公告提醒:爱必信所有产品和服务仅用于科学研究,不用于临床应用及其他用途提供产品和服务(也不为任何个人提供产品和服务)! 试剂描述: 产品名称:Rocaglamide AL 产品别名:3’-4’-Methylenedioxyrocaglamide CAS号:201212-33-1 英文别名:3’-4’-Methylenedioxyrocaglamide 分子量:448.5 分子式:C26H24O7 纯度:≥97% 外观:见爱必信官网 保存方法:Store at -20° C 描述:Rocaglamides are potent phytochemicals that suppress IFN-γ, TNFα, IL-2, and IL-4 production in peripheral blood T cells at nanomolar concentrations. Studies show that rocaglamides derivatives are effective in inducing the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway in various cancer cell lines and exhibit selective cytotoxic effects. Rocaglamides are members of the cyclopenta ∫ benzofuran group of natural compounds extracted from the plant genus Aglaia. The Algaia plants are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and allergic inflammatory disorders such as asthma. 应用:A derivative of rocaglamide with selective cytotoxic effects 产品信息订购: 产品货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 价格 | 大包装及货期 | abs42026794 | Rocaglamide AL | 50ug | 1456 | 立即咨询 | 产品更多信息请进入爱必信网站咨询 |