-91-3
分子式: C29H42N2O9
分子量: 562.7
来源: 来自于链霉菌属
纯度: > 95% by HPLC