Blasticidin A/杀稻瘟菌素A
产品规格:1 mg/5 mg
Blasticidin A is a high molecular weight tetramic acid with broad
spectrum antifungal and antibacterial activity, first reported in
1955. like many tetramic acids, blasticidin A is isolated as the
stable calcium salt/complex. Blasticidin A and closely related
aflastatin A are specific inhibitors of the production of the
mycotoxin, aflatoxin by Aspergillus parasiticus.
CAS Number: 100513-53-9
Molecular Formula: C58H107NO23
Molecular Weight: 1186.5
Source: from Streptomyces sp.
Purity: >98% by HPLC
杀稻瘟菌素 A(Blasticidin A)
货号:BIA-B1145 Pack Sizes: 1 mg, 5 mg
杀稻瘟菌素 A 初次报导于1955,是一种大分子量的tetramic acid,具有广谱性的抗真菌和抗细菌活性。像很多tetramic acid一样, 杀稻瘟菌素A 也是以稳定的钙盐/复合物形式得以分离的。杀稻瘟菌素A以及与其密切相关的aflastatin A均是寄生曲霉产黄曲霉毒素的特异性YZ剂。
CAS 号: 100513-53-9
分子式: C58H107NO23
分子量: 1186.5
来源: 来自于链霉菌属
纯度: >98% by HPLC